Monday, December 28, 2015

Remembering Angel Pixie

Hallo, Effurrybody!

You were probably wondering why We didn't write a bloggie on Wednesday (December 23rd) to commemorate the fourth anniversary of Princess Pixie's departure for the Rainbow Bridge.

It's not that We had forgotten Pixie - We could neffur do that - only Mummy was away on a field trip all day and the Computer Thingy was switched off. In any case, only Mummy knows the passwords. And when Mummy got home, there were problems with the internet connection. Mummy just about managed to help Us get out a short Chrissymouse message to our furriends, on her Mobile Phone, but all the pictures of Sweet Angel Pixie were on the Computer and Mummy thought it would be furry difficult to write a suitable bloggie with pictures on the tiny phone.

We are still having purr-oblems but We had c-o-n-n-e-c-t-i-v-i-t-y (MOUSES! What a long word!) for long enough this morning to go to this really cool website recommended by our furr-iend Dezi from Deziz World and make a mosaic of all the most beautiful pictures of Pixie We could find.
It took Us ages and ages, because We had to sort through loads and loads of pictures and decide which to use - plus the fact that, although We had the internet connection back again at long last, it was furry, furry slow. And then, when We were finally ready, We lost the connection again and all Our Hard Work was lost  :-(
It's lucky we had already saved a non-animated version to our computer!

Anyway, here is the result - a lovely mosaic of the beauteous Princess PixiCato (aka Pixie):

Even if it didn't turn out quite the way Mummy intended, We still think Pixie looks beautiful - as always.
Caspurr looks a bit like her - he has her colouring. But Mummy says that I, Queen Trixie, am much more like her in character. We aren't sure if, and in what way, Shimshi resembles her. Perhaps in his love of mischiefs (mol). As a little kitten, Pixie was furry good at planning and carrying out all kinds of mischiefs. It was in her later years that She became more staid and ladycat-like.

We do know that it was Pixie who chose Me for Mummy; Pixie, who whispered in Her ear and in Mine, that I was the One For Her, and She for Me, when She was heartbroken and Kitty-less after both Pixie and Possum had flown away to the Bridge.

Now Mummy has leaky eyes again, so We are going to snuggle up to Her and try to make her happy again, as We remind Her that Pixie hasn't really gone, She is always here, watching over Mummy and Us, as are Possum and Minxie who came before Possum, and that We shall all be together again one day, in the Presence of the Great Cat in the Sky, in the Land of Eternal Sunshine Beyond the Rainbow Bridge.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

It's That Time of Year Again...

Yes, Kitties! It's that time of year when Mummy remembers, at the furry last minute, that even though We have finished celebrating Hanukkah, we have a Whole Lot of Friends out there, Anipals and Humans, who are just about to celebrate Chrissymouse.
So, even though the Computer Thingy is not working (at least, it's working but the Internet doesn't seem to be propurrly connected) and Mummy is having to type this for Us on her Mobile Phone, we wanted to wish you all a Furry Merry Chrissymouse! Be well and if there's any turkey (or anything else, for that matter) left over from your Chrissymouse Dinner, remember that there are all too many homeless kitties who would be effur so happy to have a good meal and a loving caress. So remember to share and spread the Chrissymouse Spirit.

A Merry Chrissymouse to you all.

Trixie, Caspurr, Shimshi - and Mummy Shimona.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Time for a Grumble

Hallo again, Effurrybody!

It is I, Queen Trixie, Empress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East, Guardian of the Boudoir, Alpha Kitty Extraordinaire!

I have to tell you, my brofurs have been furry mean to me the past few days. As if things weren't bad enough with Caspurr sneaking up on Me and pouncing on Me all the time, now he has purr-suaded Shimshi to join in, and help him to ambush Me. They gang up on Me and corner Me, and it's Not Fair, it's Two to One! I knew this would happen when Mummy brought a second Mancat to live with Us. I just knew it.

