Greetings, Effurryone!
We are all kind of sad this weekend, because Uncle D. has gone back to England after his three-month-long visit :-(
It's true We are glad to have Our Private Room back, but We do miss Uncle D. and We greatly look forward to his next visit, when We hope to complete his Conversion to a Crazy Cat Daddy (mol).
However, Life goes on and here I am, ready to lead My Fursibs in this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted, as always, by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the wonderful and eternally Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
Out of the many selfies available from this past week, Mummy and I have chosen this one (I am sure you can guess why):
That's right!
Mummy just couldn't resist that tiny glimpse of my raspy, little pink tongue - and She was sure none of your Humans will be able to either (mol)!
For the artification, We furrst tried something a little bit different - simply turning my selfie into a black and white photo:
We think it gives a slightly different, and rather special, take on the play of light and shadow, which is quite interesting.
Next, We went back to the coloured photo, but added LunaPic's Harsh Lighting filter:
Finally, returning to the original photo, We used two of LunaPic's Art Effects - Daisies at 75%, with an overlay of Sadness at 25%, to express Our Feelings at Uncle D.'s departure.
Oh, in case you are wondering who My Companions are, from left to right meet Snowy the Seal, Edward the Bear and Felix the Cat.
Oh, Mummy wants to apawlogise for not having posted on her Own Bloggie yet about her day trip to the Jordan Valley, which She promised to do last week. We have been having Internet Problems, you see, and blogging on her smartphone would have been a bit much! But the Internet seems to have sorted itself out now, so look for her blog later this week.
There was something else We wanted to mention. Some of you asked for Our eMail address. If you go to Our Full Profile, and click on Contact Me Email, it should appear.
Now it is time to put up the blog hop badges and start visiting Our Furriends:

That's all for now. See you next week.
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.
Caspurr, I see you are as handsome as always. I like seeing your little pink tongue. But then I'm a girl kitty and these kind of things mean a lot to me and a boy kitty. Then we'll be looking again to see about the trip your mum took. It's too bad your uncle had to leave instead of just stay there with you all the time. It sounds like he was a good friend and a lot of fun. Tell the rest of the furry family I send my purrs and meows. Precious
It's always a bit sad when visitors who we've enjoyed so much must head home, just look forward to a time when they shall return again!
This week's art is lovely ~ we have to say that we really like the black-and-white image the best, as we always are fascinated by light and shadow and how it plays, it just seems to create something a bit special.
Enjoy your week ahead ~ Ann and June
That's a great Selfie and your artwork is fabulous. We like the last one the best with the warm colors.
Yes Caspurr, it is sad when a fun guest has to return home.
Memories are good, but not as much fun.
I do like your selfie and that pawsome blep!
That always makes the humans happy when they see that ;)
Nice too that you are in a ray of sunshine!!!
Purrs, Julie
Good report, Caspurr! We are sorry Uncle D had to go back home. We hope he will be back in not too long.
Your selfie is very handsome (of course!), and we loved how you artified it, too. Paws crossed that your internet problems get resolved soon.
we like da black and white wun, iz berry classic
I love the Black and White selfie the best, but it is always a close call when the subject is so handsome and lounging so regally. The original and the last image have our fav colours, but in different ways.
Hopefully Uncle D will be back very soon, and he can be transformed fully into CatUncle supreme, carer in waiting of your most royal household. 🙂
Best wishes to you all for a wonderful and internet bug-free week.
Your art is lovely. I like all the effects and the Harsh Filter really makes the detail stand out.
We like the last photo effects the best. The light is fantastic in that effect. Sad your Uncle D has gone fur now but now you has something to look forward to when he comes back! yay!
Awww, I'm sorry you are all sad. It will feel better. I was sure you were giving *me* the raspberry! Glad to see you weren't. Kitties have done that to me before, so I get sorta paranoid about it. My favorite art was the Daisy Sadness composition.
I love the black and white treatment. Doesn't it make you think about what's in your photo and the lovely cat portrait!
Sorry your Uncle went home. I bet he is missing all of you too. Very nice selfie. And I love your art- both versions. XO
Love that photo and the art looks great!
That's such a super cute photo!
We hope your Uncle has a safe trip back home. Sir Caspurr, your selfie is fabulous and your art is very pretty!
What a nice selfie, Caspurr! And I bet your Uncle D is going to miss you guys as much as you miss him. Sounds like you did a good job turning him into a cat-daddy…or rather a cat-uncle. :)
Nice report as always, Caspurr. I didn't know your mum had a blog too. At one time TW wanted to start one and I'm glad I turned her down. She doesn't even have time to post on mine weekly anymore let alone visit.
I'm a sucker for black and white but that's my fave but all the art is nice.
We unnerstand that ya miss yer Uncle D. But we have a room of our own here an would be sad ta give it up...
Caspurr, your little bit of tongue peaking out is adorable. Hopefully, Uncle D will return soon and you can continue your work to convert him to a Cat Daddy.
Very nice pictures! Your toys are cute.
Caspurr~ Mommy and I are just now gett8ing here! YOU look smashing as always and I know too what it's like when a loved person comes to see you, stays and is loved..and then must leave.
I'll be back now that Mommy is.
Your Uncle D will surely come back again sometime for another extended visit,and then you all can let him know he was missed, and that its time for him to get his own feline companion!
Nice selfie, Caspurr and great art, too.
It's a pity when your favourite peeps have to go back home, especially after such a long visit, so we completely understand to put in the Sad filter, but the effect in the picture looks great, Caspurr, so is the black and whitie😺Double Pawkisses from us for a wonderful week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞
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