Greetings, One and All!
Today, We have a Special treat for you! The beautiful CalliCallou, one of Mummy's "Outside Cats", has graciously agreed to take part in this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightful and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
As you can see, this adorable calico princess feels completely at home on Mummy's front porch. In fact, she has decided that it is Her Territory and will vigorously and vociferously defend it against other cats hopeful of partaking in Mummy's Bounty. The only other cat with whom she will agree to share the Spoils is Melba, who might be either her sister or her daughter (We think the latter). But don't worry, Mummy puts food for other homeless kitties outside the gate.
Speaking of the other homeless kitties, We are delighted to report that Gibori, who hasn't been around for ages, and whom Mummy feared She would neffur see again, put in an appearance the week before last.
Anyway, here are a couple of photos of CalliCallou.
In this one, she is resting after a meal, in the shade of the flowerpots:
We made three different artifications of this photo, with the help of LunaPic.
The furrst one uses the Fairy effect, at 37%:
We think CalliCallou looks rather thin and bedraggled in this one. In the next artification, she looks rather more perky. Maybe because it uses Quirky (mol) at 64%:
The third artification uses Psychedelic at 65%:
And now for a picture of CalliCallou all alert and ready to defend "her" Territory against all comers:
We made a furry artsy-fartsy version of this one, using the Flowers effect at 37%:
Next, in a complete change of mood, We tried the Dark filter, at 34%:
And finally, back to being bright and colourful, with Delaunay at 50%:
In Israel, We call calico cats like CalliCallou "Tricolor", which the same as the French "Tricouleur". Coincidentally, that is furry appropriate for today, because the 14th of July is the French National Day - Bastille Day.
It is also the day on which beautiful Princess Pixie, one of the J-Cats who went before, used to celebrate her Birthday. She is no doubt celebrating it now at the Rainbow Bridge - together with Grandpaw, who would have been 97 years old yesterday, July 13th. Remembering them both is making Mummy's eyes leak .....
Here are the blog hop badges:

Before We set out on the blog hops, We want to let you know that Mummy finally got round to writing in her own bloggie about her Caterwauling Club's concert at the end of last month. It includes some video-clips of the Concert - so, if you like Mewsic, why not pop over and take a look?
And now, it's time to get on with the blog-hopping.
See you next week - same Cat Time, same Cat Channel!
Till then - be well. Be safe. We love you all.
Dearest J-Cats,
CalliCallou is a beauty of a calico and very much a 'happy' princess!
Mariette + Kitties
oh calli!!! so cute, yoo look like yoo haz a fanny pack on, LOL!!
She's gorgeous!
We are so furry glad to see CalliCallou today. It has been a while since she posed fur the camera. And to hear that her and Melba are OK is terrific. It was generous of you 3 J-Cats to give up the selfie today fur her. And yer mum is good hooman fur feeding so many homeless kitties.
She's so pretty!
CalliCallou is a gorgeous ladycat. I'm glad she has your mummy to look out for her (and the other kitties too).
Hugs to you all, take care and keep well.
calli ewe izza gorgeouz gurl ....for sure... it bee veree nice oh J cats mummy two look out for ewe N de otherz who stop bye two say HI ♥♥♥
N sendin hugz N lovez to mummy az her rememburrs Pixie and gram paw ♥♥♥
CalliCallou is a pretty kitty. I love the effect of the last picture.
CalliCallou is a stunningly beautiful kitty! Love all the pictures, especially that second to last one. Good for you, taking care of the outside cats!
Sweet CalliCallou sure is a pretty girl and I'm glad she feels comfy there and enjoys her meals. Hugs as you remember Grandpaw and dear Princess Pixie. Y'all stay safe over there.
Calli Callou is very pretty and I am glad your mum takes care of her.
CalliCauyou....sorry mee spellin iss off....iss so ADORBSS!!! Miss Shimona you an BellaSita must bee reelated takin care of THE Feralss. Wee only see Luna (white) an Charlotte (gray). Odyssey (black) must have moved on....
Thanx Calli for doin Selfiess. An Miss Shimona yore artwerk iss furry kewl two!
~~~head rubss~~~to Caspurr an Trixie an Shimshi~~~ from mee!
(((hugss))) BellaSita Mum
CalliCallou is quite beautiful! I'm so glad your wonderful Mummy cares for a feral clowder. It's not easy.
The artworks were all so different, each is fabulous in its own way.
Please give your Mummy a gentle hug from me for her leaky eyes and know I am praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
What a lovely calico. Such beautiful colours and she made me smile. I LOVE the Delaunay filter!!!
She is beautiful. It makes me so sad to see cats without a home though. I love all the art. Sending your mom hugs for these sad days. XO
What a nice coincidence. We were just wondering how CalliCallou was doing, and are so happy the answer is "quite well." Happy birthday at the Bridge to Princess Pixie, She is missed and love forever by so many of us around the world. Sending Mummy lots of purrs and love as she remembers Pixie and Grandpaw today and always. XO
What a beauty! Thank you for taking care of her.
So nice to meet CalliCallou - what a pretty girl. We bet she was thrilled to have your Mum make such beautiful artwork of her
Woos - Misty and Timber
What lovely pictures and artwork of CalliCallou! I think I like the last picture of her best.
No outside cat comes to our deck! We are far too territorial.
I've never met her. She is looking mighty beautiful!
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