Sunday, March 2, 2014

Just To Let You Know...

...We're still here!

Mummy has been very neglectful of her duties towards Us of late. She hasn't been helping us with the Computer Machine. So you could be purr-doned for thinking We had gone away somewhere.

But - We haven't! We are still here, being effur so Good and Patient, while She sorts out things like trying to sell Her apurrtment Our Home and find a bigger one, and so on and so forth. And she appeared as a guest purr-former with another Caterwauling Club (ie. not her own) and had a So-Low (which is what She calls a So-High). Why does She call it a So-Low when the notes are high enough to shatter glass??? She drove Us crazy with her purr-acticing!

She did find time to take some flattering pictures of Us though!

She took these with her new flashy-box that She talks into. We think the pictures turned out not at all badly, don't you?

Have a Good Week!

Trixie and Caspurr


CATachresis said...

Hi you two!! :) I see you have as much problem with your human as I do with mine!! We should go on strike or something and stop doing cute things for the camera!

What do you mean, mum, I never do cute things for the camera?? ;)

Have a great week and good luck with the apartment move!!

The Island Cats said...

It's nice to hear from you! Moving is a lot of the humans say. We hope yours goes smoothly!

Furries said...

Those are very nice photos. I especially like how Trixie's tail glows!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those are good pictures fer a talkie-catmera!

meowmeowmans said...

Nice pictures of you two gorgeous kitties! We understand about your Mummy being busy, and hope things settle down for her soon. Hugs!

Katie Isabella said...

Oh you two look so gorgeous. You always do so there is no such thing as a picture that is not flattering. xxoo