Sunday, January 5, 2025

A New Year - Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies With Trixie

Greetings, Effurrybody!

This is Our Furrst Post of 2025 and, as is fitting, it is up to Me, Queen Trixie, Furrst of My Name, Empurress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East, Queen of Hearts, the Panfur Princess, Guardian of the Boudoir and Alpha Kitty Extraordinaire, to lead the J-Cats on this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightful and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

We had a couple of beastly cold, rainy days last week, including the evening  Mummy's Caterwauling Club had their Fundraising Concert (about which She may - if She is not too lazy busy - write about in her own bloggie later in the week). But right after that, Mr. Sunshine decided to return, and since then, We have enjoyed blue skies with only a little cloud. It's still quite cold, howeffur, so We nap most of the time, either by the newly-fixed radiators, or under the duvet.

For this week's blog hops, Mummy and I have chosen three pictures of Me. Furrst of all, here I am by the heater, just checking in the mirror to make sure my whiskers are in order and my fur smooth and silky, as it should be.

We artified this with LunaPic's Brave filter at 43% and then added Dark at 35%.

Next, still by the mirror, I am having to contend with being photobombed by my Pesky Brofur, Shimshi!

And how dare he turn his back on Me?!

This time, We started with the Dark filter at 48% and added Storytime at 24%.


My last pawtrait needs no explanation...

The artsy-fartsy version again uses LunaPic filters - Daisies at 50%, followed by Scribble at 22%.

To be quite honest, I am not completely satisfied with any of the artifications this time, but Mummy has such a lot to do before caterwauling purractice this evening that they will just have to do.

Now for the blog hop badges:


That's all for now then. See you again next week. Till then - be well. Be safe. We love you all.


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Your first artified image is our fav this week, though it is hard to chose.
Hopefully all the work your staff is doing for singing will pay off and all will have a wonderful evening.
Wishing you all a wonderful, happy, healthy and harmonious 2025, with good karma the whole year long.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

We have the same weather, Trixie, today it's snowing with a lot of rain, but higher temperatures, so it doesn't stay😸😸Your artwork is very beautiful, we like the daisy filter and the big mouth...MOL...Double Pawkisses for a Happy, Healthy and especially Peaceful New Year to all of you🙏🐾😽💞

Leah said...

Queen Trixie, you are gloriously floofy! We love all you images today, both the originals and the artified versions!

The Florida Furkids said...

You look great. We all seem to get photobombed occasionally.

Linda said...

I love the picture of you sitting in front of the mirror, even if your brother tried to get in it.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

All of your photos and art are lovely. We are getting day after day of heavy rain, but at least no snow.

Lynn and Precious said...

Queen Trixie you look stunning. If I wanna see my whiskers in the lookin' glass, I have to git up on the vanity in the bathroom. I do that at 6 AM when Lynn opens the window fur me to git fresh air. Too cold fur the catio. We got 3 inches of snow and now are to git 3 more. And it is -12 C. Lynn can't go out often enough to keep fresh bird water. Sir Shimshi did not detract furom your picture.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

All the arty effects look good but our fave is the last one!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

trixie ewe look gorgoeuz az yur own selfee self !! sew eye give pawz uP for thoz...hope mummy haza grate time at sing song practizz...stay happee N heatlhee N safe everee one ♥♥♥

BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum said...

Queen Trixie yore purrfect!! Trulee...never wurry about foto bommin...nothin can take awa rom yore beeutee!! Wee have frigid cold an 3 feet of snow heer in our part of Canada!! Wee too had 5 dayss of rain back inn Deecemburr; that was even Uckier!!
Happy 2025 Trixie an Shimshi an Caspurr an Miss S.
~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

messymimi said...

I think they all turned out very artistic, just as they are supposed to.

Sometimes brothers can just be too much, I know, I grew up with 2 of them.

I am praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

Katie Isabella said...

Girl, you are truly beautiful. I always knew that through the years but your Momma got you JUST exactly right. I like the art effect too. More than I do most. Ask your mom what is the temp there when it is cold? Then meow it thru the tunnel to me please. Or text me. If your Mom and you have iPhones, it would be free! So take her phone then, and text me.

meowmeowmans said...

Trixie, we love all of your selfies, and the art effects are wonderful. We sure are glad the radiators are fixed, so that you can all stay warm and toasty during the cold spell. XO

Kea said...

Happy new year to you all!

Trixie, all your selfies and art are wonderful as always, and your roar is most impressive!

Take care and have a great week!

The J-Cats said...

Katie, ask your Mom to send mine a private message on Fursbook with her mobile phone number.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Beautiful Trixie, beautiful artwork. We are having a huge snow blizzard here and it is really cold. But we Siberians love it.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

These are all beautiful photos and art!

pilch92 said...

Beautiful photos of you and I like all the art too. Wishing all of you a happy and healthy new year! XO

M Dawson said...

LOVE that last one. Those yawns look SUPER FIERCE!!!

The Island Cats said...

I love all of these, Trixie. Especially that last one showing off your teefs!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your selfies are purrfect Queen Trixie and I really like your fancy arts too! Be safe over there please!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You sure do have an amazing style to your yawning!! LOL!

Nice selfies and art!