Hallo, hallo, hallo again, Effurrybody!
It must really be Spring now, because they stole an hour of sleep from Us over the weekend! Don't you just HATE it when they do that?!
Still, there is other evidence that the Winter is over at last. It's been a furry hot weekend, and, according to the Weather Prophets, this coming week is going to be even hotter, with tempurratures up to 29 degrees C.
And if you want still more proof - the geraniums and petunias in Mummy's window-boxes are starting to bloom.
Before We get down to the business of blog hopping, We want to take a few moments to pay tribute to a dear Furriend who received her Angel Wings last week at the furry venerable age of 18 and a half - the beautiful and much loved Joanie of the 15 and Meowing blog. We send hugs and purrs of condolence to her HuMom, Ellen, her fursibs - and her beloved toy, Gremmie. Fly free, sweet Joanie, safe in the Loving Paw of the Great Cat in the Sky.
Now ... it is time to join the weekend blog hops!
That's right - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Deliciously and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
Mummy and I chose three photos of Me, and artified each of them with different filters and effects from LunaPic. The pawtriotic frames are also courtesy of LunaPic.
Furst of all, a photo showing Me in a slightly annoyed mood, due to having been woken up for the Purr-pose of Posing:
I do think Mummy might have waited a bit and let me compose Myself. I don't want to appear to My Fans as a Grumpy Cat!
Still, it didn't look so bad once We artified it using the Homer effect at 90%, with an overlay of Tiedye at 21%. We don't think We have used Homer before, or if We have, at least not for a long time:
Our next effort shows Me all curled up in a round, furry ball. Mummy LOVES this kind of picture. What do you think?
This was given an artsy-fartsy touch with the Dark filter at 50%, overlaid with Nouveau at 17%:
I am furry pleased with the combined effect.
And now for the third selfie:
The artification here uses Beauty at 62% with an overlay of Smoke at 11%.
We remembered, at the furry last minute, that today is Easter Sunday. As it isn't something We celebrate ourselves, Our usual Clue is that Pessach (Passover) is almost upon Us. But Pessach is rather late this year, due to it being a Leap Year according to the Mewish calendar, so Easter kind of surprised Us. However, We do want to wish Happy Easter to all of you who do celebrate it, so here is one more artification, this time, using PhotoFunia's Easter collection:
And here are the blog hop badges:

Have a wonderful Easter. May you find gazillions of Easter eggs and may the Easter Bunny bring you lots and lots of treats!
Till next week then - Be well. Be safe. We love you all.