Friday, January 17, 2014

In the Spring, a Young Cat's Fancy Lightly Turns to Thoughts of Love.....

Hallo, Effurryone!

It's Me, here - Caspurr! Trixie's feeling a bit - well, we aren't sure, really! Mummy is Completely Baffled! Trixie is behaving furry, furry oddly! Last April, she had her Ladycat Parts stolen by the evil v-e-t, but for the past couple of days, she has been acting exactly like a kitty who wants to have babies! 

Mummy asked the nice lady v-e-t, but she is baffled too! Mummy also asked her friends on something called "Facebook" if any of them had heard of such a thing before. Some humans have suggested that Trixie is responding to my Mancatly presence, others think that at this time of year (it's Tu B'Shvat, which kind of heralds the start of Spring), there may be lots of ladycats roaming around in the neighbourhood giving off furry-moans (Mummy said that's a kind of hormone, but Trixie and I don't know what hormones are either!) and that might have triggered the same kind of behaviour in Trixie. The v-e-t said she's never seen anything like this before and maybe it's Psi...Psi - koh...Psi - kole.......All in Trixie's head!

At any rate, the lady v-e-t says that, whatever happens, Trixie can't possibly have kittens, because she doesn't go out and because MY Mancat Parts were stolen last year as well. She says, if Trixie has kittens, she (the v-e-t) will eat, not only her hat, but ALL her clothes (mol). But, even so, we none of us like Unsolved Mysteries, so We were all wondering if any of YOU Guys can explain what is happening with Trixie.

Shabbat Shalom to you all. Have a nice weekend.


Kate said...

I'm not much help. My lady parts are dead but every once in a while I have a bad craving for chocolate. I refer to it as PMS-ing. I have no idea why I get those cravings.

The Island Cats said...

We sure hope Trixie settles down.

We have heard of female cats that have not been completely spayed...sometimes the vet misses something and the cat may act like it's in heat.

Katie Isabella said...

I was going to say the same thing that Island Cats did. I think that's it. The hormones are coursing. Just not as many, perhaps?

Trixie, I wonder if they stole a few bloods if they could look for a hormone marker in them? xxooxxooxx

tiffany said...
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Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ayla here: I had to have 3 operations! The breeder's vet missed parts the first 2 times. My regular vet finally did it right... If you want details, you can email me (its on our blog).

meowmeowmans said...

We agree with Katie and The Island Cats. We've seen that a (very) few times here.

We hope you had a wonderful Shabbat!

David Kessler Author said...

I didn't know j-cats were lovers of purr-try. And Tennyson no less.