Greetings, Effurrybody!
Today, it was supposed to be My Turn to lead my fursibs on this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delicious and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
However, as you will see, things didn't quite turn out as planned!
I got photobombed by those pesky mancats, My Brofurs!
I wanted Mummy to retake the photo - or else to use one of the many photo editing apps available to simply vanish them from My Pawtrait, but Mummy had other ideas. She said that I would, instead, lead the blog hops next week, for My Birthday, and that She would turn this - PHOTO FAIL - into a beautiful, artsy-fartsy Ussie.
Well, since I am, at least, in the foreground and all eyes are naturally drawn to Me, I yielded gracefully - and here are the results.
Artification no. #1 - using LunaPic's Bridge art effect at 78%:
Artification no. #2 - using a new (for Mummy) effect called Submarine, at 51%:
And finally, no. #3, using a combination of Flowers (38%) and Sadness (25%):
Please welcome Selena and Algernon!
Now, it is time to put up the blog hop badges:

And that's all for this week, dear furriends. We hope to catch you later as We hop those blogs.
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.