Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Welcome to Caspurr's Birthday Pawty

Greetings, Effurryone!

Sorry we're a bit late. It took longer than expected to put up the marquee, but here We are now, at the Enchanted Forest, overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, making the best of the lovely, spring-like weather. 18 degrees Celsius, officially - but it feels warmer.  If it starts to get chilly, after dark, We can all proceed by Transporter Tunnel back to Our Appawtment, from which Mummy has promised to make herself scarce (mol)...But We don't think that will be necessary, because We have a big campfire and We can sit round it, while sipping our niptinis and catmint juleps.

Has effuryone got enough to drink, so We can raise a toast to the Birthday Boy?
If anyone would like to lend a paw at the bar, that would help things along.

Is there enough nip? We can always send out for more, if necessary.
And for those who prefurr, the valerian is over there, to the right of the bar.

Fancy Feasties of all flavours are on the centre table. Fish to the right and meat to the left. And don't worry - in the store room at the back, there's plenty more, if this runs out.

The micecream and other desserts - as well as the Birthday Cake - are right over here, on the table to the left.

Now, if you are all here and ready, it is time to reveal the secret of how We circumvented Mummy's pathetic little anti-child anti-cat lock and got at the trashcan under the sink.

It was Trixie who figured it out. You have to hand paw it to her, that is One Smart Cat!

In order to open the lock, Mummy has to press simultaneously (isn't that a lovely, big word? It means "at the same time") on two buttons, one on top of the right hand lock and one on the bottom of the right hand lock. Of course, for that, you need opposable thumbs.

But look carefully at where Mummy had placed the lock. 

As you can see, one side is on the door of the cupboard, and the other side is on a drawer.
Trixie realised that if We tug at the bottom of the cupboard door hard enough, We can pull open the cupboard door just a fraction - not enough to get inside. But if We all work together, We can pull much harder - enough that the force exerted pulls open the drawer to which the other half of the lock is attached. And when both the cupboard door and the drawer are pulled open, there is enough of a gap for One of Us to get inside, rummage in the trashcan and bring out anything worth eating.
And that's what We did.

And when We had finished, We pushed the cupboard door shut again, and Mummy never suspected that WE had managed to open it! In fact, She didn't know what to think! She was COMPLETELY BAFFLED!

And that's the story of How We Outwitted Mummy (yet again).

So - who needs opposable thumbs?


The Island Cats said...

Trixie, you are a smart one!

Happy Birthday, Caspurr! Let's get this party started!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Happy Happy Birthday Caspurr!!!!! Trixie is one brilliant kitty!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

pilch92 said...

Happy Birthday Caspurr!!! Thanks for having us at your party- it is lots of fun. You kitties are very clever to get into the trash.

Deziz World said...

Happy birthday gawjus Caspurr. Fanks fur invitin' us to your pawsum pawrty. We hope and know your day is as purrfect as you are. Trixie, you be a very clever girly. 'Course, dat doesn't sureprise us at all. We girlys are very smawrt indeed. MOL Big hugs fur all.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Jenna and Marie said...

Great pawty for Caspurr! We're impressed how Trixie figured out that child-proof lock. One should never underestimate the perseverance of a cat!

Kate said...

Happy birthday and you are all smart kitties, pass the niptinis.

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Birthday Caspurr!!!
We are really enjoying this party :)
We giggled at how you outsmarted your mum ;)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

meowmeowmans said...

Happy birthday, Caspurr! And that was brilliant how you outsmarted Mummy!

CATachresis said...

A belated happy birthday, Caspurr! I hope there are one or two tasty morsels left for a starving Welsh tuxie! I got held up over Croatia and had to take a tunnel diversion! MOL

WOW! You guys are seriously talented AND you work as a team!! I'm impressed!! Mummy will have to think of even more sophisticated ways to keep you out!! Good luck mum!! ;-)

Sasha said...

Hi Casspur. We can see the party is still going snd we are sorry to be late. Lynettea said she would come with me to apologize as it was her fault she forgot. We are loving it here and enjoying the fun. It is a real treat for me to ne allowed to come.
A very happy birthday to you and many happy returns!! ♡♡♡πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ΊπŸ˜Ί

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sorry we were late, Caspurr, but Happy Birfday!

Katie Isabella said...

Happy belated birthday to you Caspurr. I was here but too early. And now I know how you three outsmarted your mummy! That is noteworthy and celebratory. If she is still trying (fruitlessly) to keep you out....go in again and bring the rest of us with you. Wait. That might be too many kitties. We will show up in shifts! That ought to make it easy. We will have a pawty in the cabinet! XXOO

da tabbies o trout towne said...

veree nice ta meet everee one ~~~~ N eye noe this commint haz nothin ta due with this post but eye wanted ta say thanx 777 bazillion timez for
yur kindnezz two me & me familee last week sorree for de message paste type for mat ♥♥♥ lovez all wayz
boomer ♥

Furries said...

Happy Birthday Caspurr. I'm a little late, but I see you still have plenty of nip.

You kitties were very smart to outwit your mom's attempt at keeping the cabinet closed.

Anonymous said...

Happy Beelated Birthday Caspurr an Mazel Tov!!!
An mee apawlogizess fur missin yur pawty. What with LadyMum beein sick fur all most 4 weekss mee missed ALOT!
Hope yur day was a lot of fun an that this year iss purrfect!
***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx