Sunday, December 17, 2023

All Together for Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies

Greetings, Effurrybody!

Hanukkah is over - We lit the 8th and final candle last Fursday evening. The day before, Mummy travelled down with her Caterwauling Club friends - in the pouring rain - to Sde Boker in the Negev (where it doesn't rain much, usually) to appear in a concert. It was furry successful.

On the war front, last week was marked by bad news all round, with many casualties. And late Friday afternoon, Mummy had lit the Shabbat candles and was prepurring to lie down for a short nap before supper (as, indeed, We all were), when the peace and quiet were shattered by a Code Red alert. We hadn't had any rocket alerts in Jerusalem for several weeks, although missiles continued to fall all over the rest of the country. We thought the Evil Humans in Gaza were maybe afraid of hitting their famous Al-Aqsa mosque, but it seems it's more impawtant to them to try to kill Mewish people. Anyway, Mummy dived for cover in her "safe space" and We heard several loud boomies almost overhead. Mummy was purrticularly alarmed by the fact that the Code Red app in her phone didn't go off! It's pawsible that We were hearing the sirens from a neighbouring zone, as We are quite close to the boundary with two other zones and She has set her app to go off loudly only when there is a Code Red in the zone where She actually is. Anyway, She decided to play safe and take cover, as We said.

It is Sunday today, when it is Our Custom to join the weekend blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by Our Dear Furriends, the Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet (who seem to be having some purroblems at purresent with their LinkyLink).

This Sunday, We are offering an Ussie - all three of Us together!

As We said, Hanukkah is over - but Chrissymouse will soon be here - next Monday, in fact. We thought of waiting with Our Chrissymouse Card till next Sunday, which is Chrissymouse Eve, but it occurred to Us that many of you might be so busy with last-minute Chrissymouse prepurrations, you wouldn't have time for blog-hopping. 

So We have decided to post Our Chrissymouse Card right here and now. We aren't sending individual cards, so please feel free to see this as a Purr-sonal Greeting and download a copy.

We made a couple of artsy-fartsy versions of this card (minus the text), with the help of LunaPic. Furrst of all, here is a furry colourful artification, using the Psychedelic filter, at 50%:

And this one uses the Nouveau filter (one of Our Absolute Favourites and also furry colourful) at 40%:

Let Us know in the comments if you have a favourite.

Now, here are the blog hop badges:


We will sign off now, wishing those of you who celebrate it a Furry Meowy Chrissymouse - just in case, as We said, you don't have time for blog-hopping next week.

Be well. Be safe. We love you all.


Brian's Home Blog said...

I love your Ussie and your art too! Y'all stay safe over there, we always worry about you.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Shimona and J–cats,
Love the top card best! Perfect Ussie!!!
Did reply on my post on your comment about Shimshi as you obviously skipped the very informative link below my post.
Stay safe there! ✡️

Kea said...

I, too, love your "ussie" and artwork.

I wish everyone could just get on board with finding peaceful resolutions, there's so much death and destruction worldwide. All the more reason to celebrate what we can and keep our loved ones close in our hearts and minds.

Please stay safe and stay well. ❤️ 🙏

Erin the Cat Princess said...

I think the Nouveau filter works so well, and that image is our fav this week.
We are glad you are all ok, and have a refuge point for times of alert. But life must go on and we are pleased that the staff are able to go and sing in the concert and not get too rained on, mol
Purrs and safe and peaceful week to you all, cat or human.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

look at those kitten bellies!!!!!!

Lynn and Precious said...

Thank yee fur the Chrissymouse Card. We luv it. And we luv you all too. Please stay safe with your mum. This is horrible time fur you all and so bad. You all look good in the card and good news your mum could caterwaul so good with friends. Precious and Lynn

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

We love your card and art.

Thinking of you all and hope and purr for peace xx

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz...yur art N yur cardz total lee awesum lee pawsome. ♥♥

we noe mummy had ta bee feer full heerin de code red go off
and hope her fone appz werkin oh kay now, sound wayz N all

sendin purayerz and hopez and lovez frum TT ♥♥♥♥

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is frightening and evil times you are living through, and I pray that you all stay safe.
Your Ussie is lovely, and thank you for the card. My Ecards are below my header, choose one or both if you would like them.

meowmeowmans said...

Such a sweet ussie, dear friends. We are watching with so much trepidation and worry over what is going on over there. We are sending lots of love and purrs your way, as always. XO

pilch92 said...

Very cute ussie. That must have been very scary for your mum. You are all in my prayers. XO

Linda said...

Your Chrissymouse Card looks great! I’m so sorry for the stress that you are all under. Stay safe and take care of your mum.

messymimi said...

The Ussie and Chrissymouse Card are both delightful! You are all very photogenic.

My heart aches for all who are in danger from war around the world and I pray for your safety.

I am praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

LOvely ussie and such a pretty card, too. Thank you!

Nice art, hard to choose a fave.

What scary times you are in there, Shimona. We continue to pray for your wellbeing and for peace.

CCL Wendy said...

I like the last Christmassy card because the colours are appealing to me. I'm sorry that whatever sense of peace you had was shattered, and we're very glad your Mom was being extra cautious. I hope you can all enjoy the remainder of your festive season.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Your Selfie and artwork is very purritty, we especially like the Nouveau filter🎨 and we like your Christmas card, and will take it with us after we wish you all a Peaceful week ahead and purrayers to be safe always🙏
Double Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