Sunday, January 28, 2024

Caspurr Wishes He Could Hibernate: Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies

Hallo again, Effurryone!

You know, sometimes a Kitty wishes he was a Bear, or a Turtle, or a Ground Squirrel - even a Groundhog! That way, said Kitty could sleep all through the winter.

What brought this on, you may ask. I'll tell you! After a few sunny days last week, the rains are back with a vengeance, and likely to carry on all week. And not just rain. High winds, storms - even snow. And it's beastly cold. Even Mummy would like to hibernate! 

So, there I was, all curled up snoozing, oblivious to the world and blissfully unaware that it was My Turn to lead My Fellow J-Cats on this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie and the Sunday Snoozies Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightfully and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

Until Mummy came and woke Me up, that is...

Why, Mummy, why?! 

Oh! A selfie of My Handsome Self? Well, of course, I mustn't disappoint My Fans!

But let's make it quick, okay? 

Do I really have to pose? Oh, well - if you insist...

And now, if you don't mind, I would like to go back to sleep.
What's that? Artifications? 


Okay. This one uses LunaPic's Dreaming effect at 50%:

Yes, Mummy. I said "Dreaming". 
Yes, that was a hint.....

And this one, of the moment I was so rudely awakened, uses Floating at 55%, lightly washed with Scribble, at 15%:

And finally, My Official Sunday Selfie Pose - artified with Fairy at 60% with an overlay of Beauty at 30%:

I can't decide which is the best. Neither can Mummy. What do YOU think?

Now, here are the blog hop badges.


And before I go back to sleep, let me wish all my Anipals - and their Humans - a Good Week, or, as We say in Hebrew - Shavua Tov (שבוע טוב).

Be well. Be safe. We love you all.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Trixie Looks Forward To Spring: Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies - and Yet Another Goodbye

Hallo again, Effurrybody!

Queen Trixie here, to lead my fellow J-Cats on this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightfully and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

But before We do that, We have yet another sad goodbye to make, to the lovely Lola, the Rescued Cat, who has received her Angel Wings and left, far too soon,  for the Rainbow Bridge, to join so many sweet furriends who have gone before.
Fly free, Lola. We know you will be safe and cared for in the Loving Paw of the Great Cat in the Sky. Our sincerest condolences to your Mommy, Dawn, and your sisfur, Lexy.


And now for some good news, which seems to be furry rare these days. One of Mummy's "outdoor kitties", Gibori, the ginger kitty whom Mummy has mentioned in the past, who seemed to have some kind of skin disease and whom She hasn't seen for months, has reappeared and has come to take his supper on Our Front Porch a couple of times. Mummy didn't get too good a look at his neck, but She thinks the sore seems to have cleared up. She is furry relieved that he is back, because She had been fearing The Worst.

And another bit of good news is that after a few days of heavy rain last week, the weather has turned fairly warm (about 18 - 20 degrees Celsius) and sunny, so We have begun to believe Spring just might not be so far away. Let's hope so, anyway. Like Mummy, We aren't too fond of Winter.

Now, here are My Selfies. I am not usually all that cooperative when it comes to taking selfies - unlike my brofurs - but this time, I posed for TWO.

Here they are:

We artified this one using LunaPic's Dark effect at 50%, with an overlay of Floating, at 20%.

And in this one, I am reclining on the stool in front of the dressing-table, in My Boudoir, surveying My Domain:

The artification this time was created using LunaPic's Beauty effect at 50%, after which We added the Harsh Lighting filter at 20%, just to give it a bit more edge.

Tell Us in the Comments section which you prefurr.

Now, here are the blog hop badges (which We nearly forgot)!


Well, that's all for now, dear furriends. We'll see you again next week.

Till then - Be well. Be safe. We love you all.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Shimshi's Winter Tail - and Another Sad Goodbye: Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies

Greetings, Effurrybuddies!

In case you haven't guessed, it's ME, the Mighty Shimshon (Shimshi for short) aka The Little Purrince, aka The Baby Mancat, Furrst of My Name, Master of the Queen's Mischiefs and Captain of the Guard, and it's MY turn to lead My Fellow J-Cats on this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightful and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

Before We go off blog hopping, however, We have to share with you some more furry sad news. You remember how, the week before last, We had to report that Mummy's friend Carolyn (Caro) had been called to her Rainbow Bridge on Chrissymouse Day, leaving behind her beloved kitty, Austin? Well, only a fortnight later, Austin himself crossed over the Bridge, to join his Mum. He was 17 years old, and We think, from something Caro's brother wrote on Fursbook, that he had been sick and in pain for quite a while. Austin himself hadn't blogged for several years already, but We know there must be many of you out there who remember him - and Caro.