Some of the time, I get on quite well with Shimshi, but Caspurr is a Furry Bad Influence on him. For example, he used to eat nicely, the way I taught him, but now he just gobbles his food the way Caspurr does, and even tries to steal Caspurr's food bowl (which is poetic justice, in a way). And, of course, they both do their best to steal my food, and would do so, if Mummy didn't put my bowl in a separate room at meal times and shut the door.

The thing is, Kitties, that all this puts Me in quite a Dilemma. Mummy is always ready to protect Me, of course, but if I run to her effurrytime the Boys bully Me, I will lose all credibility as an Alpha Kitty. On the Other Hand, they enjoy an Unfurr Advantage, as there are two of them.

What do you think I should do?

Friday, November 20, 2015

Kitties in the Dog House!

Hallo, Effurrybuddies!

It's Me again, the Mighty Shimshon (a.k.a. Shimshi)!

How do you like our new banner? Mummy said it's time we had one!

We hope it's a sign She has fur-given Us for all the Mischiefs We made this week.
Yesterday, We (well, Me and Caspurr, that is) broke her Favourite Coffee Mug. It's her own fault, really. She shouldn't have left it on the coffee table when her back was turned. She had shut Us up in the bedroom while She had a TV snack and then, She let Us out and went to the bathroom, before washing up her cup and plate and putting them away. And there were traces of cottage cheese on the plate, so of course We jumped up onto the table to investigate (not Trixie though. She doesn't like Human Food). Could We help it if it was necessary to move the Yellow Mug aside in order to conduct a more thorough investigation?!
Anyway, Mummy admitted herself that it's not the End of the World, because She has another one exactly like it.

But She hasn't admitted that she was to blame and issued a public apology - unlike her Penitence this morning, when She shut Trixie in the Guest Room so Trixie could eat her breakfast (which she never finishes) without what She called "being disturbed by the Boys". Trixie miaouwed and miaouwed furry loudly and Mummy ignored her. She didn't realise that Trixie needed to go to the bathroom really, really badly. In the end, Trixie couldn't hold it in any more and (whisper) she peed on the sofa!  

Trixie felt really embarrassed about that, and Mummy apologised to her and acknowledged that it was All Her Fault.

But She isn't so furr-giving with Caspurr and Me. She called Caspurr a Bully yesterday, because he Pounced on Trixie and they were fighting hammer and tongs, and Trixie's fur was flying. And Caspurr went and found the furs all over the living-room floor and ate them! Mummy has no idea why he does that.

Mummy did a far, far worse thing than anything We have done this past week. She FORGOT Trixie's Gotcha Day on November 12th!!!

I mean to say - MOUSES!!!

Do you think We should fur-give Her, anipals?

Monday, November 16, 2015

And Another Weekend Goes By...

Hallo, Effurrybody!

It is I, Queen Trixie, Empress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East, Guardian of the Boudoir and Alpha-Kitty Extraordinaire.

Alas, another weekend has flown by and we have had to get back to work.
Humans don't seem to realise how hard We Felines work during the week!

This is Me, on Guard Duty, in my lofty perch in the Wardrobe:

While I was on Guard Duty, Caspurr and Shimshi were able to take a well-earned Nap:

I suspect, however, that they were using Nap Time to plan Mischiefs.

Kitties, We are all furry sad about what has happened in Purris, last Furr-iday! You remember those Evil Humans who We wrote about before? Well, there are lots more of them, not only here in Israel, but all over the World!

Kitties would NEFFUR, EFFUR, behave like that to each other!
Once again, We can see Proof that the world should be ruled by Felines, not Humans!

Don't you agree?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Three Years Without Possum

Greetings, Effurybody!

Mummy had the sads yesterday because She was remembering Possum, who came before Us and who flew away to the Rainbow Bridge exactly three years ago yesterday, on October 21, 2012.

We have heard a lot about Possum. It seems he was a furry special kitty and it's sometimes quite hard to live up to his Legacy, but We do our best. We think Possum would have been proud of Us and we are sure We would have liked to know him.

Anyway, as is her custom on this day, Mummy was looking at pictures of Possum and telling Us stories about the things he and Pixie used to get up to. We like hearing these stories. They are part of Our Heritage.

Here are some of the pictures Mummy showed Us yesterday:

This picture displays the magnificence of Possum's tail. Mummy says that, in some ways, Trixie's tail reminds her of Possum, not in its colour but in its floofiness and its stripiness..
What do you think?

Mummy also finds similarities between Possum and Caspurr, who, although he bears a greater resemblance to Pixie in the colour of his furs, is a Gentle Giant, like Possum was, with HUGE, soft paws.

Here is Possum, in the foreground, together with precious Pixie:

And here is Caspurr: 

See what we mean about the paws (mol)?

And, of course, Shimshi also has a lot in common with Possum. Both were rescued by Step-Grandma and brought to Mummy at a moment's notice, when She wasn't expecting or intending to be adopting any new kitties that day! And both were covered with fleas (mol)!

Here is Possum the day he arrived:

And below is a picture of Shimshi, shortly after he arrived in what was to be his furever home:

So, you see, the Chain remains Unbroken and We Three are carrying on a Proud Tradition.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cause Fur Concern

Hallo, Effuryone!

We want to share with you something that is giving Us a lot of a-n-x-i-e-t-y. That's a new word We have learned this week, and it means We are furry, furry, furry worried.

Why are We worried?

Well, We saw on the Big Flat Screen in the living-room that there are some terribly evil Humans who are going around attacking good Humans like our Mummy with knives and axes, and have even managed to send some of them to the Rainbow Bridge.

These evil Humans have attacked Old People and even Human Kittens!
Mummy has written about it in her own blog.

We don't want Mummy to go out. Effurry time She goes out, we are afraid She might not come back. We are afraid the Bad Humans will get her. We worry and worry till She comes safely home. What would We do if anything happened to her? Who would feed Us and look after Us.
(And besides all that - We love Her furry, furry much. But don't tell Her that...mol.)
Sometimes, We get so anxious that We even curl up together on the Same Sofa, so We can draw comfort from each other!

Why does She need to go out, anyway? She has a lovely Home which we share with her, and She has Us to keep her company.

What more could any Human ask?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Good Year

Greetings, Effurybody!

It's seems like it's been a zillion years since We last posted - even though there was a LOT to write about. For example, Mummy dragged Me (Queen Trixie) and my little brofur Shimshi off to the v-e-t last month - in the same paddy wagon, would you believe?!

In Shimshi's case, there was at least some excuse, because he had to have his annual shots. That's what Mummy calls it anyway, but We don't understand why they call it "shots" when actually, what the evil v-e-t does is to stab us!

Mummy's excuse for dragging Me off to Dr. Einat was, that She was worried about Me not eating enough. So Einat tried to steal some of my bloods, but I wouldn't let her. And instead of taking "No" for an answer, she stabbed Me and gave Me an evil drug to make me all woozy. In fact, it made Me fall asleep and while I was sleeping, she stole my bloods. And it was all for nothing, Kitties - because all the tests came back negative. There is nothing wrong with Me. Mummy just got into a Tizz because She's used to Caspurr and Shimshi scoffing down their food (and as much of mine as they can get) like hogs, whereas I prefer to eat slowly and elegantly, as befits a Ladycat, and thus preserve my beautiful, lithe, svelte figure!
I can do that, because Mummy has taken to shutting Me up in the guest room with my noms, so that I can eat in peace, without having my repast stolen by my Greedy Brofurs. But even so, I don't like to over-eat, and there is often food left over for the Mancats.

While Shimshi and I were at the evil v-e-t's, Caspurr was left on guard, to keep our home safe from Intruders.

Last week, Mummy entertained her human family for Rosh Hashana (that's our New Year). Twelve intruders joined Us for supper. That's Grandpa and Step-Grandma and Step-Great-Grandma and Mummy's sisters and their mates and kittens too!

One of Mummy's nieces has something called a-s-t-h-m-a and it's brought on by an allergy to kitties! She loves kitties, but whenever she comes near Us, her eyes start to water and she starts getting an attack. So we have to be shut away in the bedroom when the Human Family comes over. But the human kittens always beg Mummy to let Us out, because they love Us so much.

Tomorrow, the Humans have another Special Day called Yom Kippur. That is the day when the Great Cat in the Sky judges effurryone - Cats, Other Animals, and Humans too - and decides what will be their fate during the coming year. And We are all supposed to fur-give each other and say how sorry we are for the bad things we have done during the year. So Caspurr and Shimshi and I (Queen Trixie) want to say to you all, that if We have hurt or offended anyone over the past year, We are furry, furry sorry and we ask you to furr-give Us.

And, although it's a few days late, We want to wish you all Shana Tova (שנה טובה - a Good Year).

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Glorious Twelfth Is Here Again!

Greetings, Effurrybody!

It is I, Queen Trixie, Empress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East.
I have a furry impawtant announcement to make.

For those of you who may have furr-gotten (impossible as that may seem) - today is My Birthday.
Today I am three years old.

Since it is the middle of the week, and Mummy has such a lot to do, We shall be holding My Official Pawty on Shabbat afternoon, as usual, at 5 pm when it starts to get cooler. You - my Dear Furriends - are all invited, of course. 

Since my birthday falls smack in the middle between World Cat Day and Black Cat Appreciation Day (and I am most truly a Black Cat), this will be an Extra Big Celebration.

Meanwhile, I have already received my Birthday Present from Mummy. After giving Me my favourite Shrimp, Cod and Salmon Fancy Feast for breakfast, She took Me to have My portrait painted by the famous painter, Miaownet. I think M'sieur Miaownet's impurrsionist technique really brings out the undertones of colour in my beautiful black furs, wouldn't you agree?

And since my brofurs, Caspurr and Shimshi, thought it would be nice for Us to have a little birthday celebration en famille, as well as My Official Birthday Pawty, they are taking Me out later this evening to a nightclub -  a new one called Le Chateau du Chat Noir (that means "The Castle of the Black Cat" - mol).
So I am now going to have a nice, long nap in order to be completely rested and refreshed because when my fur-sibs and I go out to party - boy, do We party!

Don't furr-get now! I'm looking forward to seeing you all this Shabbat afternoon, because it's going to be the bestest pawty effur!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Boomie Drill

Hallo again, Effurryone!

You remember the boomies we wrote about last summer, and how we used to hide in the wardrobe among Mummy's clothes, while Mummy had to run down to the Boomie Shelter?

Well, a few days ago, We were just having a little Nap when we were startled to hear the horrid, wailing sound of the Boomie Warning Siren!

We were about to dive for cover when Mummy said not to worry, it was just a Drill!

Well, We were furry, furry relieved, as you can imagine, but once We had got over our alarm, We began to feel Highly Indignant! What did the Humans at Civil Defence mean by scaring Us like that!?

Mummy thinks it was because the Humans in a country called Iran want to get a horrible kind of Boomie and shoot it at Us. So We have to be prepared.

We don't understand why they would want to shoot Boomies at Us. We know all about Iran, kitties. It used to be called Purr-sia. But We don't have any quarrel with Purr-sia. We love Purr-sian kitties! They are beautiful and furry and effur so good-natured. Some of our best furr-iends are Purr-sian kitties. We are sure if the Purr-sian kitties were in charge, they wouldn't be trying to make Boomies.

So we want to call on all the kitties in Purr-sia to tell their Humans not to make Boomies. Boomies are Bad. If their Humans make Boomies, then effurrybody else will make Boomies and start shooting them at each other and a lot of innocent kitties and their Human Mummies and Daddies will get sent to the Bridge.

Please help Us spread the message.


Friday, July 17, 2015


Hallo again, Effurrybody!

It is I, Queen Trixie, Guardian of the Boudoir and Alpha Kitty Extraordinaire.
I want to update you on some furry impawtant news. Perhaps the Most Impawtant News of the Year!

You remember a few months back, I told you that I had been made a           Purr-fessor of S.S.T. at the Feline University of Jerusalem? (That's Synchronised Sleeping Techniques, for those of you who haven't been paying attention.)
Well, last week, my furrst students passed their end-of-year exams with such success that the University Administration has decided that the course - an experimental one, which has never before been offered at any university - will become a purr-manent fixture and, as a result, I have been granted tenure!

What do you think of that, kitties?

For those of you unfamiliar with S.S.T., I am going to explain the concept, with the assistance of my two best students - Caspurr and Shimshi.

You may have noticed that when two or more kitties live together in close proximity, their sleeping patterns tend to be similar. Not only do they sleep at the same time but they have a tendency to sleep in similar positions.


Not quite identical, but furry, furry close, as you can see. 

Not only that but, when one kitty moves in his or her sleep, changing positions, there is a high probability that the other kitty will mirror the moves of his or her companion.

These mirror moves don't always turn out quite right:

The goal of my S.S.T. course is to enable companion kitties to perform in-sleep manoeuvres simultaneously and in complete synchronisation.

It was not easy at furrst, I have to admit. My students required individual tutoring and close snoopervision:

Not quite, this time - but Caspurr learned fast, and by the end of the semester, his moves were nearly purrfect:

Shimshi required a bit more coaching, as his attention often wandered:

Indeed, there were times when I almost felt like giving up:

However, I purr-severed, and I am glad that I did. I realised that Caspurr could be invaluable as a Teaching Assistant. Here we are working together, to demonstrate a purr-ticularly tricky position to Shimshi:

I found that the two of them worked well together, as this next photo shows:

Note the small details, such as the way both cats have the tail firmly held in place by the extended forepaw.

So well did they work together, in fact, that I was miaowtivated to invent some new manoeuvres especially for them, one of which I am demonstrating here:

Finally, no less impawtant that the Synchronised Manoeuvres while sleeping, are the Wake-Up and Stretch Techniques to be purr-formed at the end of the exercise. Here, we can see Caspurr demonstrating an advanced Touch Your Toes exercise:

So pleased are We with the success of this course that our hope is to have S.S.T. included as a Recognised Sport at the next Kitty Olympics. We are therefore asking you all to join Us in lobbying the International Feline Olympic Committee (IFOC) to that purr-pose. There is only just over a year to go. Can we count on your support?

I will leave you now with best wishes for a pleasant weekend. 

Shabbat Shalom from Moi, Queen Trixie and from my brofurs, Caspurr the Tigger Tabby and Shimshon the Mighty (aka Shimshi).

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Laser Eyes

Hallo there, Effurryone!

We are stlll waiting for the Cat Condo Mummy promised to get Us when We moved into our new palace.  She n
ow says that will have to be put on hold, as she has to replace her Sucky Monster (must you, Mummy?) and her Microwave Oven, which got dedded, somehow. She needs to use the money she would have used for Our New Condo. 

And We are tired of the rubber balls and mousies with feathers, because, in any case, Shimshi keeps stealing them and hiding them and then fur-getting where he hid them.

So we invented a new game. You know that game where the Human flashes a laser light point around? Well, We've gone one better. We discovered that Shimshi has really powerful Laser Eyes and he can cast light spots on the walls for Trixie and Me to chase. 


We ran around after those light spots so much, I am quite exhausticated!
Now I am off to watch TV with Mummy and my fur-sibs. At least - they can watch TV. I am going to have a(nother) nap.

Have a Good Week!

Caspurr the Tigger-Tabby King

Friday, May 15, 2015

Impawtant Dates to Remember

Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!

This is Me, the Mighty Shimshon. I just wanted to remind you all that today, May 15th, is my Gotcha Day. 

Sort of. 

It is exactly one year since Step-Grandma brought me to live here, with Mummy and with my fur-siblings, Trixie and Caspurr. But, as you may recall, Mummy wasn't sure at the time that She could look after Three Kitties and so it was more than a month till I was Officially Adopted into the J-Cat Family.

However, We are going to celebrate my Gotcha Day tomorrow, so we can, once again, combine two celebrations in one. Sunday is Yom Yerushalayim, the 48th anniversary of the Liberation and Reunification of Jerusalem in the Six Day War. That was a furry, furry long time ago, even in Human Years - let alone Cat Years! It was long befurr I was born. Long befurr Caspurr and Trixie were born. Long befurr Possum and Pixie or even Minxie (who lived in the pre-blogging era) were born.

Jewish holidays start the evening before and Shabbat falls right between My Gotcha Day and Yom Yerushalayim, so - out of consideration for The Staff - we are going to have just one (furry big) combined pawty.

You are all invited, of course! We are going to have a Fish Barbecue, with plenty of salmon and tuna and trout and cod and seafood. And mice-cream for dessert. And nip cocktails. We shall start in the late afternoon, when it gets cooler. So let's say five pm Israel time. Anyone who wants to come early to help us get set up, will be most welcome. It's going to be on the (sort of) Patio...
And then we shall have a Disco Dance.

Trixie says we need to dance in order to work off all the calories We shall have consumed. I don't know why girl-cats are always thinking about dieting and so-on, do you?

Anyways, We are looking furr-ward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Have a nice Shabbat!

Friday, May 8, 2015

In Loving Memory - Nerissa (Nissy)

We are all so sad to hear that our Dear Furriend, the amazing Nissy, has left us - far too soon and way before his time -  and flown away to the everlasting nip fields at the Bridge.  We are too shocked and grieved to be able to write about anything else and anyway, Mummy's eyes are leaking too much to be able to see the keyboard properly.

We wish we were clever at graphics like the wonderfully talented Ann from the Zoolatry blog, who created this beautiful memorial badge in Nissy's honour: 

Alas, we have no such talents, neither does Our Human. We are only good with words, not pictures. But even here, we think the best tribute We can pay to Our Beloved Furriend Nissy, is to adopt the word he himself invented, and thus keep his memory alive furr-ever, wherever the English Feline language is spoken.

What else can one say, anyway, when one is at a loss for words?


Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Double Celebration

Hallo, Effurrybody!

Well, as I mentioned last week, on Shabbat afternoon, We had a Huge Pawty to celebrate Shimshi's Coming-of-Age (he is now One Year Old) and Caspurr's second Gotcha Day. 

Shimshi is a furry impatient kitty. When Mummy gave him the Prezzie She had bought him, he practically tore it out of her paws hands and then tried to climb into the bag it was in:

And when he saw what it was (a lovely, bouncy rubber ball with lots of fevvas), he ran off with it before either Caspurr or I could so much as get a look at it! It's lucky Mummy was there with her flashy box to show you what it was like before Shimshi could pull all the fevvas off!

Naturally, Caspurr was off in a flash after Shimshi and the pretty green ball:

But Shimshi was having none of that so Caspurr had to make do with an old sock of Mummy's filled with catnip. That was an exceptionally good toy, because it smelled of both Mummy and nip (purrs).

As for Moi, I was so exhausticated from all the pre-purrations for the Pawty, I just had to have a rest!

I just hope my brofurs truly appurreciate all the Hard Work Mummy and I put in to make their Joint Pawty a Success!

Now - lest you should think We are done with celebrations for a while - We are looking forward to Yom Ha'atzma'ut (Israel's Independence Day) which is celebrated this coming Thursday! The traditional way of celebrating that is with a Barbecue in the garden or yard. So We shall be having another Pawty in just Four Days Time - at 3 pm Israel Time.

And, of course, you're all invited!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Festivals, Birthdays and Anniversaries

Hallo, Effurybody!

