Hallo, Effurrybuddies.
This is a furry sad weekend for all of Us in the Blogosphere, because We had to say goodbye to sweet Raz, from the Friends Furever blog. Raz had been sick for a while, although We did not realise just how bad it was, and We were heartbroken to read he was called to the Bridge on Furriday afternoon.
We send Our heartfelt Condolences to his Mom, Miss Sharon, and to his fursibs, Noelle and Reesie.
Effurry time We say Goodbye to one of Our Anipals, We are reminded of the impawtance of keeping in touch with friends - animal and human alike - because nothing lasts for effur, and if you put off telling someone how much they mean to you, you might not get another chance.
You remember how, in the past, We have written about Mummy's friend Ms F. who got stuck in Switzerland three years ago when the Evil Coronavirus Pandemic started, and, for health reasons, was unable to return home again and whose kitties were being taken care of by Ms. I?
Ms. F. was called to her own Bridge last week after fighting an Evil Cancer for several years - and neffur saw her home or her kitties again. Mummy is trying to find out what will happen to the two who were left.
About the casualties of war and terrorism over the last week, Mummy will probably write in her own blog later this week, or maybe next week. For now, We are going to concentrate on happier things - namely, the weekend blog hops. It is My Turn to lead my fellow J-Cats on the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Divinely Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightful and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
It was quite difficult to choose just one selfie this week - because there are simply so many to choose from. So We offer up three for your Delectation! Each one of them has been artified with a different LunaPic filter.
Furrst up, here is a picture of Me purractising Pole Dancing. Mummy says I have put on too much weight and that I need to get in shape for the World Pole Dancing Championships later in the summer.
Do you think I am overweight, kitties?
We artified this with the Delaunay filter, with a Dark overlay at 70%:
Selfie no. #2 shows My Despairing Attempt to evade the Flashy Box. It was a vain attempt - but at least no flash was actually used and there was no need for Me to activate My Deadly Lasers:
We made an artsy-fartsy version of this one with Dreaming (which I was not allowed to do in peace!) at 55%, overlaid with Beauty at 45%:
Finally, here is one where I let it all hang out (mol). Mummy claims I had difficulty in rolling over again onto My Tummy, because of being overweight! Such impurrtinence! What does She know about it? I was merely allowing her to take multiple shots of My Tummy, because I know so many of you greatly admire it!
The artification for this one used the Surreal Painting effect at 82%, with an overlay of Tuscany at 40%.
Which one do you like best?
Now, before We forget, here are the blog hop badges:

As most of you know by now, Sunday evening is caterwauling practice for Mummy and her Caterwauling Club friends, so We will sign off now and let her have a nice, long siesta. Caterwauling, as We all know, demands a lot of Energy - and Energy requires plenty of Napping.
So that's it for now. Lehitra'ot (Be seeing you).
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.