Greetings, Effurrybody!
Queen Trixie here, Furrst of My Name etc., etc.
We have a special treat for you all this week!
Although it is, strictly speaking, My Turn to lead the J-Cats on this weekend's blog hops - that is to say, the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Divinely Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Deliciously and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet, - this week, We are giving you Three for the price of One (mol).
In addition to this regal pawtrait of My Impurrial Self in a New Box (or rather, a Box-Within-a-Box) bestowed upon Me Us by Mummy's Cleaning Lady, Ms. M, you are also getting - at no additional cost - a Charming Pawtrayal of Fraternal Affection between my brofurs, Caspurr and Shimshi:
The reason for this Generosity is that We won't be posting next week, due to the fact that the Staff (aka Mummy) will be away on Vacation - her furrst propurr vacation in four years. Yes, yes, We know that technically, being retired, She's purrmanently on Vacation - but this will be her furrst trip abroad in four years. In a few days time, She (and her Opposable Thumbs) will be boarding an airy-plane and travelling to an Undisclosed Destination for a Whole Week, during which time, Ms. M will come effurry day to feed Us and play with Us a bit. We hope she also brings Us some new boxes.
We don't really want Mummy to abandon Us for a whole week, but Ms. M has promised to message her effurry day from here, on video, so We can meow to Mummy. And We really want Mummy to enjoy her holiday and not feel too guilty for heartlessly deserting Us in such a way, instead of taking Us with her or, better still, just staying at home.
We aren't going to reveal where Mummy is going to until She is safely back home with Us and then She can tell Us - and you - all about her Adventures in....Wherever. We bet none of you can guess where She's going, but you're welcome to try. Just for your own a-mews-ment. No prizes for guessing right - other than knowing you were cleverer than effurryone else (mol).
Now, here are the artsy-fartsy versions of Our Selfies. Furrst of all, ME, Queen Trixie. We used a favourite of Ours, LunaPic's Frida effect at 85%, with a light overlay of Tuscany at 23% (or maybe it was 25%. Mummy's not sure). Thus:
And here is the artification of Caspurr and Shimshi's Two-Fur. They chose two more LunaPic art effects - Quirky at 96%, lightly washed with Sadness at 17%:
Let Us know in the Comments section below, which you liked best - as well as where you think Mummy is taking her Vacation.
Next, here are the blog hop badges:

Be well. Be safe. We love you all.