Friday, October 20, 2017

Remembering Angel Possum

Greetings, Effurryone!

Five years ago tomorrow, on October 21st 2012, Possum the MagnifiCat received his Angel Wings. As is Our Custom, We honour his Memory, as We honour all the Kitties who came before Us and who have flown off to the Rainbow Bridge, by posting pictures of him and reminiscing about his Magnificence.

We did not have the purr-ivilege of knowing him purr-sonally, so We love to hear Mummy tell Us stories about him, and about his sisfur, Angel Pixie.

We know that many of you out there remember him, and if you would like to, We would love for you to share your memories with Us.

So for starters, here is a picture of Possum on the furry day he was gotcha-ed. In fact, Mummy will never fur-get that day. She had just arrived home on an overnight flight from Prague, having gone without sleep for over 24 hours, and Grandpa and Step-Grandma phoned, at about half past seven in the morning,  to welcome her home and ask her if she wanted a new kitty. A grey and white kitty girlie, Grandpa told her, whom Step-Grandma had found. Of course, Mummy said yes, because She was furry lonesome after Angel Minxie had flown off to the Bridge a couple of months purr-eviously.

Well, to cut a long story short, they brought Possum round right away. Mummy took one look and saw that he was actually a Baby Mancat - partly white and partly brown tabby and covered with fleas! See how tiny he was!

But Mummy cleaned him up, and fed him and he grew - 

and grew - and grew, into the MagnifiCat who, together with his sisfur Pixie, took the Blogosphere by storm, once Mummy realised the Purr-tential of the Internet (mol).

And Mummy had over 17 wonderful years with him, until the day, five years ago, when the Great Cat in the Sky called him, and he flew away to the Rainbow Bridge leaving Mummy with a Void in her heart. 

We do our furry best, but effurry kitty has their own Special Place in their pawrents' heart, which no other kitty can fill. When Our turn comes to receive Our Angel Wings (which We hope won't be for many, many years to come), there will be more Empty Places in Mummy's heart, but We know there will always be room there for another kitty - just as there was room for Us -  because Mummy has a furry big Heart.

Now Mummy's eyes are starting to leak and it's getting hard for her to type. We didn't mean to make her sad, so We will let her stop now and snuggle up with her furry close.

And to all of you, We will wish Shabbat Shalom.