Fly free, dearest Austin, safe in the Loving Paw of the Great Cat in the Sky. We take comfort in knowing you and your Mum are together again - as you were always meant to be.


And now, here is My Selfie. I thought I, too, would get in on this mirror-image trend that seems to be working so well for Caspurr.  The thing is, I don't seem to have quite got the hang of it. My beautiful and cunningly curved tail (My Winter's Tail, as I like to call it) doesn't seem to appear in the mirror image, which is a great pity! Ah, well! Next time, maybe. Purractice makes Purrfect - or so they say.

As usual, We artified this pawtrait in three different ways - after making a fancy custom frame, courtesy of LunaPic. 
Furrst of all, We used the Flowers effect, at 60%:

We like this one, because the idea of flowers, and all the bright colours, remind Us that even though We had a furry wet weekend, which caused a bit of a flood in the utility room, Tu b'Shvat, the harbinger of Spring, is less than 2 weeks away.
We are so ready to say goodbye to Winter - even though it took its time in coming!

Our next artification was created using the Grey filter at 75% - just to remind Us that, although Spring may be just around the corner, it is by no means here yet. And also because the War, now into its 100th day, casts a shadow over everything.
And there is a third reason too. It shows me as a tabby - as I was, sort of, when I was a kitten, before my coat grew so thick and beautiful and hid the stripes, so that now, I look more like a grey tuxie (mol).

Finally, mindful of all the skywater We have been seeing over the last few days, We chose the Waves filter, at 85%:

Please do let Us know, in the Comments Section, which is your favourite - and why?

Now, here are the blog hop badges:


All that is left to do now, then, is to say "See you next week".

Till then, be well. Be safe. We love you all.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Caspurr's Bedroom Eyes: Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies

Hallo again, Effurryone!

Here We are, with the furrst post of the Mew Year - and this week, I, Sir Caspurr the Courageous, the Caspicatious, Furrst of My Name, the Snuggle Bug, Commander-in-Chief of the Impurrial Forces and King of the Tigger-Tabbies, will be leading My Fellow J-Cats on the weekend blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightful and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

I have not one, but THREE (four?) selfies for you to choose from, all of which Mummy helped Me artify with some of LunaPic's mewtiful filters.

Furrst up, here I am (or purr-haps I should say "Here WE are", because there are two of Me) in front of the mirror:

The artsy-fartsy version uses the Paper-Folding filter at 85%, with the merest hint of a Nouveau overlay at 15%:

It's been quite a while since We used the Paper-Folding effect and We are rather pleased to have rediscovered it.

This next picture shows Me helping Mummy to make the bed.  Well, I really have to help her, if I want it done propurrly, the way I like:

This one was artified using the Woodsey effect at 70%, topped with an overlay of Sadness at 50%:

At last, after the bed was finally made to My Satisfaction, all that was left to do was to carry out some Quality Control and get in, under the duvet:

Mummy said She simply had to show this third shot, because I have such wonderful, flirty Bedroom Eyes. What do you Ladycats think?

We played around with the light levels and then used the Edtaonisi filter at 40% to create the artification for this one:

Tell Us which is Your Favourite in the Comments section below.

It was a fairly hectic weekend for Us, here in Israel. Not so much so in Jerusalem, where We live, but up in the North, there were lots and lots of rocket attacks and even incursions by drone aircraft. It's furry worrying, because it means Israel is having to fight on two fronts. It's lucky Mummy has her Caterwauling Club to help take her mind off it for a few hours effurry week.

Speaking of the Caterwauling Club, We forgot to mention in either of Our previous two posts that Mummy wrote in her own bloggie about the concert they appeared in at Kibbutz Sde Boker last month. If you follow the link, you can read it and see a video-clip that Mummy made of one of the songs.

Now, before We forget, here are the blog hop badges:


See you all again next week. Till then, be well. Be safe. We love you all.