Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Great Start to the Week

Hallo, Effurybody!

We have found a Great New Way to get up to MISCHIEF (mol).

Mummy left the washing-up in the kitchen sink and went off to do something on her Computer Machine, and We stole lifted a couple of knives from the sink somehow and took them to play with. 

Mummy later found one of them on her bed. She still hasn't found the butter knife and We aren't going to reveal its whereabouts (heh, heh, heh).

(Actually, we aren't really sure where We hid it...)

Mummy says we shouldn't play with knives, but no harm was done and the butter was very tasty ;-)

Oh, and We have another game! Since there have been lots of sunny days of late, now that the snow has stopped, We have been able to play Chasing Sunspots almost effurry day!

We almost NEFFUR manage to catch one...

But the Fun is in the Chase!

Have a Good Week.

Trixie and Caspurr


CATachresis said...

Morning you two! Glad you have sunny days now after all that snow!! We have some sun too, but are expecting some more gale force winds. Mum says it must be to do with all the sprouts humans eat this time of year! What does she mean? ;)

Unknown said...

Those sun spots can really be elusive, hope you manage to catch one. How did you ever manage to carry a knife? Careful, you can be hurt by them...not the butter can just lick the butter from them...I like butter too! MOL!!
Have a great East Sunday!
Miss Kitty

The Island Cats said...

MOL! You two are really good at getting into mischief! We wonder where that knife went too. Will you ever tell? ;)

Cats Herd You said...

It sounds like you have found lots of new ways to get into interesting things.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh, you two have LOTS of funs! Want to transport over and play with me? I have lots of furs you would like and many many cans of Fancy Feast! xxoxoxox

The J-Cats said...
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The J-Cats said...

We would love to transport over, Katie. Maybe this evening (7.30 pm our time) when Mummy goes off to Caterwauling Practice - they have a concert next month.

Trixie and Caspurr

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, playing with knifes is VERY dangerous. Ya could cut a gum or paw!

Old Deuteronomy said...

Sounds like Macavity.

The J-Cats said...

More like Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer (mol).

meowmeowmans said...

Ooooh ... be careful with those knives, sweet friends. Chasing sunspots is MUCH safer. :)

Happy New Year!

Furries said...

Chasing sunspots is fun, but I find it a bit confusing. Good luck catching it.

Katie Isabella said...

Caspurr Caspurr no worries. I'm not married to him. xoxoxox