Sunday, October 6, 2024

Caspurr's Sad Selfie and Caturday Art

Greetings, Effurryone.

Well, it's time, once again, for the weekend blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightful and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

This week, it is My Turn to lead the J-Cats on the blog hops.

As you can tell, I am still furry sad at the Untimely Departure of Auntie Y. and Uncle N. for their Rainbow Bridge - and added to that is the grief of the whole nation as we mark one year since the terrible attack on our country last October 7th.

And to top all that, there are still Evil Humans trying to kill Us all and firing  missiles at Us, and shooting and stabbing people in Our Streets!
So if I am not my usual bright-eyed and bushy-tailed self in this picture, you will have to fur-give Me.

That is also why the furrst artification of My Selfie uses a 50/50 combination of Lunapic's Sadness and Floating filters:

The second one combines Rembrandt at 45% with an overlay of Dreaming at 25%:

And now, here are the blog hop badges:


Before We go, We want to remind you that this coming Shabbat (Saturday) is also Yom Kippurr - the Day of Atonement. So if We have hurt or offended any of you, We ask your fur-giveness. And We wish for all of you that you may be written and sealed for a Good Year.

גמר חתימה טובה - G'mar Hatima Tova


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have every reason to look so sad, Caspurr. You are all living through dreadful times. Your art is very appropriate.

Lynn and Precious said...

Sir Caspurr, you truly have had too much pain and misery at home and in your country. We wish you blessings for your holiday and you certainly could not have offended anyone. We hope the rest of the fur family is doing well and we will see you all soon we hope.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....eye understand how N why ewe haz de sadz.....hope mummy iz doin bezt az can bee ♥♥ and we hope everee one ther stayz safe....eye see on de nooze bout de rocketz N stuff....veree scaree ~~~~~

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

So sorry that you're sad. The world is full of evil humans unfortunately. Purrs xx

Leah said...

We understand how you have the sads, Caspurr. And there's no way you could have offended us. We thank you for the lovely cat art and glimpses of your kitties. And we wish you all the best! (I've had another illness setback so may not be able to comment in the future much for awhile.)

The J-Cats said...

Yes, We noticed you hadn't posted in quite a long while and wish you a full recovery. Refua shelema, as we say in Hebrew.

Linda said...

I’m sorry for all you are going through. Thank you for hosting.

BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum said...

L'Shonah Tovah Miss S an Caspurr an Shimshi an Queen Trixie!!! It ISS so sacarey to watch THE newss an see what iss happenin there!! Wee purray nitelee fore all of youss'! an foe Israel....Caspurr yore selfie iss so poignant an wee can feel "THE Sadss". Miss S yore artwerk iss lovelee purr ususal.
~~~head rubss~~~BellaDhama~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

Erin the Cat Princess said...

These are such sad, worrying and needlessly violent times. May the peace and common sense of cats across the globe reign supreme, and all be set to rights asap.
Gentle and sooting purrs

Katie Isabella said...

Dearest family. I will also remember Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. I think all of us should follow the excellent example that Yom Kippur means.

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, Caspurr looks very sad but turned it into a heartfelt piece of art. My condolences to you once more. I didn't feel right about making a joke at this time, but will include you next week if you think it is appropriate.

The J-Cats said...

Perhaps wait a couple of weeks till the 30 days of mourning have passed and also the stone-setting.

pilch92 said...

I am so sorry for your mum having lost her sister and for all the troubles in Israel. Sweet selfie and beautiful art. Xo

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You look darling in spite of everything that's going on.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your selfie and art are wonderful! I sure do worry about y'all over there, please be safe.

messymimi said...

Gentle hugs to all of you, it has been a hard year.

I will always continue praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

The Island Cats said...

Caspurr, I am sending you and your family big mega purrs. ~Murphy

meowmeowmans said...

Caspurr, you do look quite worried in your selfie. We are purring and praying for peace for Israel, and send you all love.

Furries said...

Your selfie and artwork are suited for the sad and tragic time you're experiencing. Sending purrs that your hearts heal and the world does a collective reset.

Smudge said...

Your expression says it all. We're so sorry for all the sadness and fear you're living with over there. Our hearts go out to you all.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All good thoughts headed your way.

Woos - Misty and Timber

M Dawson said...

I love the second selfie filter it looks almost like leather for real!