Sunday, October 1, 2023

Welcome To Our Sukkah: Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies

Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!

This weekend, all three of Us will be taking part in the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by Our Dear Furriends, the Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

That is because Mummy managed to catch all three of Us together, not fighting, in a lovely, restful Ussie:

We artified this using LunaPic's Edtaonisi filter at 50%. We haven't used this effect for quite a while, for some reason, but We are furry satisfied with the results:

Now that Sukkot (Tabernacles) is here, the weather is finally showing some signs that it is, actually autumn. The sky is quite cloudy today, and We heard there might be some sky-water, especially in the north, but We haven't seen any here in Jerusalem as yet. In fact, We hope it doesn't rain until after Sukkot, because nobody wants a soggy, water-logged sukkah, do they? Especially when We put so much effort into building ours and decorating it and making it all purrty so We could welcome all Our Furriends whom We hope will come to visit Us during the week. We hope YOU will be among them. We will be there effurry day till Furriday, from 9am till 6pm Israel time (only till noon on Furriday) , eating, playing, eating, sleeping, eating, playing, eating, sleeping. Do come and join Us! We are waiting for you!


Now, for those of you who want to see more pictures of Mummy's adventures in Montenegro and read more about her vacation, We are happy to announce that the first part of a planned 3-part series is up and running on her own bloggie since this morning. 

It is now time to join the blog hops, so before We forget, here are the blog hop badges:


Don't forget to come and visit Us in Our Sukkah and join Us for some refreshments, or even a meal.

Be well. Be safe. We love you all.


Erin The Cat said...

I have to say that is a delightful ussie! The artwork turned out pretty special, too! Happy Sukkah to you all, may it be filled with much food and resting and very little of the rainy stuff, MOL

meowmeowmans said...

Great selfie. YOu all look marvelous. Your sukkah sure looks nice, too. We will come and join you soon! Chag sameach! XO

Lynn and Precious said...

Your sukkah looks lovely impressive. So paws crossed fur no water on it fur now. Our autumn is holding off 'til next week when it will stay cooler fur all time. Now we have too dry and lots of sunshine. We are going to visit your mummy's travel while taking in all the info. I was glad to see all 3 of you together. Precious

Katie Isabella said...

Hi, you three! Your mommy was fortunate to catch all three of you AND in a good mood too! My mm said she'll go see your mom's bloggie,

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely ussie and art of the three of you.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Love the ussie and the art is great too!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Peace among us cats is allus good!

BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum said...

Lovelee 'Ussie" Shimshi an Trixie an Caspurr!! Furry artsy :)
Happy Sukkot to efurryone there....
Yore Sukkah iss so purrty...mee will tellyport over on Tuesday an come vissit OKay?
Issn't Autumm pawsum mee deer frendss? Mee likess this Seeson best....
***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum


Our server is wobbling a bit at the moment BUT Dash Kitten can be reached with some browsers like Chrome. (Just in case you can’t reach us). As you know last week was a struggle but we are back to commenting this week.

Yaaay for Ussies! So good to see all of you.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz !!! happee sun day and week a head :) !! ♥♥♥

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

What a darling family portrait!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Of course, we'd love to come join you. That's a super sweet group selfie gang!

The Island Cats said...

What a nice picture of the 3 of you! I’ll definitely visit you in your sukkah. ~Ernie

pilch92 said...

Good job on the sukkah. Nice ussie and I like your art. I will head over to your mum's blog- I always learn something there. XO

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

How sweet to have 'captured' all three of your kitties in the same frame! Pretty art, too.

We sure hope your tabernacle stays dry...

ZOOLATRY said...

(sorry to be latecomers ...) Loving the "family" kitty art ... and also your Sukkah, enjoy the celebration. Blessings to all. Ann & JUNE

Kea said...

Three in one shot, "not fighting," for a selfie is fantastic. So is your sukkah!

Have a lovely week!

Linda said...

I like the Edtaonisi filter. Keep on being peaceful!

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, what a wonderful gift you three gave to your pawrents. I used to have three cats and it was almost impossible to get a shot of all three at once. It would be great if you could get an actual print of your Caturday Art and frame it for pawsterity.

By the way, I just finished a Meme of this picture and it will be on Dani's blog tomorrow!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thank you for the well wishes for our sweet Brian.

Adorapurr said...

All I have to say is, my momma was very impressed that yoo were able to catch everyone together without fighting. There are so many of us that we wouldn't fit into one picture, plus nobody would want to pose with Rabbit. Great art work too! Love, Dori

CCL Wendy said...

We are praying for you that you will be safe during and after this terrible time. I hope your allies will use their power to ameliorate this unforgiveable action as much as possible. Sending you lots of love and hope for a quick resolution.

Kea said...

I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Please be safe. 🙏

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are praying for all of you and your country. Please stay safe. ❤️❤️🙏🙏

Gidget Blue Sky said...

purring fur your safety