Sunday, April 19, 2020

Trixie's Sleepy Sunday Selfie

Hallo again, Effurrybody!

Shavua Tov (a Good Week) to you all. How are you all doing? Are you still in lockdown?

WE are happy to report that here in Israel, some of the restrictions have been lifted. Some businesses and offices have been allowed to get back to work, as long as they operate at only 30% of their workforce, and adhere to Social Distancing rules, such as keeping a 2-metre distance between employees, wearing masks etc. 

Although shopping malls are still closed, certain high street retailers can now open. Not fashion or shoe shops, but shops selling things like household goods, electrical supplies and so on - the kind of things people really need. Yes, yes, I know some of Our Humans (especially the ladies) think new clothes and shoes, and hairdos and manicures are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL  -  but the government does not agree, for some reason. Go figure. We have seen, on the internet, some humans have been attempting to cut their own hair - with varying degrees of success. Mummy doesn't dare - even though her hair now looks like a cross between a bird's nest and a failed attempt at an Afro (mol).

Furriday, April 17th, was Shimshi's Birthday. He is now 6 years old. We celebrated quietly, en famille,  as We were all still exhausticated after Pessach. We will make up for it by celebrating doubly on Shimshi's Gotcha Day, May 15th. Meanwhile, We are recuperating and relaxing in one of the many sunpuddles We are enjoying this week, in which the temperatures are expected to remain in the mid-to-high 20s Celsius.

Now, it is time to pawticipate in the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by Our Dear Furriends, the Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

Mummy took so many pictures of Me this week that it was hard to choose which one would be Our Entry in the blog hop, but We finally settled on this one:

And here is the Sunday Selfies blog hop badge:

In addition, Mummy artified it, using the Picasso and Emboss effects from LunaPic - with the result that I, a Proud Black Panfur, now look more like a Tabby!
(I used to have a tabby tail, when I was a little kitten and furrst came to live with Mummy. It was black and white striped - but you wouldn't know that now.)

Anyway, this is the result of Mummy's artification:

This second pawtrait, the arty-fartsy one, is going to represent the J-Cats in the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie.   Here is their badge: 


They are celebrating the Greek Orthodox Easter today, so We wish them - and effurrybody else who is celebrating Easter this week, instead of last week, a Furry Happy Easter.

Now, before We start blog-hopping, We want to remind you all - and your Humans - to make sure you adhere to all the Rules that have been put in place for your Purrtection during this worrying time. 

Stay home. Be well. Stay safe.


Brian's Home Blog said...

Awww, Happy Birthday from all of us Shimshi, we hope your special day was super special!

pilch92 said...

Trixie, you are adorable. Happy Belated Birthday to Shimshi. XO

meowmeowmans said...

Trixie, we don't think we knew that you used to have a tabby tail. That's neat!

SO glad some of the restrictions there in Israel are being lifted. We hope people follow the rules about distancing so the country can continue to heal and flatten the curve.

Happy belated birthday, Shimshi!

Timmy Tomcat said...

We really like your selfie and now have your special days in our calendar. We like to send cards when we can.
We are also glad that things are getting better in Israel. Just yesterday Dad was struck with wondering what was going on as there is so much sadness in the world. We really support your country and try and talk to any friends about what a great ally your country is to the US. Purrs friends

Catscue Cat Mom said...

Happy Birthday! Trixie, enjoy your Easy sweet girl. Have a wonderful week everyone.

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Shimshi. We're glad to hear that things are opening up for you.

The Florida Furkids

The J-Cats said...

Thank you, Timmy Tomcat. We just realised We made a mistake! Shimshi's birthday, April 17th, was Furriday, not Caturday. What with being home 24/7 and with Pessach in the middle of the week, We don't even know what day it is any more (mol). We will correct the mistake now.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

That's really great art!

We are still on lockdown here in the UK.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Belated happy birthday to Shimshi! The art is lovely. We are still on lockdown which was extended for another 3 weeks when it will be reviewed again.

BellaDharma an LadyMew said...

Trixie you had a ring tail when you was a kitten??? Furry furry kewl mee frend!
An yore Selfie iss supurr adoorabell.
Wee are inn lockdown til May 30th inn Catnada. Our Purrime Ministyr refusess to open THE Catnada/USA border an wee AGREE!! Iss far too soon to do that here. Wee have more an more casess reeported an peepell dyin all over THE country...
It iss furry scarey!
**purrss** an <3 LOVE <3 BellaDharma

Cathy Keisha said...

Happy Birthday to Shimshi! We are on lockdown for the long haul as people are still going out without masks and doing what they wish. Some guys posted on Next Door axing if anyone can come over and cut their hair which is against social distancing rules so it's not only female humans that are vain. I like your art.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Happy Bleated Birthday, Shimshi!!

Glad things are easing up a wee bit there for your peeps...petcretary feels the same way about the mop on her head, MOL!

We are still on full lockdown mode...sigh...

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Our Government is keeping a close eye on this virus (and the idiots breaking the law). Be safe and be well.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Mrs H has suggested everyone, ladies included, should just shave it, the hair, all off. Way cheaper and quite trendy. Plus she says it will save the environment being polluted so much with all the additives and chemicals. Thank goodness I'm a cat is all I can say to that, MOL
You guys stay well and enjoy the sun puddles. No more than three per cat nad 2 meters apart, MOL
Fabulous art you have there, but you just can't beat the snoozy selfie.

The Island Cats said...

What a sweet picture of you, Trixie. There are some people around here who think we should open everything back up...right away! But we need to do it like you're doing it in Isreal...taking small steps. Though the mom really wants her hair salon to open!

Furries said...

6 Years young... happy birthday Shimshi.
Your kitten picture looks like you were put together from two different kitties!
Mom gave Dad a haircut last week. Bzzzzzzz with the clippers and snippity snip with scissors. Even the barber has a difficult time cutting it (Dad has a lot of hair), but Mom managed to do a decent job.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday, Shimsi🎉🎉🎉

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy birfday Shimshi!

We arent locked dow, we good out briefly each day wit TBT. And actually HE isn't even locked down muc. He seldom leaves the yard anyway. But every 10 days, he needs food (and we are SURE it is food for us), so he is careful. Because he is thinking of US of course.