Saturday, August 24, 2019

Caturday Art with Shimshi the Poster Pinup

Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!

Once again, it is time to take part in the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by Our Dear Furriend, Athena (who is a furry Wise and Beautiful Kitty) and her HuMum, Marie.

Mummy took this picture of Me on her Meowbile Phone, using one of the phone's filters, which is supposed to make me look like a poster or a painting:

But She wasn't satisfied, so She used LunaPic to add a bit more colour with the Floating Art Effect and this was the Result:

Honestly, I don't know, kitties! The Things I do for the sake of Art!

What do you think?

Now, before I go, I just want to wish you all Shavua Tov from all of Us. It's the last week of August - so Make Hay while the Sun shines (mol)!

And now, let's hop. Furrst, here is the badge:

And off We go!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Queen Trixie Celebrates Black Cat Appreciation Day (and Her Birthday) with Caturday Art

Hallo, Loyal Furriends (and Subjects)!

It is I - Queen Trixie, Empurress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East, Guardian of the Boudoir, Alpha Kitty Extraordinaire.

You remember what today, August 17th is, don't you? Of course you do.

It is Black Cat Appreciation Day.

And, as Caspurr told you last week, We are combining My Birthday Celebrations with the Black Cat Appreciation Day festivities. Monday (August 12th) was my 7th Birthday.
That is a furry special annifurrsary for a Black Cat.

Seven is a furry lucky number.
And Black Cats bring Good Luck!
So a Black Cat celebrating her Seventh Birthday is a furry strong Good Luck Charm!
And when you combine that with Black Cat Appreciation Day - well, the Good Luck is multiplied - sevenfold (mol).

So, We are going to be celebrating all night long up in the Enchanted Forest, under the (almost) full moon. Drop in and celebrate with Us. We are going to scoff all manner of flavours of Fancy Feast, tuna pie, salmon mousse, caviar and micecream and get high on niptinis and dance till dawn.

We are also going to be taking part in the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by the wise and beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie.  For this, We had a little help from PhotoFunia...

In honour of my birthday - and Black Cat Appreciation Day - I was interviewed by Vogue Magazine. They were furry interested in my beauty and fashion tips (what can I say, ladycats? When you've got it - you've got it!)

And, best of all, the National Gallery in London, England, commissioned My portrait from Monsieur Miaownet - so, if you happen to live there, or are visiting, I suggest you go to see it.

Ah, fame!

Now, dear furriends, don't furrget to join the pawty tonight. We are so looking forward to seeing you.

Before joining the blog hop, We want to wish you Shavua Tov (a Good Week), as is our custom.

And off We go:

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Caspurr's Caturday Art

Hallo there, Effurryone!

It is Me, Caspurr, King of the Tigger-Tabbies. It should really be Trixie, because it's her birthday the day after tomorrow, but since she gets to celebrate next Saturday as well, August 17th being Black Cat Appreciation Day, she has graciously consented to allow Me to represent the J-Cats in this week's Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the beautiful and wise cat goddess, Athena and her HuMum, Marie.

So, I thought I would share with you a couple of pictures of Me and My New Magical Flying Carpet (as you may recall, Shimshi told you how We have one each).

On Wednesday, I took the beauteous BellaDharma, my Panfur Purrincess, out for a spin, and We flew over some furry interesting places, mountains and lakes, forests and seas.  I had a wonderful time, and I hope the lovely BellaD did, also.  She gave Me a few Anxious Moments though, because she was so excited, she kept standing up - and I was really afraid she might fall off! Fortunately, however, she has a great sense of balance!

We have two pictures to share; one is mostly blue, inspired by the lakes and seas We saw, and the other is greener, repurresenting the forests and jungles.

Mummy used LunaPic for both of them, but She can't remember exactly which effects she used. She thinks one might have been Splash and the other Jungle, but She's not 100% certain.

Anyway, We like them both. Which do YOU prefurr?

We actually have a furry busy week coming up. Tomorrow is the fast of Tisha B'Av. The day after, Monday, is Trixie's birthday, as I already told you. Friday is Tu B'Av, which is the the Mewish-Jewish Valentine's Day.  And next Caturday is Black Cat Appreciation Day - which is when We are going to have Trixie's Official Birthday Pawty.

I am telling you all this now, to give you advance warning for the Pawty, which will take place in Our Favourite Venue, the Enchanted Forest, at dusk (about 8 pm). We hope to see you all there.

Now, We would like to wish you all Shavua Tov (a Good Week) before joining the Blog Hop.

First, here is the Badge:

And off We go!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Uncle Messi's Sunday Guest Selfie

Greetings, Effurrybody!

Shavua Tov  (a Good Week) to you all!

We couldn't agree on which of Us would star in today's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop, hosted by Our Furriends the Kitties Blue and their Human, Janet, over at The Cat on My Head blog, so We decided to invite Our Woofie Uncle, Messi, to post a Guest Selfie instead.  And since he doesn't get to share photos of his handsome self online too often (as his Humans, Grandpaw and Step-Grandma, don't have a blog and neither does Messi), We helped him make a really impurressive selfie and added a fancy picture furrame, just for Good Measure.

For those of you who haven't heard of Messi before, We should explain that his Pawrents are Mummy's Daddy and Step-Mum, which makes him Our Uncle.

This picture was taken on a Furry Hot Day last week. Although Grandpaw and Step-Grandma have Airconditioning in their home, Messi prefers to keep cool by lying on the floor-tiles in the hall, which is the shadiest part of the house.

Grandpaw and Step-Grandma have a big garden too, so Messi is a furry lucky woofie. And a furry handsome one too, don't you agree?

Okay, now it's time to start hopping. First the badge:

And away We go: