Hallo again, Effurrybody!
With the arrival (at long last) of Spring, We were hoping for smiles all the way, and that We had put the Tears behind Us, but, alas, last Monday We learned of the loss of yet another of Our Dear Furriends, sweet, handsome Sammy of the 15 and Meowing blog. His Mommy, Ellen, is one of Mummy's oldest friends in the blogoverse. Mummy is devastated and so are We all.
Even without that sad news, this past week hasn't been all that great - certainly not for Me, Queen Trixie. On Monday, as you know, Mummy had made an appointment for Me to go to the Evil V-E-T to have "several" teeth extracted. I heard her make the appointment and I had already made my escape plans. I was intending to put myself Out Of Reach, either on top of the kitchen cabinets, or else UTB, on Sunday night already, thinking She would try to catch me the following meowning. But She outmanoeuvred Me, by trapping Me in the Guest Room on Sunday evening, without food and water because the Evil V-E-T ordered a 12 hour fast prior to The Procedure. I thought I would be able to hide behind the sofa if She tried to put Me in my Carrier, but when She came in the following meowning, I was so hungry, I came to her, thinking She had brought My Noms - and then She grabbed Me and stuffed Me into the Cage. But I managed to scratch her, at least. That will teach her!
Well, off We went to the Stabby Place, where they gave me an Evil Drug to make Me sleepy. After I succumbed to it, Mummy deserted Me (I know that, because She wasn't there when I woke up). She went shopping, leaving Me totally at the mercy of not one, but TWO Evil V-E-T-S!!!
While I was zonked out, not only did they steal FOUR of my toofies, they also stole some of My Bloods!!! Only when they had finished having their Evil Way with Me, and I had (more or less) woken up, did they call Mummy to come and collect Me.
I felt really groggy and rather sick for the rest of the day but at least I got fed Fancy Feast for supper and for breakfast the following day.
I feel much better now though, without those toofies hurting Me - and, at least, they didn't touch My Beautiful Fangs! But Mummy is a little worried about My Bloodwork, because the creatinine is slightly elevated - and the glucose, also. The new, younger lady V-E-T recommended that because of My Age (nearly 10), Mummy should start feeding Me special food for kitties with kidney purroblems, even though it is not yet definite that I have anything wrong with My Kidneys. The V-E-T thinks that since such purroblems are furry common in senior kitties, I might as well start now, at the furrst sign. Mummy is also worried about the glucose and that maybe I have diabetes, but they need to do a urine test to be sure. At any rate, Mummy bought Me Royal Canin Renal food - and guess what, kitties - I really like it! Much more than the Happy Cat kibbles She has been feeding Us. And the V-E-T says I can still have Fancy Feast maybe once a week, like for Shabbat.
Anyway, to get back to matters in hand, it is My Turn to lead the J-Cats on this week's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightfully Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
Here I am, reclaiming My Domain, now that I am fully recovered from My Traumatic Ordeal.

Here is the artified version, using LunaPic's beautiful Splash filter, set at 35%:
And here are the blog hop badges:

In spite of the Tears, there are still some things to smile about. Tomorrow is Caspurr's Gotcha Day. He came to live with Mummy and Me nine years ago and I taught him effurrything a little kitty needs to know. Since then, he has got rather too Big for His Boots, but I still love him - I suppose (mol).
At any rate, We are going to have a Gotcha Day pawty for him up in the Enchanted Forest at 6 pm. tomorrow evening - and We hope you will all come and join in the celebration. We can also celebrate the arrival of Spring and the lovely, warm weather.
More smiles to come! This morning, Mummy's second great-nephew was born! New baby humans are almost as much fun as new kittens!
Oh - and let's not forget that this coming Friday night is the Seder Night, the start of Pessach (Pawssover), so We will wish you all Chag Sameach.
Before We go, last, but not least, make sure your Humans continue to take all necessary precautions against the Evil Mutant Ninja Coronavirus.
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.