Monday, June 13, 2022

In the Beginning: Remembering Minxie (June 1980 - 12th June 1995)

Greetings once more, Effurrybody!

You are purr-obably wondering why We are posting twice in one week, on consecutive days.

Wonder no more. Today, 14th Sivan, is the day, according to the Hebrew calendar, that Mummy's furry furrst furbaby, beautiful, loving, precious Minxie, flew away to the Rainbow Bridge.

That was on the 12th of June, 1995, according to the Civil Calendar, but being Mewish kitties, naturally We commemorate such events (Yahrzeit) in accordance with the Hebrew calendar.

Mummy wasn't sure of the exact date of Minxie's birthday, but based on her approximate age of about five or six weeks when she and Mummy gotcha'ed each other, it was probably about mid-June 1980, and so she and Mummy used to celebrate her birthday on June 15th.

Minxie was an Only Furbaby when she lived with Mummy. In those days, Mummy was working full-time, long, long days - and when She arrived home in the evening, She would call out to Minxie from the back entrance to the apawtment block, where the car park was, and Minxie would run to the window and meow to her. And then, she would run to the front door and be waiting to frisk around Mummy's ankles when She walked inside.

Minxie had absolute trust in Mummy and they loved each other furry much. Minxie's favourite place for snoozing was lying on Mummy's chest. When they went to sleep at night, Minxie would snuggle up in Mummy's armpit, with her head on Mummy's shoulder.

Of course, all this was in the days before there were blogs, before digital cameras, before Mummy even had a computer.

But She did have a fairly good (non-digital) camera and so here are some pictures of Minxie which She has scanned into the computer, so you can get some idea of how beautiful Minxie was:

As We mentioned earlier, Mummy had neffur had a furbaby before She met Minxie - and She purr-obably made a lot of mistakes with her diet, veterinary care and so on. Still, Minxie had a good and mostly healthy life for almost fifteen years, before Mummy discovered the lump in her tummy that turned out to be an Evil Cancer. Minxie had an opurration to remove the tumour, but it had already spread and the v-e-t could not get all of the cancer out. Minxie was hardly eating and she was fading away before Mummy's eyes. Mummy saw how Minxie was suffering and, although her own heart was breaking into a million pieces, She did the right thing for Minxie and helped her to cross the Rainbow Bridge, just three days before what would have been her 15th Birthday celebration.

Having lived with a kitty for 15 years, Mummy knew She could neffur go back to being without one, and so Angel Minxie sent Possum and Pixie to her. When their turn came to depart for the Rainbow Bridge, they sent Us.

And the rest is history.

That is the True Story of how Mummy became a Crazy Cat Lady!

So you see, Dear Furriends - We owe it all to Angel Minxie. Thanks to her, Mummy, who had neffur even dreamt of having a furbaby, came to realise the Magic of Living with a Kitty, and by the time Angel Minxie had to leave for the Bridge, Mummy understood Her Destiny - to be a Cat Mummy, always and effur.

Thank you, Angel Minxie - for effurrything.


TimberLove said...

Woooo, may we all meet again,


Kea said...

Minxie was beautiful, and obviously she and your mummy had a very special relationship. Sending soft purrs as you remember her today. ♥

da tabbies o trout towne said...

minxie ewe bee one gorgeouz gurl. big time
hugz and lovez two ewe ❤️‼️😺

The Swiss Cats said...

Beautiful tribute to Angel Minxie ! She was beautiful ! Purrs

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lovely tribute in memory of Angel Minxie. She was a very pretty girl.

catladymac said...

Purrayers to your Mom as she remembers sweet Minxie - who got her started loving you all !

pilch92 said...

Minxie was a beautiful girl. Sending hugs on this sad anniversary. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

Minxie was a beautiful sweetie, hugs and you remember each and every day.

Lone Star Cats said...

Awww, Minxie was a cutie.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

A sweet tribute to your first kitty...and the sort of 'grandma' of many others!
Minxie was a beauty for sure!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It is good to remember the early cats BI (before Internet). TBT remembers Ralph and Sport-Sport, Cat Balou, Mischief, and Tinkerbelle from BI...

The Island Cats said...

Purrs to all of you as you remember beautiful Minxie today.

meowmeowmans said...

What a beautiful and special kitty Minxie was. Sending love, hugs, and purrs as you remember her. XO

M Dawson said...

I am late as its been a worse than weather week but I'm here. I am glad you have celebrated Mindy's life. Goodness her coat was so beautiful! It was nice to share your memories and they touched my heart.

Adorapurr said...

Minxie was truly heaven sent to your Momma. Every new cat purrson makes mistakes, but what's important is the love the hoomon gives to the kitty. And clearly Minxie was loved. This is a beautiful story. Love, Dori

Marvelous Marv said...

We love hearing the stories of how our pawrents became Crazy Cat Peeps! Minxie was a wonderful firstie! We are glad that you and your Peep still celebrate her (and have pictures). Thank your for sharing her with us.
Our Mom was adopted by her Pawrents cat before she came home from the hospital and Jinx slept with her the minute she came home from the hospital.
Thanks for visiting us as we have been so erratic in posting lately. Sending you (and Your Peep) Purrs -- Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo and Cinnamon (and our Peep - Barb)

Katie Isabella said...

I am late, Agel Minxie. YOu look like a precius baby tiger. Your stripes were so unique. MY mom said she made mistakes through love and igorance with her fur babies, until Admrial came along. Not terrible things, just unknowing care details. You are and were beautiful in the mortal times. I know you still are.