Monday, July 1, 2019

Trixie's Dreamy Sunday Selfie

Hallo, Effurrybody!

Furrst of all, We would like to wish effurrybody Shavua Tov - A Good Week.

Now, today it's My Turn to take part in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their Purrsonal Assistant, Janet,  from The Cat on My Head blog.  In this picture, you can see Me doing one of the things I like best. I like to stretch out in a safe corner, wedged in where my brofurs can't blindside Me and pounce on Me from behind, and daydream - about Fancy Feasties, Mousies, fields full of Nip ... you know, all those Necessities of Life that an Alpha Kitty Extraordinaire like Myself has a Right to expect. In this corner, I have all the advantages of being right beside a full-length mirror, so those Mischievous Mancats have No Chance at all of catching Me unawares. I shall pretend to be asleep and when they try to creep up on Me, they won't know what hit them (mol)!


We see they are having a bit of technical trouble over at the Cat on My Head bloggie. We aren't sure if We are going to be able to link to the Blog Hop, but We are going to try. We have tried twice - and failed to add Our Selfie. We will try again - as they do say, "third time lucky", don't they?

UPDATE:  It is Monday already, and We still haven't been able to link to the Blog Hop.  We hope it all gets sorted out by next week.

See you then - if not before!

UPDATE #2  Tuesday afternoon. It seems the linkie thing has been fixed so now, we are going to try to link to the Blog Hop list  Paws crossed...

Here is the badge:


Timmy Tomcat said...

I love that you are away from the stinky man cats at your house. I like to climb into the big window and nap in the sun. Purrs and nice Selfie
Miss Fitz

pilch92 said...

That is a great selfie. Sorry you couldn't link up, you should be able to if you click the generic photo instead of uploading one.The man that runs the linky site is working on fixing it, he had to go back and delete the really old stuff. XO

da tabbies o trout towne said...

trixie ya look gorgeouz; haz de same kinda dreemz we due N we noe all bout stuff werkin ...ore knot.....ona pea sea...a grate week two ewe all az well ~ ♥♥☺☺

The Island Cats said...

We love your selfie, Trixie.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Aww, that is a great pose to strike, and constructive, too. Not only to you gain the upper paw, plus get to check the neatness of your fur, but I see you corned the fan, too! Nice move and very handy bargaining item in a heatwave ;) MOL
Have a lovely week.

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

**wavess paw at Trixie**
Mee can see you mee frend….lookin mitey fine Trixie. Yore so-o clevurr findin a guud nappin spot an THE meeror iss a purrfect idea to keep an eye out for sirtian man catss!!!
Capsurr an Shimshi pleeze do not ups set yore Sistur Okay??? Pleeeeeze????
***purrsss*** an **nose bumpsss** BellaDharma

meowmeowmans said...

Trixie, that's a beautiful selfie!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Getting into places where you cant be surprised is always very relaxing! Im lucky I can get up high, but there are good ground places that do well too. `

Deziz World said...

You look bootyful. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena