Today, We are celebrating the memory of Mummy's furry furrst Furbaby, the beautiful Minxie, Queen of Cats.
Minxie was born on June 15th, 1980, so Today would have been her Birthday. Mummy had neffur had a Furbaby before and Minxie filled her life with Joy and Wonder.
Mummy has told Us all about Minxie, because We believe that it is furry impawtant to learn about the Kitties who came before Us. This is part of Our Heritage - and it is pawticularly impawtant, because Minxie went to the Bridge long before Mummy started blogging, and if We don't write about her, no-one but Us will know about her and how beautiful and loving she was, and how Mummy's heart was broken. Minxie was an amazing kitty, who used to run to the window when Mummy came home from Work and called to her from the carpark down below. She would meow hallo to Mummy and then, she would run to the door to greet Her.
When Mummy would lie on the sofa, watching TeeVee, Minxie liked to lie on Mummy's chest, watching Mummy. Sometimes, she would go to sleep there - and then Mummy just had to stay put until Minxie woke up!
And, unlike Us
Unfortunately, when Minxie was just 14 years old, she got a horrible, nasty, Evil Cancer. The v-e-t opurrated on her and tried to remove it, but it was too far advanced and Minxie didn't recover, but grew weaker and weaker. It wasn't long before Mummy discovered another lump in Minxie's tummy and realised it would be cruel to put her through any further opurrations and that the time had come to help her Beloved Baby go home to the Great Cat in the Sky.
That happened on June 12th, 1995 - just three days before what would have been Minxie's 15th birthday.
Minxie lived her whole life before The Digital Age, so the only pictures of her that Mummy has, were taken with one of those Old-Fashioned Cameras, where you had to take the film into a photography shop to be developed. She has scanned some of the pictures into her computer and she has chosen one of them - with Our Help - to take part in the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by the furry Wise Kitty Athena and her Human, Marie.
Here is the original picture, of Minxie sitting in one of her Favourite Places - the Bathtub:
If there was a towel draped over the side of the bathtub, Minxie would drag it down into the tub, and sit on it! Well, wouldn't you? It's much more comfortable to sit on a towel than on the (possibly damp) floor of the bath-tub!
What do you think?

And off We go:
Furrst, here is The Badge:

And let's go!
How wonderful to hear about your Mum's first cat. She sounded like a sweetie.
We liked her picture. Mum does not have any pictures of her first cat when she first got her own place.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Minxie was a beautiful girl. I LOVE the art your mom made of her. Sending your mommy hugs as she remembers Minxie. XO
Pretty Minxie looked a bit like TW's first kitty, Faith.
Aww.. lovely post and beautiful kitty.
We love that artwork of Minxie. We enjoyed learning about her, and how much she and your mummy loved each other. XO
What a great tribute!
Thanks for sharing your memories of Minxie. It's important to remember the kitties who have come before. It'd funny that she pulled the towel into the tub to use as a bed.
Beautiful memories of Mom's first beautiful girl ! Purrs,
Minxie sounds like a wonderful cat. Thanks for sharing her story with us. Purrs to all of you as you remember her on her birthday.
We are sorry we are late. Minxie was a special girlcat...
Meow meow what a furabuluss post Caspurr an Trixie an Shimshi!! Minxie was so gorgeeuss....shee ree-minded LadyMew of her ferst kitty girl Simpson who was all so striped....Wee shuud all wayss honor THE catss who have come bee-fore us. They are THE reason wee are here....
Sorry it tooked so long to come vizzit you all. LadyMew has had health issuess an mee had a ruff V-E-T getss THE pickture!
Sendin <3 an ***purrsss*** to efurryone an xtra **paw kisses** to Caspurr….
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