Hallo there, Effurrybuddies!
It's Me, here - the Mighty Shimshon (Shimshi for short), bla bla bla, Master of the Queen's Mischiefs, etc. etc.
And speaking of the Queen, although this week it is MY turn to lead the J-Cats in the weekend blog hops, my Big Brofur Caspurr and I are going to defurr once again to Queen Trixie, because this Wednesday, August 17th, is Black Cat Appreciation Day and Trixie is, Most Indubitably, a Black Cat - as anyone can see:
Of course, since this will be Trixie's Third Week in a Row to be featured here, Caspurr and I are not going to remain completely invisible Ourselves (mol)!
Here We are in another two-fur, together with two of Our Pawsselain Sisters, Miss Dorothea and Miss Laura:
Mummy (and LunaPic) helped Us to artify both pictures. Here is Trixie's - and in honour of Black Cat Appreciation Day, We have chosen the Dark filter at 75%:
And here are Caspurr and Me, using Mola at 45%:
As for the rest of This Week's Mews, Uncle D. is back in Israel and staying with Us again. We think the Intensive Conditioning Training We put him through last time he stayed with Us is still effective and he can still be considered, more or less, a Cat Purrson (mol).
There is one other matter and it is causing Us some concern. A little calico kitty, one of Mummy's Community Cat regulars, has taken to encamping on Our Front Porch and miaowing until Mummy comes out to feed her. Mummy has given her a name, as She tries to do with all her "regulars", but We are afraid that Callicallou will not be satisfied with merely being fed twice a day on the Porch. We know what a Sucker how soft-hearted Mummy is...
Well, more about that next time. For now, it is time to join the blog hops - the Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the Deliciously Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
Here are the Blog Hop badges:

So that's all for now. See you next week.
Mee-yow wee sure had fun inn THE Enchanted Forest didn't wee? Mee wuud have stayed longer butt BellaSita was unwell...
She now has stew-pid Sinusitis back an feelss UCKY!
Wee due not meow about THE RONA butt is iss still out there...wee have lotss of peepss inn Hospital with it inn our Province, butt no one meowss 'bout it anymore.
Queen Trixie you look speck-taculur inn yore foto an yore DARK foto!!! Purrfection mee frend!!!
An Shimshi an Caspurr yore Ussiess are lovelee two.
Wee purrayin no more bommss an noise fore youss' there.
***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Sistur
Shimshi, be sure to tell Trixie she looks lovely on blue rugs. Blue is our favorite color here. I have a blue bag I play on and in and with every night. And you and Caspurr are great for sharing the important day of 17th. How did Miss Laura travel from the wild west here to your home with her bonnet intact. Let us know how it works out with the poor outside (for now) kitty. Precious
It is so selfless of you kitties to make way for Trixie yet again. It seems that with Black Cat Day, Trixie will be showered with even more adulation.
Shimsi and Caspurr, you look adorable with those dolls. All you need is a toy tea set to complete the picture, purrhaps with some catnip tea to make it worthwhile.
Your art pictures have magically intensified you so that it was a truly memorable experience,
We hope your Mommy does invite Callicallou in to stay. More cats, more fun.
Greetings to Uncle D.
It's nice of you to let Trixie do today's Selfie. Happy Black Cat Day to her. We think the photo with the dolls is cute and both photos turned into nice artwork!!
Beautiful selfie and art. I hope you have a nice Black Cat Appreciation Day. I feel so bad for outdoor kitties. That poor calico needs a forever home. XO
WOW Trixie, you're on a blogging roll fur sure, but y'all really look great. Happy Black Cat Appreciate Day a bit early.
Happy Black (Lady) Cat Apprecian Day Trixie! And greetings to UNcle Dave and Mom loves Calicoes! Hope she becomes a member of the household. XXXX
Thank you for reminding us about Black CatAppreciation Day. Of course we try to appreciate them every day but it is nice to have their special day too ! Purrs to Trixie !
That dark filter really suits Trixie. Your selfies and art with the dolls is lovely too.
I hope Callicallou becomes one of the family. Giving her a name is the first paw inside the door.
Oh, that Tricia is pretty wonderful in her own lovely black garb but even more intense with the ‘fix’! I think that calico has plans for your mommy…
Gorgeous photos and art! My mom is a doll collector so love those too :)
Thank you for the timely reminder. Black Cat Appreciation day is so close and I LOVE the Dark filter - wow it looks good.
Caspurr and Shimshi, you are such great and loving brothers to let Trixie have the spotlight again this week! Trixie, you look so beautiful, and we love your art, too. Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day -- a day that is near and dear to us, too, of course. :)
How nice of Mum to feed Calicailou and all the other community cats. Maybe Cali will join you inside someday?
Looking gorgeous sweeties!
LOveoy selfies, and artwork!
We hope that your little visitor may one day be a new sisfur to you all....there is always love and room for one more, Right?? We hope so!
Or maybe your Uncle D might wish to have his own kitty now....
LOveoy…that should be lovely…MOL!!
Great post! Be nice to the calico kitty. Everyone needs friends.
Happy Black Cat Day. It can't happen here unless Lori jumps into a bucket of paint, MOL. TBT has enough trubble finding us light ones at dusk annyway.
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