Greetings, Effurryone!
As today is actually Mew Year's Eve, Caspurr has graciously agreed to postpone till next week his turn to lead the J-Cats on the Weekend Blog Hops - the Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by those Delightful and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet. Instead, all three of Us are here to say goodbye to 2023, which has been a purrfectly horrible year and to greet 2024, which We HOPE and PURRAY will be furry much better:
Before We show you the mewtiful artification We made of this Ussie, We have, sadly, to bid farewell to one of Mummy's oldest blogging friends - Carolyn (Caro) Retallick, who, together with her kitty, Austin, used to write the CATachresis blog. Carolyn suffered from serious health problems, and hadn't blogged for several years now, but she and Mummy were still in touch on Fursbook. Still, Mummy had no inkling as to just how badly Caro's health had declined and it was a terrible shock to her to learn that Her Friend had been summoned to her own Rainbow Bridge on Chrissymouse Day of all days. Our sincere and deepest condolences to her brother, Simon, her niece Hannah and to all the rest of her family, including Austin.
As We said - 2023 has been a horrible year all round.
In the earnest hope that 2024 will bring a change for the better, We have artified Our Ussie with the help of LunaPic. We used the Smoke effect at 50%, wishing 2023 may dissipate in Smoke - with an overlay of Nouveau (for the New Year, get it?) at 40%.
And here are the blog hop badges:

Last - but by no means least - Mew Year's Eve wouldn't be complete without one of Our Pawties, would it? So, at 11pm tonight Israel time, We will all meet in the Pavilion up in the Enchanted Forest. Just before midnight, We will start the Countdown to 2024 and then We will pawty the night away to the mewsic of the Coat-hanger Quartet, the Von Katz Furrmily Singers and many other talents from Our Extended Family, Furry and Non-Furry. You are all welcome. The co-ordinates have already been sent to your Transportation Devices.
See you all later then - and remember. Be well. Be safe. We love you all.