Greetings, Effurryone!
Caspurr here, repurresenting the J-Cats on this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightful and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
Before I go any further, let's just wrap up the week's mews, shall We?
Furrst of all, We hope you enjoyed the pawty yesterday, to celebrate Trixie's Birthday and Black Cat Appreciation Day. Today, you can rest - as you can see from My Selfie, I certainly need to - but tomorrow, We're having yet another pawty, to celebrate Tu b'Av, sometimes called "the Jewish Valentine's Day".
Another pawty, you say?! Well, yes. You know Us. Any reason is good for a pawty, don't you agree? And LOVE is the Best Reason Of All!
So, We hope to see you all once again tomorrow, Monday August 19th, at 2 pm Israel Time, up in the Enchanted Forest (where else?), where there will be Food and Drinks and Dancing (and We will be happy to teach you all some Israeli folk dances, if you like).
Now, for the Furmily Mews. Mummy took Shimshi to the Stabby Place last week, for his annual shots, and the v-e-t said that the Baby Mancat was dangerously overweight and had to be put on a diet right away. Shimshi isn't too happy about that, as you can imagine, but it's got to the stage when he can't reach his back to groom himself there propurrly and his fur was getting matted because of that. Mummy now tries to furminate him twice a day - and he doesn't care much for that either. The v-e-t says Shimshi got fat because he was eating the same kidney care diet as Trixie and Me (on the advice of Our old v-e-t, who did not think to warn Mummy that the kidney care diet is fattening to cats who don't have kidney problems. That's another reason Mummy decided to change v-e-ts).
So now Shimshi is getting Hills Prescription Diet for Weight Loss (R/D) which has to be precisely measured out to him, with no treats and no exceptions - though Dr. Ran says if Mummy would like, he can get special treats intended for kitties on a weight loss diet. As I said before, Shimshi is not best pleased about this turn of events but he doesn't seem to hold any grudge against Mummy, because he comes and snuggles up beside her when She goes to bed, just as he has always done.
And now for Our Art. We took today's Selfie over to LunaPic, where Mummy made three furry different artifications of it.
The furrst one uses a favourite of Ours - Dark, at 53%, overlaid with Dream FX at 34%:
Next, We tried Cartoon, also at 53%, after which We added Sketch2 at 15%:
Last, but by no means least - Landscape at 75%, with an overlay of Dreaming at 28%:
And now for the blog hop badges:

That's all for now. We'll be back again next week, same Cat Time, same Cat Channel
Till then - be well. Be safe. We love you all.
As a slightly pudgy kitty, I feel fur Shimshi with diet food. It must be difficult to feed 3 kitties and keep food sepurrate. We wish him to lose this weight though. Another pawty! Well, that kinda does in the diet, mol. Maybe fat free fish? Precious
I know that diet issue all too well. Not that ate anyone else's food, at least not anyone that I knew :) Royal Canin satiety diet for me; nothing but a royal brand will do ;) This week we are sooo hard pushed to pick a picture above any other, so it is a three way draw, and rightly so.
You have a great time on ValentinesDay, Jewish style.
Not the dreaded D word! All of the art is lovely and I think my favourite is the second one. It is a close thing though.
All the art is lovely but we really like the unique style of the first one best.
Happy Jewish "Valentine's Day"!
Putting a cat on a diet is hard especially when you have multiples. I have to make sure Gus doesn't eat kibble (he has UR issues) which the others like as a snack. Here everyone eats everyone else's food so it's crazy.
Caspurr, what a delightful snoozy picture of you! And what snazzy art effects! I think I like the second one best but it's a tough call! Yikes, I missed the black cat day party! Will try to locate today!
Your selfie and your arts are all beautiful Sir Caspurr! Poor Shimshi, Diet really is a four letter word. Y'all be safe over there.
guyz...on de plain.. az eye type ..and bringin cod cakez two help out with nomz for de part tee !!! de way...cod iz veree low in cal oreez sew mummy canna say any thing two shimshi
bout that... bad werd !! ♥♥♥
The last picture is my favorite. I’m sorry to hear that Shimshi has to go on a diet. I hope that works out better than it did for me.
I feel for Shimshi too! Derry was compact and chunky, and that is my build as well. Maybe someone should take away MY treats. Lol.
Caspurr, your art is all wonderful, though I'm partial to the first one too.
Take care and have a terrific week.
OH NOSE Shimshi!!! What UCKY newss from Vet'ss. Wee hope you adjust to yore new dye-et an like it eventually..... Caspurr that was SUM Pawty wassn't it??? An wee get to have another Pawty??? Pawsum. Mee will bee there an mee bring Catnip Treetss fore all!!!
Caspurr all yore Selfiess are so kewl...Miss S did a grate job with her artwerk! Wee like 3rd artsy one best!
~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum
No wonder my cats won't move today, they snuck off to your pawty yesterday! That's okay, they can be there tomorrow, too. After all, Their calendar is open, as they have their staff (me and my Sweetie) to make sure it stays that way!
I'm sorry Shimshi has to be on a D-I-E-T, which Garfield always says means "die with a T!" Our Dansig the Round is on a Royal Canin food which is both weight loss and kidney care, as he needs both.
Caspurr, your selfies are almost as delightful as you are.
Happy Belated birthday Trixie and Happy Belated Black Cat Appreciation Day! Adorable selfie and I love all the art effects. XO
Oh, and I had to come back to add, I am praying for the peace of Jerusalem, may it become a reality soon!
Beautiful art & photo! So sorry about the vet :(
I love that top filter, it looks like late afternoon light of the golden hour and you are making me so tired I need a nap!!!
Caspurr, that is a delightful selfie of you. SO handsome, and it made for some terrific art, too. Sorry to hear Shimshi has to get that special food, but we know it is for the best. We hope it will help him get to a more healthy weight. Happy Tu b'Av!
Hi Caspurr! I'm sorry I missed Trixie's birthday...sounds like it was quite the pawty! And poor Shimshi having to be on a diet. I can't even imagine...because I love to eat! ~Murphy too. We share that! :-)
Caspurr, that was tragic for poor Shimshi! A diet!! I used to be, well...substantial...yeah, that's it....substantial. But now I am slender as a wand for a not good reason. Hoping to give Shimshi some competition in weight before long. XXOO
We're sympathetic with the weight battle here. Wolfie is getting a tad "solid". I like all three of your artworks.
Looking epically Epic Caspurr!! And oh no for Shimshi, dude, our V E T said the same thing about Parsley a few weeks ago, and Cat Dad told the V E T that Parsely was on a bulking phase!!! MOL MOL
Lofurly artwork! The last is especially pleasing to my eye, as Caspurr looks like a little tiger lying there. You do have lots of parties, but that's a good thing. You spread the joy!
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