Greetings, Effurybody!
So - who's looking forward to the Cat-O-Lympics, which will be opening later this week in Purris, Furrance? Which of you Felines will be taking part?
I, Queen Trixie, have been coaching my brofurs, Caspurr and Shimshi, for the Synchronised Snoozing event, which takes place later this month. They are the defending Gold Medallists, as you know. In addition, they will be participating in the Wrassling contest. I myself will be taking part in the Counter-to-Cupboard High Jump, defending My Medal, as well as a new event, the Slinky Glamour Walk. And all three of Us will be competing in the Pole Dancing event!
Another thing We are taking part in, right here and now, is the weekend blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Deliciously and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
We have picked out three pawtraits of Me and Mummy took them over to LunaPic where She gave free reign to her artsy-fartsy side. So here are the results.
Furrst - a picture of Me under the coffee table where, for once, instead of seeking for sunpuddles, I was looking for some blessed shade:
This was artified, using the Fantasy (63%) and Watercolour ( 38%)effects:
I'm not sure, I think this makes My Fur look a tad unkempt, don't you agree? Or purr-haps not. What do you think?
In this next meowsterpiece, I am on the coffee table:
The artification for this one uses the Brave and Tuscany filters, at 33% and 20% respectively:
Our final offering for today shows Me comfortably ensconced next to Mummy on the sofa:
Mummy really let herself go with this one - Daisies at 67%, washed over with Dreaming at 27%. It's a riot of colour!
And now, here are the blog hop badges:

Time, now, to start hopping. Despite the dreadful heat, We hope to visit as many of you as pawssible.
We'll be back again next week - same Cat Time, same Cat Channel.
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.
Trixie, you always pose so nicely, and we know Caspurr and Shimshi will do so well under your expert coaching! We especially love the photo of you under the coffee table. Hugs and love to you all. XO
Queen Trixie, you love your coffee table, up and down. We would vote all 3 of you fur gold medals in the contests. No other kitties stand a chance.
Hope it cools down for you soon.
The art is lovely!
look at ewe N yur gorgeouz self trixie !!! eye will most shir lee toon in two de oh lympix on fryday N watch ewe all take home gold medalz :) ♥♥ eye bet ewe each get...bout...932 !!! heerz two a grate week a head, rest up for openin day and bee safe ♥♥♥
Queen Trixie, you are gorgeous! We love all those pictures and can't pick a favorite. We think they make you look like a suitably furry panfur!
Such a wonderful selfie and beautiful art! We won't watch the Olympics here, too many added events that shouldn't be there make the whole thing a joke. Y'all be safe!
Oh I say, three gold medal poses if ever I saw them. Would that make you a tri-athlete?
Anyways, the colours of the first and the flair of the third are our choices this week. But they are all nice, just like you, Queen Trixie.
Queen Trixie, all your selfies and art are wonderful!
You're all a shoe-in...paw-in...for gold!!
Sweet Trixie all yore fotoss are so lovelee! Miss Shimona yore artsy fartsy effectss are purrfection!
An no wee due not think yore furss look unkempt; purrhapss a bit spikey butt inn a kewl way!
Guud Luck at THE Cat-Olympickss!!! Yousss' are all so pawsum!
***nose rubss*** BellaDharm aan (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum
Those are lovely selfies and art. I am sure you will do well in the CatO'Lympics.
Trixie, you are gorgeous. Nice selfies and I love all the art effects. The last one is my favorite, you look like a tortie .:) XO
I have this Cat Time and Cat Channel marked so that I won't miss the goings-on!
Beautiful photos of you! These Olympic events sound very exciting :)
Beautiful photos of you! These Olympic events sound very exciting :)
Those are wonderful selfies and nicely artified.
It sounds as if all of you will enjoy and do well in your Cat-O-Lympic events. I hope you bring home several medals.
I am praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
What a wonderful selfie you took, Trixie. And beautiful artwork too. I like to run around so if there’s an event at the Cat-O-Lympics for that, I will compete for sure! ~Murphy
The filtered selfies have added interest thanks to the spiked fur so I think its a good idea. Smooth fur might not look so interesting and textures. The filters are rather fine.
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