Sunday, January 31, 2021

Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies in Memory of Angel Gingi

Greetings, Effurryone!

For the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie and for the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the amazing Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet, this week We are honouring yet another new Angel, who was called away unexpectedly to the Rainbow Bridge on Saturday, January 23rd. 

Gingi was only three years old and had been raised from kittenhood by Mummy's non-blogging friend, Ms. F. whom Mummy mentioned a few weeks ago.
As Mummy wrote then, Ms. F. has been trapped in Switzerland for almost a year, due to health problems and the Evil Coronavirus Pandemic.

Ms. F.'s furbabies are being cared for by Ms. I. Until Friday January 22nd, Gingi seemed to be purrfectly alright, although according to what Ms. F. told Mummy, the v-e-t said he had apparently been born with a heart defect. When Ms. I. looked for him to feed and pet him on Saturday, she couldn't find him at furrst, but when she went to look for him, it was too late. He had already departed for the Bridge. It is terribly sad to know Gingi was alone when the Great Cat in the Sky called him home - but We believe that at least he had his fursibs with him. And it is a comfort to know that in the three years he had on this earth, after he was adopted off the streets by Ms. F. (when he was a furry little kitten), he knew nothing but Love and Happiness.  So many helpless, homeless kitties, born and bred on the streets, never know even that!

Here are a few more pictures of Gingi, that Ms. F. sent to Mummy. In the furrst one, you can see what a furry good and loving brofur he was to his fursibs:

We have chosen the furrst picture, of Gingi with one of his beloved fursibs, for Our Caturday Art this week. We used two art effects from Mummy's favourite LunaPic website. 

This one was made using the Gauguin art effect, which enhances the gingeriness for which Gingi was named:

And for this one, We used the more delicate Frida art effect:

This one, on the other paw, emphasises Gingi's tabbiness.

Which one do you prefurr?

We are sorry Our Posts have been so sad lately.  
We want to end on a pawsitive note, so We will just mention that Mummy has had her second anti-COVID jab and that here in Israel, three million people (about a third of the pawpulation) have already been vaccinated.

Now, before We start blog hopping and visiting Our Furriends, here are the blog hop badges:


We want to wish you all, in spite of the Bad Things that are happening in the World, a Good Week - Shavua Tov.  You and Your Humans can help to make it so by continuing to observe the Rules - Social Distancing, Wearing Facemasks, and Most Impawtant of All: KEEP WASHING YOUR PAWS.

Be well. Be safe. We love you all.



Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

That's so sad about Gingi. Such a lovely cat :(

The art is beautiful x

The Florida Furkids said...

Fly free Gingi. We think both pieces of artwork are pawsome.

The Florida Furkids

meowmeowmans said...

We are so sad about Gingi having to go to the Bridge. We like the first work of art. It shows off Gingi and his fursib a little bit more clearly.

Yay for your mum getting her second vaccine shot!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is so sad, so young! Gingi was very handsome. Please give my condolences to his family.
Both art versions are lovely.

Catscue said...

Those are such beautiful photos, such a sweet kitty Gingi was. Hugs.

Timmy Tomcat said...

That is sad about your friend Gingi but we know he was welcomed at the Bridge by many, many Angels who showed him all the wonders that are waiting for him. Good hearing from you and super glad you have had your second vaccination

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a sweet looking guy and we're so sorry he left for the Bridge. We're glad you got that 2nd shot!

Marvelous Marv said...

It is so sad that Ms. F has been trapped in Switzerland and was not able to be there when her beloved Gingi went over the bridge. We are sure the befores were there to greet him. Our heart goes out to her, especailly as Gingi was so furry young. We send Love, purryers and strenght to Ms. F, Ms. I, you and Gingi's furblings.
Your art, in his memory, is exquisite! Thank you for sharing with us!
Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Barb

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Heartbreaking news eh? Poor Gingi, sweet cat.

Valentine said...

I'm sorry your furiend, Gingi, went to the Bridge and at such a young age. Mom had a white kitty before me that went to the Bridge when he was only 5. It was a shock to Mom and she was very sad as I'm sure Mrs. F. must be right now. Hugs for her.

catladymac said...

We are sending purrayers to Gingi's fursibs and all who love him.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor, sweet Gingi. What tragic news.

pilch92 said...

That is so sad about Gingi. He was a handsome boy. I like both artworks, the first is my favorite. XO

Kea said...

We're so sad about Gingi's passing and are sending purrs and purrayers to both his human mom and his caretaker. We can see what a wonderful home he had for his short life. ♥

The Island Cats said...

We're sorry about Gingi. We send many comforting purrs and hugs to his human and those missing him.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys; we are very sorry to learn about Gingi; please express our sympathies to his mom for us. May your journey to heaven be swift Gingi ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry Gingi had to leave for the bridge. A sad time for his friends and family.


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

That is so very sad about Gingi.

Furries said...

It's very thoughtful of you to help memorialize Gingi for your friend. The photo of him hugging his fursib is precious. He certainly was a handsome, loving mancat. We like both artworks, maybe the first one a smidge more.

Great news about getting your second vaccination. We got an appointment for my 85 year old Grandma to get her first shot this coming Sunday!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are so sorry about Gingi. He had amazing furs. And we know he was loved his short time here...

Katie Isabella said...

I didn't know him but I am deeply sorry he went to the Bridge. I know his mommy has to be terribly sad she wasn't there for him and that his step mommy was devastated to find he had departed.