Sunday, December 19, 2021

Chrissymouse Greetings from the J-Cats: Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies

Hallo, Effurrybody!

Here in Jerusalem, We J-Cats are enjoying sunny, but furry cold, weather. That is expected to end tomorrow, when Winter Storm Carmel brings wind, rain and pawsibly even snow to the north and centre of the country. If you look at a map, you can see that Jerusalem is more or less in the centre of Israel, although in the past, it was officially part of what was named "the Southern District". At any rate, the Weather Prophet on Mummy's meowbile phone says We are in for it tomorrow. We hope the thunder boomies won't be too loud, but if they are, we shall burrow under the blankies on the bed and try to purrsuade Mummy to come and snuggle there with Us.

As usual, We are pawticipating in the Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie and in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the Adorably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

Strictly speaking, it is Trixie's turn to repurresent Us in this week's blog hops, but as many of you are celebrating Chrissymouse at the weekend, and We all wanted to send you Greetings for the Holiday Season, We decided that this time, all three of Us would share Our Sunday Selfies with you and then turn them into Chrissymouse Art.

So, without further ado, here are Our Selfies.

Trixie furrst, because We believe in purroper Etikitty, and that means ladycats furrst:

And here she is, all artified and dressed up for Chrissymouse:

Next up, Caspurr:

And here he is in Chrissymouse Tree Decoration Mode:

And last - but by no means least - Shimshi, as Large as Life and Twice As Natural (Just kidding. He's a lot bigger than this).

And here he is as a Chrissymouse Bulb:

And here are the Blog Hop Badges:


This coming Fursday, December 23rd, is the 10th anniversary of the Departure of Princess PixiCato aka Pixie, for the Rainbow Bridge. We shall devote next week's bloggie to her, as She deserves a post all to herself. We shall recall tales of Her, and learn all about Her Legacy - which includes this Bloggie, which Pixie co-founded.

Until then, take care of Yourselves and your Humans, and beware of the Devious, Sneaky, Evil Coronavirus, which keeps changing form and disguising itself.

Have a Meowy Chrissymouse.

Be well. Be safe. We love you all.


ZOOLATRY said...

We would love to hang each of these lovely ornaments on our holiday tree! Happy, Merry Christmas to one and all ...
June and Ann

The Florida Furkids said...

Beautiful ornaments!!!

meowmeowmans said...

You made such lovely and beautiful ornaments, sweet friends. We love them! Stay warm and safe, okay?


Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Such adorable art!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You all did lovely selfies, and the pretty Christmas ornaments are lovely. Merry Christmas to all of you.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Love you on the decorations!!!

Katie Isabella said...

I so remember your two babies. It's amazing to think Trixie has been gone away that long.

All of the ornaments are especially beautiful because you are each on them.

All my love dear ones.

Katie Isabella
PS we are so sorry to be missing so much. Things are different right now because of illness in the family. XX

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hope the weather isn't too bad! Love the photos and Chrissymouse decorations :)

BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum said...

Ehat lovelee Selfiess an Catmess ornymentss deerest Trixie an Caspurr an Shimshi!!
Trixie mee thott mee was lookin at meeself inn yore foto! Wee cuud bee twinss!
An Caspurr you look so reegal an Shimshi you look furry thottfull....
Pleese stay warm ann safe as Winter deescendss on youss'!!
Thanx fore yore support an frendship! YORE THE BEST!
***nose bumpss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all really do look ornamentally wonderful!!!

pilch92 said...

You all look great, and I love the art. XO

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Your art work baubles look fit to dress the most regal of trees. Hopefully that nasty weather passes by quickly!
Purrs to you all

Kea said...

That's so sweet of you all to include Christmas wishes for those who celebrate. Your ornament art is lovely!

Take care and have a good week; stay well and stay safe.

The Island Cats said...

What great selfies and beautiful ornaments! Thank you for the Christmas wishes!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Your selfies and selfie-ornaments are very decorative and lovely to behold!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are late, but wanted to say the pics were GREAT!

We decorated a Solstice Tree this year. With toy mousies in it... MOL!

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you all. Beautiful selfies, of course, of cute cats.
Jerusalem and snow, a long time ago I was in a kibbutz working in children's house, age about 5. One morning the house was empty, only a small piece of paper was there. I was terrified what has happened. So reading the paper, it was snowing in Jerusalem and the children were on their way to see, for the first time, snow.I never forget that morning.
Sorry, I am talking too much.
Happy Holidays to you!