Saturday, March 7, 2020

Caturday Art - Happy Birthday, Caspurr!

Hallo, Effurryone!

Welcome to My Birthday Pawty!

It was horrid and rainy all day yesterday and this meowning also looked pretty overcast and grey, but by the afternoon, it had all cleared up and so We didn't need to transfurr My Pawty indoors. We might still do so later, of course, because it's going to be an all-nighter and the tempurratures have already dropped quite a bit, now that the sun has gone down.

Meanwhile, We have been having lots of Fun here in the Enchanted Forest. There's still plenty of food and drink, so those of you who are latecomers won't be missing out. Help yourselves to some catmint juleps, some nip cocktails, tuna pie, salmon quiche, chick-hen nuggets, trout terrine, cream cake or mice cream. There's plenty for all.

I had a good long rest after Lunch, so as to be ready for this All-Night Pawty. Mummy came and disturbed Me with her Flashy Box, while I was enjoying My Sun-Puddle, so I got up and roared at her, like the Tigger-Tabby King I am, and showed her My Fangs, but She knows I wouldn't really hurt her, so She just laughed and turned the picture, which came out a bit blurry, because I was on the Move, into Our Entry in the Caturday Art blog hop hosted by the Beautiful and Wise Cat Goddess, Athena, and her HuMum, Marie.

She used her favourite LunaPic to do it - the Paper Folding Art at 63% and then the Water Filter at 78%.

Before I sign off, I want to remind you all that We are having yet another pawty later this week, on Tuesday, at 6 pm Israel time, to celebrate Pawrim - and that the Pawrim Pawty is a Fancy Dress Pawty. We think the more pawties, the better! Don't you agree?

So Shavua Tov (a Good Week) to you all, enjoy this pawty and We are all looking forward to seeing you in Fancy Dress later this week. Don't forget to share pictures of yourselves in costume.

Now, here is the Bloggie Badge:

And off We go!


Furries said...

Happy Birthday Caspurr.
I'm glad the weather improved so you could keep your pawty outdoors. It's raining here, so I'm happy to stop by your pawty and enjoy a sunpuddle. And the food is wonderful with so many delicious choices. You really outdid yourself.
That's funny that you showed your fangs for your art photo. And I can see that if your mom comes close, you're ready to give her a little smacky paw.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Happy Birthday, Caspurr!

BellaDahrma'ss LadyMew said...

"Mee mee meee meeee..."
"Happy Birfday to you,
Happy Birfday to you,
Happy Birfday sweet Caspurr,
Happy Birfday to you.... many more....."
Mee nevurr sang out loud like this bee-fore Caspurr!!! Mee reememburred yore pawty an here mee iss!! Mee brott you 'nip mousiess to cellybrate.
You look speck-taculer.
May mee have sum Salmon Quiche an a small 'nip bevvy rage?? Yore cat-erin iss pawtastick!
May this comin yeer bee purrfect fore you deer frend.
**purrss** an *nose bumpss* BellaDharma

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy birthday Caspurr! You throw a great party.Your birthday art is lovely.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hope you're having a purrfect day, cutie!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday from all of us dear Caspurr!!!

Cathy Keisha said...

That looks pawsome! You look feral too!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy birthday, Caspurr! We love you, pal!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

🎉🎉🎉Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday, dear Caspurr and what a Pawty you have set up..WooHoo😸You can't never have enough of Pawties, right! And some Pawsome Papurr artwork today...absolutely Stunning!🐾😽💞

Kea said...

Belated happy birthday, Caspurr! We hope you had a fantastic day!

Timmy Tomcat said...

A Super Happy Birthday Caspurr! We know you and Mom and all our friends are celebrating like cat-crazy. We love your fangs and we do that to our Dad who just goes "Grrrr" and we all laugh. It is so nice to be here with you on your special day my friend.
Hope you can see your Birthday Card

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Happy Birthday, Caspurr!
Your pawrty is furbulous!!

Enjoy this spawsial day to the max:)

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Caspurr! We hope you had a great one.

catladymac said...

Happy Purrthday Cas-purr - and many more !

pilch92 said...

Happy Belated Birthday Caspurr! We will be here for the Purim party. XO

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oooh! Sorry I am so late, I thought i would see you at the selfies. Now I know why as everyone was sleeping in after a long birthday party and lots of nip ;) MOL
Anyways, sorry I am late, but I wish you a very Happy Birthday! Now do show me around your Enchanted Forest, and explain how it works, and if I can enchant mine also ;)
Purrs and sated tummy rumbles

da tabbies o trout towne said...

caspurr; a most happee, tho bee lated birth day two ewe...we hope yur day total lee rocked, ya got in trubull, yur still in trubull & havin lotz oh fun, & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez & healtheez....hope yur day waz awesum dood ☺☺♥♥♥

World of Animals, Inc said...

Happy Belated Birthday Caspurr!!! We hope you enjoyed a lovely time celebrating your big day with plenty of yummy treats. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Happy birthday, Caspurr! We hope you had a lovely day.