Sunday, March 2, 2025

Was There Snow? Where Did It Go? Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies with Caspurr

Hallo again, Effurryone!

Here I am once more, Sir Caspurr the Courageous, the Caspicatious, Furrst of My Name, the Snuggle Bug, Commander-in-Chief of the Impurrial Forces, King of the Tigger-Tabbies. It falls to Me, today, to lead My Fellow J-Cats on this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie,  and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightfully and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

We picked out two selfies, and each one has been given a couple of artified versions, courtesy of LunaPic.

Furrst of all, Mummy could not resist sharing my raspy little pink tongue with you all:

We artified this with a filter We haven't used much before - Woodsey, set to 63%:

We liked it so much, We decided to leave it at that and not add an overlay in another filter.  

Then, We did another version, again using a single filter - Courtisane, at 67%:

There was another picture which, although it might technically count as a Photo Fail, because the camera was facing the sunlight and that caused distortions, We liked because of the way those very distortions threw what looks like a halo of light around My Face:

That made the photo seem like a Prime Candidate for Artification, of which We made two. The furrst one used (appropriately enough) Sunshine at 63%, lightly washed with Delaunay, set to 25%:

The second one used Escher at 53%, overlaid with Nouveau at 30%:

Another reason We liked this second pawtrait is that, because of the camera angle, it makes Me look slimmer and my legs, longer.

Which is your favourite? Let Us know in the Comments section below.

And now to the Question you must all be dying to ask - what about the Snow we were purromised last week?




Didn't happen.

At least, Mummy met a couple of people who claimed to have seen some snowflakes, mingled with Sky-water.  And Mummy's sister sent her a Whatsapp message early last Monday morning, saying (and We quote):

"I took out my super-powerful magnifying glass and managed to see a snow-flake just before it hit the ground and melted."

But Mummy herself didn't see a single snowflake. Nothing. Rien. Nada. Nichts.

It was very cold, though, with the tempurratures dropping below zero at night, so that the water froze in the pipes and some of the solar boilers on the roof burst. That didn't happen to Us, however, because Mummy heeded the water company's advice and left a warm-water tap dripping all night long. If you do that, the water can't freeze because it's moving. Of course the water bill is a little higher, but by not nearly as much as it would cost to have to replace the pipes or the boiler.

And today is bright and sunny and considerably warmer than last week, which is Good News, because Mummy has another one of her field-trips tomorrow, up in the Golan Heights in the North.

Before signing off, We would like to wish effurrybody A Happy Dr. Seuss Day. 
This isn't really a thing here, although, growing up in an English-speaking country, off course Mummy read the Cat in the Hat books when She was a child. But if You, Our Furriends, celebrate it, then We hope you have a Great Time. Mummy did actually look for some Dr. Seuss clipart for the Caturday Art, but, to her utter Surprise and Consternation, couldn't find any - which She (and We) found rather odd.

Now, here are the blog hop badges:


We will try to visit as many of you as We can today (before Mummy lies down for her Sunday afternoon pre-Caterwauling Club nap) and those We don't get to today, look for Us later in the Week.

At all events, We will see you all (Great-Cat-in-the-Sky willing) next week - same Cat Time, same Cat Channel. Meanwhile, be well. Be safe. We love you all.