What a busy time it has been this past fortnight! Furrst of all, there was Pessach. We had to snoopervise all Mummy's Pessach cleaning, and shopping - especially when She decided to get some treats for Herself!

Then, on Chol Hamoed Pessach, Mummy had her Hebrew birthday and two days later, on April 8th, it was her birthday according to the Civil Calendar. So She got two birthdays in the same week! But She doesn't get to have a Gotcha Day like We do (although, in a way, She, too, was Gotcha-ed). And talking of Gotcha Days, yesterday, April 11th, was Caspurr's. It's exactly two years since he and Mummy decided they were made for each other - and I, Trixie, finally got the Little Brofur I had been waiting for!
We didn't have a Pawty (I'll explain why in a minute) but he did get to choose what We would watch on the Big Screen:

Now, the reason there was no Pawty was that this coming Furr-iday, April 17th, is Shimshi's Birthday! He will be exactly One Year Old. So, we have decided to have a Joint Pawty for the two of them - Shimshi's Coming-of-Age and Caspurr's Gotcha Day Pawty.

But since Mummy is now a few hundred years old, by Our Reckoning, and her Human Family are having a "Surprise" Birthday Pawty for Her that day and since We need Her help to prepare Our Pawty really, really want Her to come to Our Pawty, We are going to have Caspurr and Shimshi's Pawty the following day, on Shabbat afternoon - and, of course, you are all invited.

We shall have it at 6 pm, so you can all enjoy the beautiful sunset.

I suppose it will be a lot of work for Me to pre-purr, but being an Alpha-Kitty Extraordinaire does carry with it certain obligations.

Noblesse Oblige, as they say.

So that's it for now. We are looking forward to seeing you all on Shabbat afternoon.

Have a Good Week!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Fun-Filled Weekend

Hallo again, Effurryone!

It is I, Caspurr the Tigger-Tabby King!
I am completely exhausticated by all the festivities we've been having over the past few days!

Furrst of all, there was Purr-im. Mummy made Us dress up in these silly hats for the Purr-im Pawty. Trixie said She didn't see what I was getting so uptight about, nobody minds being a little undignified on Purr-im. You are supposed to dress up in funny costumes and take part in the miaowsquerade, and even get a little tipsy. 

It's all very well for Her to talk. She got to wear an elegant hat and look even more ladycatlike than usual!

And even Shimshi didn't look too silly, in his Cossack hat:

But the hat Mummy picked out for Me was not one that a self-respecting Mancat would agree to wear. The fact that I did so can point to only one thing:

I must have had a couple of niptinis too many!
Either that, or somebody (I shall name no names) spiked my Silvervine Cocktail (mol).

No sooner was Purr-im over, then it was My Birthday!
Yes, kitties! On Shabbat, I was Two Years Old.

I had Salmon and Shrimp Fancy Feast for lunch and I also received this nice Mousie as a Birthday Prezzie from Mummy.

Of course, no sooner had Mummy given it to Me, than Shimshi tried to steal it! So Mummy had no choice but to put Me and My New Mousie in the Boudoir (much to Trixie's annoyance) and to shut Shimshi out. He wasn't best pleased with that, but at least I got to play with My Prezzie and make sure it was thoroughly imbued with My Own Scent.

Instead of having another Pawty, We decided to go out to a nightclub to celebrate. I pointed out that this might be a bit of a problem, what with Shimshi being underage and all that, but Trixie said She had a furr-iend who could fix him up with a fake ID.

Our furrst stop was Kitty's Cave, but Trixie decided the floor show there was rather too risqué for Shimshi's baby eyes.  It's true that the Chorus Kitties there are Real Hot Numbers and it was My Birthday, after all, but We do have a responsibility to our little brofur, so We left and went to the Pussycat Parlour, where they prepare the best Catmint Juleps in town - and the food is good too. Their floor show isn't bad either - and I have a Date with their Star, the beauteous Miss Pussy Galorious, later this week. (Purrs).

All in all, it's been a Pretty Good Week - with the Promise of an even better one to come (mol).