Sunday, November 24, 2019

Guest Selfie from Uncle Messi

Hallo there, Effurryone!

In tribute to last week's international "friendly" match between the football teams of Argentina and Uruguay, which took place here in Israel, our entry in this week's Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their HuMum, Janet,  will be a guest selfie from Our Uncle, Messi the Woofie, who, you may recall, was named after Messi the Argentinian football star.

Do you remember how thin and scared Uncle Messi was, when he was furrst gotcha-ed by Grampaw and Step-Grandma?

Well, he isn't scared and he certainly isn't thin anymore!

In fact, Step-Grandma says Messi is overweight.  She has put him on a diet and takes him for long walks effurry day, but he clearly isn't playing enough football (mol).

OUR Mummy says Shimshi is also overweight - but putting him on a diet didn't help, he just goes and eats effurryone else's noms. Caspurr has developed the habit of gobbling down his noms really quickly, to make sure nothing is left by the time Shimshi has finished his own noms and is ready to scoff effurrything else. And I mean effurrything! You see, the trouble is, when Caspurr gobbles his food - especially furrst thing in the morning - it often makes him sick and so he horks it all up again, even before it's been properly digested.  Shimshi seems to think this is like a Mama Birdie who feeds her regurgitated food to her babies - and he eats what Caspurr has horked up.  EEEEW!!! 

Mummy is going to have to feed Us all separately.

Now, before We join the blog hop, We just want to wish you all Shavua Tov (a Good Week).

OK, here is the blog hop badge:

And it's time to go:


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Scylla horks her food up if she eats to fast. We got her a puzzle feeder which she really seemed to like but Daddy complained about the noise she made whapping it.

Messi you are looking fantastic, it was nice seeing you today.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Messi sure is a handsome dude!

meowmeowmans said...

Uncle Messi looks so great! We hope his diet and Shimshi's aren't too difficult, and achieve the desired results.

Catscue Catmom said...

What a sweet expression Uncle Messi!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Uncle Messi is a handsome boy.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Happy selfie sunday! Messi is one handsome dude.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Wishing you all a great and good week too, Shavua Tov. Weight and diet is something I know too well. Thing is I have nobody to blame if MY bowl isempty, MOL

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

EEEKKK!! Caspurr please do not hork yore foods...Mee Grate Aunty Mingflower used to do that an shee wuud try an eatss it a second time. LadyMew wuud gag an get her mew food. Mee has bin a bit gobbley latelee too an mee horked upss an LadyMew started mee-yowin 'bout 'goin to tHE Vet!" Mee was like "NOOOOOO!" So mee eatin slower....
Yore Unkell Messi iss so furry hansum...hee looks grate with sum wait, umm wait...umm weight on him! What breed(ss) iss hee? LadyMew thott sum sorta Hound doggie!!! Shee LOVeSS Hound doggiess! Wee love Messi no mattur what breed hee is!
Have a guud week there mee frendss.
**purrsss** BellaDharma

Gattina said...

How awful a diet ! Poor you ! should be forbidden for animals ;)

The Island Cats said...

We think Messi looks purrfect! What a great selfie.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

He's absolutely adorable!

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Nice to meet you Messi!

Kea said...

Wow, Uncle Messi is one handsome woofie!

I'm glad you've kept blogging, I used to follow you when I was doing the Fuzzy Tales blog for Annie, Nicki and Derry...then just Nicki and Derry. It's been so long, though, since I've been part of the cat blogging world, so I greatly appreciate your condolences on Nicki's unexpected passing. Thank you for stopping by.

All my best to you,

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Great looking dog!

pilch92 said...

Messi is a cutie. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog for the loss of KaTwo. XO

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

One of us has been known to eat really newly-horked food. And it has to be still at room temperature. But we aren't mentioning names...

Furries said...

It's great that Uncle Messi has become more confident. Eww, is right to eating yucked food. Not sure how you're going to tackle that problem. Separate feedings is such a hassle.

Katie Isabella said...

Uncle Messi, I too have been pointed at and whispered words singed my beautiful ears when Mom and brovvers said I must lose weight. How! Dare! They!