Hallo again, Effurrybody!
Shavua tov ( a Good Week) to you all.
It is I, Queen Trixie, Empurress of Jerusalem, Israel and the Entire Middle East, Queen of Hearts, Guardian of the Boudoir, Alpha-Kitty Extraordinaire, here again to welcome you to Our Bloggie and to update you on what's happening in Our Corner of the World.

As you may remember, last week, We were telling you about the pleasant weather and the lack of any water from the sky. Well, would you know it, within a few hours, the heavens clouded over and We were treated to a son-et-lumière display of magnificent dimensions! Lightning lit up the sky. Thunder-rolls from afar followed. Only one thing was missing - Skywater! That didn't make its appearance until later in the evening and when it did - boy, oh boy!
It came down in BUCKETS. No. In BARRELS. Mummy waited till it was quite late and She thought it had tempurrarily stopped, before going out to feed the Homeless Kitties - but She soon discovered her mistake. It had NOT stopped. It had merely changed to a fine drizzle.
Anyway, it went on for several days, almost without paws, although it wasn't cold at all. Then it stopped and We have had several days of sunshine - only it's colder than it was when the skywater was falling, so yesterday, Mummy decided it was time to take down the eiderdown quilt from the top cupboard. It isn't a genuine eiderdown, because Mummy is allergic to the feathers, so the Evil Birdies are quite safe - from Mummy, at least (mol).
We hear that a lot of you are going back into Lockdown, just as here in Israel, We are starting to come out of it (but Mummy is sure we'll have another one in December, because they aren't waiting enough time between stages and the downward trend in new infections seems to have halted). At least it gives one plenty of time for reading - and if anyone wants some suggestions for what to read, Mummy made a few in Her Own Bloggie.
They are still not allowing public concerts here, because of the Evil Chinese Coronavirus, so this coming Saturday evening, Mummy's Caterwauling Club will be purr-ticipating in a Virtual Concert with the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, of works by Mr. L. Van Beethoven: the Egmont Overture, the Fifth Piano Concerto and the Fantasia for Piano, Choir and Orchestra. If you would like to see the concert, it will be streamed live on the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra's Mewtube channel and their Furrsbook page. It is free, but you have to register in advance here.
Despite the Good News above, these past few days have been furry sad, kitties, with the departure of two more of Our Furriends for the Rainbow Bridge - sweet, beautiful Raven of the Indulged Furries blog and sweet, handsome Pipo of the Meezer's Mews and Terrieristical Woofs blog. In fact, 2020 has been a purrfectly HORRIBLE year - what with the Evil Coronavirus, and so many anipals flying away to the Rainbow Bridge. We are hardly in the mood for blog hopping - but, on the other hand, the loss of so many of Our Furriends has taught Us how impawtant it is to stay in touch with those who are left, and not tell Ourselves that We can visit them another day. Because, all too often, that Other Day never comes.
So, as We do effurry week, We are joining the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie. Here is their badge:

And We are also pawticipating in the Sunday Selfies blog hop hosted by the sweet and indefatigable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet. Here is their badge:
You can see my Sunday Selfie at the top of this post. I was enjoying a beautiful sun-puddle there when Mummy came and disturbed Me, insisting I cooperate and star in this week's blog hops.
And here is the artified version - for which We used the Watercolour effect from LunaPic at 45%. With the help of PhotoFunia, We then placed it in a gallery where it can be admired by Humans of Good Taste.
Now, before We go, We would remind you once more to stick to all the Social Distancing rules designed to purr-tect you and your Humans, wear your facemasks and remember to keep washing your Paws. That way, you will be safe from the Evil Coronavirus.
See you next week.