Sunday, February 19, 2023

I've Been Framed: Guest Selfie and Caturday Art from CalliCallou the Cat Burglar

Hallo there, Effurryone!

We have Something Special for the weekend blog hops today - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Divinely Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by those Sweethearts, the Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

You remember Intruder Kitty CalliCallou, don't you - the kitty Mummy is thinking of adopting (if she can be lured into a PTU and taken to the v-e-t for a check-up before being allowed into the house, so as to minimise any risk of infection to Us)? She hasn't been such a devoted visitor as before, but she still seems to be quite sleek and well-fed and We think she is being taken care of, maybe, by another resident (or residents) of Our Street.
Well, last week, CalliCallou jumped up onto the windowsill of the downstairs loo, where she was snapped by Mummy's Cleaning Lady. We think she looks like a Cat Burglar, trying to break in (mol), don't you?

Naturally, CalliCallou denies any such ne-furrious intentions. She says she has been framed. Mummy is sure this is yet another sign that CalliCallou really, really wants to join Our Fur-mily, but another problem has presented itself. The thing is, there are a couple more kitties who would really, really like to be J-Cats. Mummy has already mentioned Melba, who goes wherever CalliCallou goes. But now, there is another one, a ginger male, whom Mummy calls Gibori (from the Hebrew "Gibor", meaning a hero). Apparently he has been "TNR'd" as his left ear is tipped, but he also seems to be covered with sores, though they don't seem to bother him - and although he probably needs to be adopted even more than CalliCallou, Mummy is a little reluctant to choose one needy kitty over the others, especially when she feels she kind of promised CalliCallou that She would adopt her. But what is She to do? We can't keep 6 kitties in a small apawtment. 

It is quite a Dilemma.

Be that as it may, We think CalliCallou (who does seem to be beautifully framed - by the window, at least) is the purr-fect candidate for the weekend blog hops.

So, before We go any further, let Us put up the blog hop badges:


And now, let Us show you how We artified CalliCallou's pawtrait, with the help of LunaPic, using three different filters.

Furrst of all - Beauty at 75%:


Next, Sketch4:

And finally, Flowers - also at 75%:

Do you have a favourite? WE certainly found it hard to decide. But We think they are all worthy of being displayed in an art gallery, just as OUR pawtraits have been, on more than one occasion.

Do let Us know which picture you like best - and your thoughts on Mummy's Adoption Dilemma too, please.

That's all for now.

Be well. Be safe. We love you all.


Mickey's Musings said...

Yes that is a dilemma, but CalliCallou is mighty cute...
Purrs, Julie

kate said...

You need a bigger place! :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

CalliCallou framed herself beautifully. Beauty is my favourite.

Lynn and Precious said...

Fur-st, we vote fur art #1. And second Lynn wonders if you could arrange to have the basement window open if it is dry and warm enough to lure CalliCallou inside? maybe that is why she was peeking in. We are glad you are a bit warmer, as we had snow right after my sun puddles! So I'm back under the bed. I purrsonally think it would be difficult to pick a needy kitty one over the other. Precious

Erin the Cat Princess said...

We actually love all three offerings this week, so a tie! Maybe Calli is looking for an indoor job as a cleaning assistant? 🙂
Hmm, what to do?
Well, fate is a strange thing. Maybe three cats mean three homes? Nextdoor homes or nearby homes. Helping one may well provide the link to help all three. That is how fate sets these things up. A home for each would certainly be what they want.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh she definitely wantz to come in

meowmeowmans said...

CalliCallou does seem to want to join you inside. Is there anyone else in the neighborhood who might want to adopt Gibori or Melba? We loved CalliCallou's selfie and all of the artworks, but especially Beauty at 75%. :)

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

She looks lovely and the art is purrfect for any art gallery!

Kea said...

Oh, gosh, that's a dilemma all right. Does your mummy know of any other people who could take Melba and Gibori, if she decides to take in CalliCallou? That would be ideal, that they all find good homes. I will keep all of you in my prayers, for the best solution for all.

As for the artwork, I like them all, but my favourite is #2. Maybe I'm just in a low-key, "understated" mood. :-)

BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum said...

Wee love CalliCallou'ss original fot an THE arty Sektch4 foto best!
Shee sure iss purrty....
Now to Miss S'ss dill-em-aa....mee meowed to BellaSita Mum an shee meowed she wishess you cuud due a Live Trap fore Melba an CC an Gibori an take them to V-E-T. An then keep CC to 'dopt an send THE other 2 Kittiess to a propurr Kitty Sheltur.
Shee has NO idea what you can due other than keep feedin them an watchin over them if no reeourcess availabell....
~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

Marvelous Marv said...

CalliCallou is one pretty cat! And such a wondering look on her face. All the art was marvelous, we can't choose just one so we pick all 3! Keep being awesome guys! Purrs Marvelous Marv

Loulou said...

We love that first one so much, but most of all, we love that darling kitty who wants IN to be part of your family! We hope that happens.

Loulou said...

We love that first one so much, but most of all, we love that darling kitty who wants IN to be part of your family! We hope that happens.

Brian's Home Blog said...

CalliCallou sure is a beauty and she is beautifully framed and beautifully artified too!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That is very hard. She sure is adorable though.

The Island Cats said...

What an adorable pic of CalliCallou! It would be nice for her to become a J-cat.

pilch92 said...

Such a pretty kitty. I hope your mum adopts her. Does your mum know someone who could adopt the other two? I love all the art effects. XO

M Dawson said...

A charming photo I need to say :-) Difficult to treat a cat with sores I am guessing except to give sneaky antibiotics.

We have a new comment thing you might see on the blog too.

Anonymous said...

We saw the new comment thing but it doesn't seem to have helped. We still got the error message.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We hope CalliCallou becomes part of yer fambly!

Linda said...

I love the gritty look of frame #4 for the cat burglar. 😸

Katie Isabella said...

Love the first one that the housekeeper snapped. AND the very last one, just above the comments.

YOu are truly in a dilemma regarding the cats. I am very very concerned about the male covered with sores. They have to be hurting him, and of course you know how cats are about not showing misery. Perhaps he could have a visit to the vet for medicine.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

That is such a cute and sweet image of CalliCallou. We hope she might still come to be a J-Cat.

The others?? Hmmm, yes for sure a complicated dilemma.

Like the others have already said, maybe someone would step up to be of assistance and adopt them? Or go to a shelter that will care for them and then find adopters as well.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz...sneekin round two day on free wi fi and wanted two make sure we stopped bye two say hi, hope everee onez doin sooper grate and heerz two an awesum week oh end !! ♥♥♥