Sunday, April 18, 2021

Seven Year Itch - Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies With Shimshi

Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!

For the second week in succession, Trixie has furry nobly given up her Turn to lead the J-Cats on the Caturday Art and Sunday Selfies blog hops - hosted by the Wise and Lovely Athena and her HuMum, Marie and by the Famously Unpurrdictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet, respectively. She did this because yesterday was My Seventh Birthday. As We mentioned last week, We had a joint Celebration picnic on Thursday, Israel's Independence Day, in honour of Caspurr's Gotcha Day, My Birthday, and Independence Day.  Also, Caspurr unselfishly gave up his favourite spot in the laundry basket to Me ...

(Trixie here. He didn't really. Shimshi just got there before him and refused to budge - MOL).

(Caspurr here. Don't be such a sneak, Trixie. We all know you wouldn't have given up your turn to Shimshi if Mummy hadn't purromised you that you could lead the next two blog hops!)

(Don't quarrel, darlings. It makes Mummy furry unhappy!)

For Our Caturday Art, Mummy thought it would be nice to issue a gold commemorative coin in My Honour - and here it is!

If you biggify it, you can see that it is a coin issued by the Kingdom of Mischiefs. That is because, in addition to all my other Royal Titles, I am Master of the Queen's Mischiefs (MOL).

Now, here is an update on the Evil Coronavirus. Here in Israel, the vaccine rollout has been going so well and the numbers of sick and newly-infected have fallen so much, that, as of today, it is no longer mandatory to wear a face-mask in public spaces, as long as these are Out of Doors. All the schools have gone back to normal, without having to learn in "capsules" or Study Bubbles, the theatres and concert halls can reopen (as long as the audience is seated in accordance with the two metre distancing rule and wearing masks - because these are indoor venues) and, best of all (for Mummy, at least), Caterwauling Club rehearsals are back to normal, even for the Big Choir, which can now hold rehearsals for the whole 130 caterwaulers at once (as long as they have been vaccinated - which most of them have - or had the Evil Virus and recovered, or can produce a certificate that they have tested negative for COVID within the past 48 hours).  Not only that - they have already scheduled an end-of-the-season concert in July! Mummy is over the Hill Moon (mol)!

And it seems that Spring is here at last. Temperatures this week are expected to top 30 degrees Celsius! Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!  Everything's coming up roses!

And now, Dear Furriends, it is time to join the blog hops. Furrst of all, here are the badges:


And off We go - but not before We remind you, once more, that in many parts of the World, the Evil Coronavirus has not yet been vanquished and that you and your Humans must still take care to abide by all the rules that have been put in place for your Purrtection:  wear your facemasks, observe Social Distancing Rules and, most impawtant of all - WASH YOUR PAWS!

Be well. Be safe. We love you all!



Zoolatry said...

Birthdays, Picnics, Holidays and An-Almost-Return-To-Normal ~ what wonderful, and so many things you have to celebrate! So paws up all! And the little cat in the basket seems to concur, waving a paw delightfully and so adorably.
Happy Singing ... and Happy Spring-ing!

Katie Isabella said...

What wonderful news! I am so GLAD of this news and for Shimshi's birthday And Caspurr's Gotcha Day as well which I missed this time! Head bonks and smoochies for your special days. And Happy Independence Day as well!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad you had a lovely joint celebration. That is very good news that you are all getting nearer to normal, and your mum can resume her caterwauling.

meowmeowmans said...

Shimshi, you sure look great in that basket, however you actually ended up in there. :)

We are glad you all had such a great celebration of birthdays and good news. Yes, we've been watching Israel's progress against COVID-19, and it's wonderful that you're getting closer to "normal." Yay!

The J-Cats said...

Mummy says nothing is effur "normal" here (mol).

Catscue said...

What fun celebrations! I love you in that basket Shimshi.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

We're glad that things are slowly getting back to normal for you.

Lovely art!

Timmy Tomcat said...

A very Happy Birthday Shimshi you look so very happy. We really like what your country has done and it is because of your wonderful people. Here we are having an return of Covid as no one is wearing masks before the vax is done on enough people!

The Florida Furkids said...

It sounds like you've had a great week!

The Florida Furkids

pilch92 said...

Happy Birthday Shimshi! I am glad your country is doing so well and able to remove restrictions. I plan to keep wearing a mask for a long time even though I am vaccinated. XO

Adorapurr said...

It is so good to hear yoo are doing well and slowly returning to normal. My pawrents have had their vaccines, and hope that Normal will return to the USA before too long. Happy Birthday to Shimshi.

Marvelous Marv said...

Shimshi! You are rocking the laundry basket is it in celebration of your birthday! We are so happy that your family has had so many celebrations this week! We want to sing you the song!
¸¸.•*♫♫♫ Happy Birthday Day to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Day to  you♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Day deeeeeeeeear Shimshe!!!!♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Day to you ♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

catladymac said...

Happy Purrthday Shimshi ! And many more !

The Island Cats said...

It sounds like you all had a wonderful celebration. And I'm glad the fight against the evil virus is going so well in Israel. Here we're going through another surge of cases. People act like they have given up and don't care anymore. It's terrible! ~Ernie

Furries said...

Happy belated birthday. A gold coin - wow - that's special. Mom & Dad get their second vaccination next Friday. They're looking forward to being as protected as they can be.

BellaDharma an LadyMew said...

Happy happy Birfday Shimshi!!!
Yore Selfie wavin iss pawsum!!
Trixie an Caspurr iss OKay to let Shimshi ahve sum limelite...aftur all hee ISS THE Birfday Man Cat!!
Miss Shimona yore clawss...ummm mee meenss nailss are speck-taculur! LadyMew an mee were admirin yore nailss so much wee furgot to look at THE coin...wee went back an biggfyed it an it iss lovelee.
Yore furry cree-ative.
Happy Spring to all of youss' there. MAZEL TOV fore Israel doin so well with vacciness an such!! Where wee are inn Catnada wee are inn a FULL lockdown....our 3rd.... wee all furstrated as wee see teenss an young adultss goin without maskss an all clsoe together an Sky CAt knowss if they are carrierss?? Our Public Health peepel have to contact over 600 pe-tential Covid carrierss....wee hidin inn bed til further notice!!!
**purrss** an ~~head rubss~~ BellaDharma ~~ an ((huggiess)) LadyMew

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Herein New Zealand things are going well. We are almost 100% Covid free so we shall see how it goes!

Happy Sunday!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Four paws up for spring, gold coins, and Gotcha Days!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday from all of us!!! Love that first photo and the coin too!

Unknown said...

Everything does seem to be coming up rises there. I am so happy to hear it. Things are slower in Canada as we haven't had our vaccines yet but by the end of April we should.

The coin is perfect for so many kitty friends. BTW have a Happy Birthday.


Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Happy Birthday Shimsi and Happy Gotcha Day Caspurr. What a beautiful coin😸Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Happy Birthday to you, Shimshi!! I can see the celebrating was grand!

Hooray for your country getting control of that evil virus mess.Phew!

Have a great week and stay out of mischief...well, at least not too much:)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, yer Mom has CLAWS! Nice. Bet she scritches GOOD!