Hallo there, Effurrybody!
How are you all? It has been furry, furry hot. We are used to it, here in Israel, but even here, the Weather Lady has warned that the Heat Load for the next few days will be "extreme" - even though the temperature (in Jerusalem, at least) will be "only" about 36 degrees Celsius. We have been hearing amazing and horrible stories from Europe about excessive heat, followed by flooding - and then MORE excessive heat!
Our A/C still hasn't been fixed, but We are managing, somehow.
Last Wednesday, Mummy hauled Me off to the V-e-t because something was badly irritating my right eye. Fortunately, Dr. Einat said it was nothing too serious, and gave Mummy some eyedrops for Me (UGH!) which have to be administered twice a day. I think today is the last day, but, knowing Mummy, She will purrobably carry on an extra day because I managed to evade her ministrations a couple of times.
More impawtantly, for All of Us, while We were there, I overheard Mummy taking counsel with the V-E-T about what to do with Intruder Kitty Callicallou. Dr. Einat says that Mummy shouldn't let a new kitty into the house with Us, without furrst having her tested for FIV, FeLV and FIP - which is exactly what Mummy was thinking. So they started talking about how things could be arranged, like a military oppurration. The biggest problem is, one doesn't always get the results on the same day, so Mummy would have to find somewhere to keep the Intruder Kitty Callicallou, between having the tests and getting the (hopefully negative) results. Mummy is still trying to work that one out. Fortunately (says Mummy), we've still got a couple of months (at least) before the weather turns cold and rainy.
But even if all turns out well for Callicallou - what about ME? Mummy thinks it will be nice for Me to have another Ladycat to hang out with, but supposing She prefurrs the company of those pesky Mancats, my brofurs, and they all gang up on Me?
Oh, well - I won't think about that today. Instead, I shall concentrate on being the Star of the Weekend Blog Hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Deliciously Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
Here is My Selfie, in which I am guarding the stairway against My Brofurs, who were horsing around down below.
We artified this using LunaPic's Fantasy Art effect, at 60% and adding one of their simple, elegant frames:
Since both My Brofurs were so kind as to defurr to Me in honour of My Birthday, and Black Cat Appreciation Day, when it was their turn to repurresent the J-Cats in the Weekend Blog Hops, I shall now return the favour by including them this week. Here is an adorable picture of them attempting to put into practice what I have taught them about Feline Synchronisation Techniques. I fear that during the Pandemic and ensuing lockdowns, they became rather lazy and neglected their Training Sessions. I see I shall have to take them in paw once more!
You can also see some of Our paw-celain dolly-sisters in the background - Dorothea, Laura and Lottie.
And here is an artified version of the same picture, using LunaPic's Storytime Art effect, with a Dark overlay at 30%:
We are in a bit of a hurry today, as Mummy has to lie down for a siesta before the furrst rehearsal this new season of her Caterwauling Club! So, without further ado, here are the Blog Hop badges:

And now, let's start blog hopping!
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.