Sunday, October 27, 2019

Trixie's Spooky Sunday Selfie

Hallo again, Effurrybody!

I (that is to say, Moi - Queen Trixie, Furrst of My Name, Empurress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East,  Guardian of the Boudoir, Alpha Kitty Extraordinaire) have been informed by my Social Petcretary that it is my Duty to My Faithful Subjects and Admirers to sit for a Special Pawtrait in honour of Halloween, which falls this week.

Halloween is not celebrated here in Israel, but as I am a Cosmeowpawlitan Kitty, I feel I would be short-changing My Fans were I not to make some concession to that holiday.

I refuse, however, to wear a costume. My own, beautiful furs should be costume enough, especially as I am A Black Cat and therefore, I am reliably informed, Spooky By Definition!

At this point, I want to say something furry impawtant (well, effurrything I say is impawtant, but what I am about to say now is a Matter of Life and Death)!
We have read that in some countries, black kitties are considered Inherently Evil - and are subjected to Horrible Cruelty, ESPECIALLY at Halloween.
This Practice must be stopped. All Felines, and the Humans who love Us (or even those who don't, but who have any sense of Decency) must work to stamp out the torture of black kitties at Halloween by Evil, Ignorant or just plain STUPID humans. We are not evil. We do not bring Bad Luck. We are not servants of Satan. (As if We would be servants of Anyone!!!)

Now, I was actually hesitating between two selfies.

Here is the furrst one, displaying to purrfection My Eyes and My Tummy. 

Touch My Tummy without purrmission and you will feel My Fangs!

Which one do you think is spookier?  I think the second one, don't you?  So that's the one which will be My Official Entry in today's Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their Human, Janet. 

Just to make it REALLY, REALLY Spooky, I had Mummy add the Scary Halloween Effect from Our favourite photo editing site, LunaPic.

Warning:  Flashing picture coming up!

How's that for Spooky?

Before I go, I want to wish you all a Good Week, as We always do. And We hope you allowed your Humans to enjoy an extra hour of sleep this morning, as the clocks went back last night and they got back the hour that was stolen from Us all in the spring.

And now, let's blog hop.

We start off with the Badge:

And off We go:


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Awesome spookies there, Trixie! The second one definitely does it for me and Mrs H ran off screaming when she saw that video. . . . or maybe that was because she left the stove on? MOL

Smudge said...

AS much as that kind of thing brings on dad's migraines we both love the flashing one!

kate said...

Both are good pictures but the second is appropriate for Halloween!

meowmeowmans said...

That Halloween effect was pretty awesome, Trixie!

And we agree -- black cats are NOT evil. We have two - Gracie and Ava - and they are the most loving and sweet-natured good luck charms EVER. :)

Catscue Catmom said...

Wow, that was cute-spooky! We love our black kitties and we'll keep them safe this Halloween.

pilch92 said...

Those are great selfies. You have such gorgeous eyes and pretty furs. I love black cats. I have 3 currently and 3 in Heaven. XO

Little Binky and Granny said...

You look very spooky, but very cute..BooHoo��Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday������

Andrea said...

That flashy photo really did the holiday right. Good job!

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Sorry we are late commenting on the Sunday selfies we were out volunteering at next year's WorldCon.

That GIF is really spooky. Black and white can make a real difference can't it.

The Island Cats said...

Oh yes, Trixie! The fangs are very scary!!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You are spooky but purrfectly beautiful as well!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Love your spooky selfies!

Katie Isabella said...

Yours with the fangs is THE most spooky. I love them both though, Your Imperial Majesty.

Furries said...

Your eyes in the first photo are spooky, but your upside down head and little fangs win the spooky contest.

Deziz World said...

We think you're gawjus sweet Trixie. We don't celebrate halloween either. And we don't think you could ever look evil. big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Gattina said...

You are the perfect Halloween cat and don't need a special outfit ! My very first kitty was black and only brought me luck. She stayed for 20 years with me ! She was a special cat ! In Belgium Halloween is partly celebrated it depends if you are in the Flemish or French speaking part. Although now it moves in slowly slowly everywhere !

Anonymous said...

Trixie, you sure are purretty. Budd would gladly be your servant. You are so right their are some stupid peeps around. Mom made us coe inside at apm on Halloween so nobody would try anything nasty with us. Tyebe is so naive.....ignorant if you ask me but mom sys she's just too innocent and trusts everyone. So she has to come in early and we should show her that good kitties are willing to stay in on this night.


Katie Isabella said...

I love the flashing one and the second one. You are a gorgeous girlcat!!!