Sunday, March 5, 2017

Birthday Coming Up

Hallo, Effuryone!

It is I, Feline-Marshall Caspurr the Courageous, Commander-in-Chief of the Impurrial Guard, King of the Tigger-Tabbies.

I want to remind you all that the day after tomorrow, Tuesday March 7th, is my birthday. My FOURTH birthday. Naturally, that means a pawty. A big one. A pawty with all my favourite noms. Countless cans of Fancy Feasty in all my favourite flavours - ocean whitefish and tuna, chick-hen, liver, salmon, seafood - you name it, We've got it!

And niptinis. And catmint juleps. And micecream.

And, best of all - YOU are all invited. 5 pm Israel time.
At a secret destination. RSVP - and the co-ordinates will be sent to your transportation devices.

Now, I know you are all waiting to hear how We outwitted Mummy, as we mentioned last week.
Aren't you?

Well, it's like this. Mummy got upset that We were getting into the trashcan under the kitchen sink and rummaging about in it. She claimed We were "making a mess". So She went and bought one of those locks they sell in Mothercare stores and put in on the door of the cupboard under the sink where She keeps the trashcan.

Mummy was sure that by means of this In-furr-nal Device, She had solved the "problem".
And for a while, She had.
Try as We might, We could not open the door.
I tried.
Trixie tried.
And you can bet your Nine Lives Shimshi tried.

No luck.

But We were not discouraged.
We put Our heads together.

And a couple of weeks ago, We came up with the answer.
And the furry next day, Mummy was furr-labbergasted to find that the chicken bones She had put in the trashcan were all over the kitchen floor.
She thought maybe She had fur-gotten to lock the cupboard door, or that maybe She hadn't locked it propurr-ly.
But when She went to check it, She found that the door was still shut and the lock was intact!

Poor Mummy! She was completely baffled (mol).

How did We do it?

For the answer to that, you will have to attend My Birthday Pawty on Tuesday, when all will be revealed...


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We have a recycling bin, and I, Iza, have gotten fascinated by te emoty cat cans. Nothing in them of course, as they are rinsed out. ButI can still sniff SOMETHING there and dig in. Nothing but noise...

CATachresis said...

Oh you guys!! You are such a team!!! I can't wait to find out how you did that! Was it by making use of your paranormal gifts? I will come by Tuesday in my best bib and tucker to partake of the festivities!! xx

Terri said...

Jenna wants to go! She is ready to try micecream and hear how you got into the garbage :)

Marie can't go as she's still officially a kitten under one year old and already gets into too much trouble...

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi guys!
We saw your comment on Sasha's blog and came over to visit.
You three are quite a bunch.
We look forward to learning how you got into the cupboard ;)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Mariodacat said...

You all are a pretty smart team. Three or four heads are better than one or two. Maybe you snuck in via the back of the cabinet! That would be the only way you could get in. Am I right? I know, I have to wait for your party. he he - keep me in suspense.

Deziz World said...

ConCatulations. Was there any chicken left on those there bones at least? MOL And a Happy early birthday to you Caspurr. We hope your day is as purrfect as you. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

PeeEss: We'll be at da pawrty, and hopefully, mommy won't make us late. MOL

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh my you are ingenious kitties!!!!! We will be there!!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

pilch92 said...

I can't wait to find out how you got those chicken bones out. And we would never miss your birthday. XO

The Island Cats said...

Well, we would come to your birthday party anyway...but now we will really be there to find out how you managed to get that lock off. :)

meowmeowmans said...

Well, you kitties sure are clever! We will be there to find out how you managed to get past those locks!

Billy The Time Cat said...

Fientje my sister is an expert in diving into the recycle bag. It is not the first time she bites through it.
Humans always forget the we outsmart them in every way.

Billy The Time Cat

Katie Isabella said...

I will come by again in a while. Let's is 1430 in Israel right now. So I will use these coordinates again in a few hours. I am busting to know how you three did the! Don't you love the satisfaction of outwitting our mommy's? Please let that information on how you all did it to be the first thing. Then, we tear into the Catmint juleps! My mouf is watering just thinking of it and oh my...things will get rowdy!