Sunday, October 20, 2024

An Ussie and A Guest Selfie: Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies

Greetings, Effurrybody!

We have something furry special for you, as We set out on this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie,  and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightful and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

Can you guess what the surprise is?

That's right! It's a rare shot of the Three of Us, curled up together contentedly on the sofa: 

We also made a beautiful artification of this, using LunaPic's Frida effect (one of Our Favourites, which We haven't used for a while) at 55%, washed over with an overlay of the Flash Gordon effect at 34%:

The picture is quite small and it's hard to see Trixie, half hidden behind the arm-rest, so We suggest you biggify it.

We said We have a Surprise for you, but actually, We meant a Couple of Surprises. We think We have mentioned that since October 7th last year, Mummy has taken to feeding the Homeless Kitties of Our Street on Our Entrance Porch, rather than go down at night to feed them. But her next door neighbour asked her not to, because when she comes home late at night, sometimes a kitty jumps out suddenly and scares her. So Mummy came to an agreement with the Neighbour that She would feed only CalliCallou and Melba on the enclosed entrance porch, and would feed the other Homeless Kitties at their former feeding spot further down the road. Mummy would have been happy to feed all of them within the enclosed part of the porch, but CalliCallou has become furry territorial and regards it as Her Purrsonal Domain (although she will tolerate Melba's presence).

This new arrangement does have an advantage however, as it means that Mummy can feed many more kitties this way (since the enclosed entrance porch is quite small).

Having said that, it must be pointed out that kitties are furry smart creatures and they know where Mummy lives. Today, Mummy found this sweet little ladycat curled up and resting among the flowerpots in the enclosure. Mummy thinks she is expecting kittens. At any rate, she obviously knows that Mummy's entrance porch is a Safe Place.

So Mummy fed her and gave her some water, and then asked her if she would agree to do a Guest Selfie for Our Blog and she agreed. And then, We artified it with a couple of artsy-fartsy effects from LunaPic - Garden at 62%, followed by K3 at 47%.

As for Our Other News - Uncle D. has gone to spend the second half of his visit with Mummy's sister Auntie N. so the Guest Kitty Room is now free and Mummy can feed each of Us in a separate room, thus ensuring that We don't eat each other's food and make havoc of Our Diets! (Purr-sonally, We think that's rather a pity - MOL).

Now, here are the blog hop badges:


Time to start hopping - and remember, even if We don't manage to visit your blog, We will be back here next week, Same Cat Time, Same Cat Channel.

Till then, be well. Be safe. We love you all.


Erin the Cat Princess said...

How lovely to see all together. And that is a delightful artwork, also, including the mum-to-be cat, the colours of which are a delight. Being sentient beings, we cats sure do know the good places to be for food and safety. Paws crossed she gives birth somewhere safe. And what an incredibly good thing your staff does, feeding the strays. Good karma comes for those that care for the needy, and do it not for gain but compassion.
We will get your book to you asap. Thanks for confirming your address. Please do share with your colleagues and fellow cat lovers if it appeals, as all sales help my and Mrs H's winter food stocks for two stray cats we feed.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely Ussie and artwork. The other kitty looks sweet too.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Lovely photo of you all. Well done to your mummy for taking care of the other kitties.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is such a wonderful Ussie of the three of you! It's so wonderful that your Mom is looking out for those homeless sweeties. Y'all please be safe over there.

Leah said...

😎 Cool ussie! And very nicely artified! And awww at the sweet little kitty in the porch, it's so good that you are looking out for the homeless kitties!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz !!! yur selfeeez and de selfeez bye de naybor kitteh iz awesum pawsum and speekin oh total lee awesum.. 984 PAWZ UP, 984 timez two yur mummy for helpin out de communitee N de gurl gotta add mit, we laffed at
what de naybor ladee said bout catz jumpin out at her ~~~~ TA DA :) ♥♥♥♥

messymimi said...

What a wonderful group selfie! Or ussie, however you want to say it. It's beautiful.

Your guest kitty is also very pretty and I hope if she is having kittens she can be taken in somewhere so her kittens will find homes and she can be spayed and released, as most feral cats do not do so well when confined.

Also, your mother is a heroine, taking care of the cats and working with the neighbors to do it in a way which helps everyone.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is a wonderful Trio Ussie and the guest ladycat is very cute. You always do such a nice job with your artwork.

Happy Sunday.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Dash Kitten Crew said...

LOL Love the Trixi photobomb!!

pilch92 said...

Love your ussie and the artification. The stray kitty is pretty. It breaks my heart to know she is homeless. Is there any group that can fix her and find a home? XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

A beautiful family photo! And thank you to your wonderful mom for taking care of these kitties.

meowmeowmans said...

Your all together selfie is really special, and we enjoyed it so much! We are very grateful for your Mummy and her kind and loving heart. How wonderful that she cares for those kitties. We hope that maybe momma kitty will keep coming to the safety of your covered porch. Sending you all love and purrs.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Just to say we have just posted to the address supplied, the copy of our book. Hope it gets to you safely and quickly.
ERin & Mrs H.

Linda said...

It’s nice to see all of you. The guest kitty is pretty.