Sunday, December 5, 2021

Shimshi's Poised Pose: Caturday Art and Sunday Selfie

Hallo there, Effurrybuddies!

It is Me, the Mighty Shimshon (Shimshi for short) a.k.a. The Little Purrince, Furrst of My Name, Master of the Queen's Mischiefs and Captain of the Guard!!! It is MY TURN to lead the J-Cats this week, as We join the Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie and the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by those deliciously Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

Tonight, We light the eighth and final Hanukkah candle. Mummy hasn't been as generous about sharing the latkes and sufganiyot with Us as We had hoped. Her excuse is that they are furry unhealthy for kitties - as, indeed, they are for Humans too, dripping with oil and sugar and jam and all that. In her defence, it must be admitted that She, too, cut down on her consumption of these Delicacies. Maybe they should make fish latkes and mouse mousse sufganiyot (donuts) instead (mol).

(It's okay, Mummy. If you don't like them, We can purromise you they won't go to waste - heheheheheh.)

Now, with no further ado, here is My Sunday Selfie.

Mummy says I look extremely poised and extra mancatly in this photo.
Do you agree?

We then headed over to LunaPic, where We experimented with several different artification styles for Our Caturday Art.

Furrst of all, Mummy was so furry pleased with the way the Stained Glass effect turned out for my brofur Caspurr, last week, that We tried a similar filter for Me, set at 50%:

Next up, We chose the Beauty effect - at 55%. (We don't want to overwhelm the world with my Beauty, after all, so We didn't go for the Full Monty - MOL.)

We like the way the slight tinge of pink brings out the green of my eyes.

Next, We tried the Dark art effect (Me being a Master of the Dark Arts, MOL), also at 55%:

This one has grey hints - and in some ways, is rather similar to Our final attempt - Grey (at 75% this time):

Let Us know in the comments section which is your favourite.

In her own bloggie later this week, Mummy hopes to write about the concert in which She and her Caterwauling Club appeared last Fursday, together with the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, in the Israeli premiere of an oratorio in Arabic and English.  We make no purromises but She usually posts on Fursday.

In other news - the Omicron variant of The Dreaded Lurgi the Evil Coronavirus has arrived in Israel but does not appear to have increased the number of seriously ill. Let's hope that it remains so. As for you, Dear Furriends, We are sure you need no Reminder from Us to continue to take all due precautions and make sure your Humans continue to do so as well.

And now, here are the blog hop badges. 


Let's get hopping!

Be well. Be safe. We love you all.


meowmeowmans said...

Hi Shimshi. We love your selfie, and the artwork you created from it. Our favorite was the stained glass one.

Hanukkah Sameach, sweet friends!

Kea said...

Fish and mousie anything sounds better than sugar and jam to Derry. 😁

It's a tough choice with your artwork, but our favourite is the Dark one.

Take care and have a good week. Lots of purrs to all from Derry Bear. 😻

M Dawson said...

They all look good, so I would say it depends on my mood which I like most. I think because you stand out from the background which is simple and unfussy you are the centre of attention and, as you are perfect this is all that matters!

pilch92 said...

Beautiful selfie. I love all your art, especially the stained glass look. Hope you enjoyed Hanukkah even if you didn't get any latkes. XO

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I like them all, but dark and Grey are my favourites.

The Island Cats said...

That's a great selfie, Shimshi. And your artwork is beautiful. I like the last one the best. ~Ernie

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, your selfie is wonderful and your art is all fabulous. I hope you are all enjoying Hanukkah.

BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum said...

Shinshi how can wee pawssiblee pick a faverite when all yore fotoss are so mancatly hansum an beeteeuss??
BellaSita Mum did meow shee LOVESS Stained Glass foto alot...mee REELLY likess THE Dark foto alot!!
Aftur wee finish mee-yowin to youss; wee must go lite THE Menorah....
Porr BellaSita iss furry sad Chanukkah iss allmsot went too quiklee...
Mee iss goin to play Dreidl Dreidl again!!!
Chag Sameach to you an Caspurr an Trixie an Miss Shimona
***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh Mighty Shimshon, The Little Purrince, Furrst of your Name, Master of the Queen's Mischiefs and Captain of the Guard -- your selfie and the ensuing art this week are EPIC! We must admit a preference for the Stained glass, but our sister Jo Jo prefers the Dark Art Grey Effect. I do believe she is smitten. We are sorry that your Peep did not take into account your preferences for Hanukkah treats, but then we find our human is the same with our Yule treats, though she does ensure we get some smoked salmons. As a matter of fact we have had soem cream cheese with smoked salmons today when the tree was decorated. We hope you and your Peep stat safe and have a marvellously Happy Week!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Purrfectly stunning selfie and art! Our favorite is the last one.

Linda said...

Love that stained glass effect!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

I really like the stained glass art!

Yes, you are very poised and gentlemanly in your selfie!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...knot onlee iz yur selfee total lee awesum; sew iz all yur peezez oh art !!! :) happee week a head two ewe all with healtheez az well ♥♥♥

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

A "Glamour Shot" if we ever saw one!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Beautiful selfie and art. Those are great effects!

Furries said...

Oil and sugar and jam sounds yummy!
I'm not sure which art I like more, Beauty or Dark. They're all different & lovely and you are a handsome art model.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz....we came bak bye two wizh everee one a merree Christmas anda happee healthee 2022 ~~~~~ see ewe in jan ewe warry ♥♥♥