Sunday, March 21, 2021

Shimshi's End of Winter Caturday Art and Sunday Selfie

Hallo again, Effurrybuddies!

Shimshi here, presenting this week's Sunday Selfie, with which We are joining the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the deliciously Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.

Here is their badge:

The day after tomorrow, We have General Elections - and Mummy STILL hasn't made up Her Mind who to vote for!
However, there are purrlenty of Good Things happening this week! 

For example .....

Today is the Furrst Day of Spring! Isn't it Wonderful?

Here in Israel, it's lovely and warm - 24 degrees C in Jerusalem and expected to rise to 27C! The sun is shining and there are OODLES of sunpuddles! 

The night between Thursday and Furriday, the clocks will move forward, stealing an hour of Our Precious Beauty Sleep (bad). On the Other Paw, that means that We will receive breakfast an hour sooner (good).

And next Saturday night is the Seder Night - the start of Pessach (Passover).

All of the above inspired Our Caturday Art.

Mummy made a lovely Pessach greeting card:

But She also tried turning My Pawtrait into a vintage-style sepia photo and then inserting it into another Tribute to Spring:

We are having quite a discussion about which one of them should repurresent Us on the Caturday Art Blog Hop, hosted by the Wise and beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie!  Here is their badge.

Which one do You prefurr?

Now it is time for Us to start visiting Our Furriends. Before We go, here is one more quick reminder that, until We are finally free of the Evil Coronavirus, We and Our Humans must carry on Social Distancing, wearing face-masks - and, above all, Washing Our Paws.

Chag Sameach!  Happy Pessach

Keep well. Keep safe. We love you all.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Both art is lovely, but I think the second is my favourite. Our clocks go forward at 1am on next Sunday morning.

Kea said...

Happy Spring and Happy Pessach you all!

Our clocks here in (most of) Canada went ahead last weekend. Only one province stays on the same time all year (Saskatchewan). We dislike the time change in the spring and fall, there's really no need for it anymore, but it is what it is.

We like your artwork and our favourite is the second one as well. :-)

Have a lovely week, take care!

ZOOLATRY said...

Look at that sweet pink nose ... we're about to "kiss the monitor with a little nose tap" ...
and your art rendering of this image is so lovely!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope you all enjoy a most wonderful Pessach and we sure enjoyed your selfie and your pretty art too!

The Florida Furkids said...

Lots of good things happening. We loved your selfie and artwork. We think the first one is our favorite.

The Florida Furkids

Timmy Tomcat said...

Happy Spring! We like both of your art pictures but are a little partial to the Sepia. Nothing like a bit of history

meowmeowmans said...

Great selfie, Shimshi! Hooray for spring! You sunpuddles and warm weather sound positively glorious. We sure hope this election works out for Israel; fourth times a charm, maybe?

Happy Pesach Sameach!


Marvelous Marv said...

Chag Sameach! We love both photos and could not pick one. You are having lovely weather! Where we are in the mountains in Canada we have been having a lovely spring! We are looking forward to all the mud drying up and the spring blooms. We adjusted quickly to our time change last week! Humans are so strange. They should just leave the time alone! Have a marvellously Happy week!

Catscue said...

They are both beautiful, I can't decide!

pilch92 said...

I love your art, I can't choose a favorite. Happy Spring! XO

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Those are beautiful!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Beautiful photo and greeting cards! We're enjoying the spring preview here too.

The Island Cats said...

Your artwork is beautiful, Shimshi. I can't pick one over the other...I like them both. I'm glad you're having good spring weather. We have lots of sun here too. ~Ernie

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Your spring temps are like early summer for us!! Those are pretty artworks!

Anonymous said...

Who remembers this song from school:

Spring is here at last
Dreary winter's past
Now the skies are ringing
With the birds' loud singing
All the world is glad
Why should we be sad?
Why should we be sad?

The tune is by Schubert and here it is on YouTube:

I don't know who the woman is, but she's a very good catawauler.


Old Deuteronomy

Gidget Blue Sky said...

so hansum...

Furries said...

Spring is a wonderful time of year. Both your art creations are beautiful. The first one is brighter but the second is so well composed. Too difficult to choose a favorite.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Tell yer Mom that, when she can't decide who to vote FOR, decide who to vote AGAINST! In multiparty nations, there is surely someone she does NOT want. Flip a coin on the others. VOTE!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Your peeps are still washin' their paws, too, huh? So are mine. Funny thing is, I'VE never had to be told to wash my paws. I mean, as a cat, it's just natural to wash my paws on a regular basis. Apparently peeps need to be reminded. Weird, huh? MOUSES!