Sunday, March 17, 2019

Caturday Art Selfies on Sunday or: The Purrisoner

Greetings, Effurrybuddies!

We meant to post some Caturday Art yesterday evening, but that was prevented by Mummy getting accidentally locked in the Guest Room by Caspurr.

Caspurr denies having had a paw in it (well, he would, wouldn't he?) and Mummy has no proof - in fact, it could well be her own stupid fault anyway, but - Wait a minute! You have no idea what we're miaouwing about, have you?

Well, this is what happened (as far as we can tell) ...

Mummy went into the Guest Room to get a book. The key to the door, which has one of those magnetic locks, was in the lock on the Outside, because previously, Mummy had locked the door so as to prevent the Mancats from getting at Trixie's food (Trixie being a dainty eater, who likes to nibble her food, then take a break, then go back to it).

When Mummy went in, Caspurr tried to follow her, so Mummy shut the door. When She tried to open it again, to go out, She found She could not. It was locked! Mummy thinks that either the door banged and the key moved effur so slightly, just enough to lock the door, or else Caspurr, who hung on the door handle and tried to open the door to get at Trixie's food bowl, accidentally gave the key a slight turn and thereby locked the door. Either way, Mummy found herself a purrisoner in the only room in the appawtment without a telephone! She looked in her pocket for her miaowbile phone and to her Absolute Horror, discovered She didn't have it with her!

She looked about her for something with which to pick the lock, but found nothing except a wooden carving of a stork with a long thin leg. Mummy thought that if She slid a sheet of paper under the door, and managed to push the key out of the lock, She could then slide the key back under the door towards her, like She has seen them do on TV. So She tore a page out of a magazine and slid it under the door. Furrst, she inserted the long thin wooden stork's leg through the keyhole and tried to nudge the flag end of the key and turn it sufficiently to open the lock. But that didn't work. The key fell out of the lock and hung for a couple of seconds, held by the magnet in the door. Then it fell - but either it didn't fall on the sheet of paper, or the crack under the door was too narrow or else the kitties who were huddled around the door started to play with it (Mummy has to admit, she didn't hear any sound indicative of kitties playing football keyball).

At this point, as you can well imagine, Mummy was purractically hyperventilating. She thought She would be there all night and maybe die of starvation (besides needing the Bathroom really, really badly). She did the only thing left to do. She opened the window and shouted for help with all her might, in the hope that one of the neighbours would hear her. She didn't even have all that much hope, because last night was a wild, rainy, stormy night and one on which most people would be watching TV with their windows firmly shut.

However, Mummy had the proverbial Luck of the Irish (not that She is Irish. To the best of Our Knowledge, She doesn't have a drop of Irish Blood in her). A couple of neighbours DID hear her. Feeling like Rapunzel in her Tower (except that her hair is furry short), Mummy asked them to call Grandpa and Step-Grandma, because they have a key to her appawtment and She wanted them to come and let her out. So Step-Grandma came with the key (which took her a while to find), and Mummy's neighbour climbed over the outer gate to Mummy's front porch (which was ALSO locked, and only Mummy has a key), but couldn't open the front door because the key was in the lock. Worse, the security bolt was on!

The neighbours and Step-Grandma decided there was nothing for it but to call a locksmith. That took another hour and then the locksmith had to drill the doorpost to break the security bolt, as well as remove the lock (one of those expensive security locks), in order to get into the appawtment. Once in, he quickly found the key and unlocked Mummy's Prison Cell the Guest Room door without any difficulty.

Of course, since the front door lock was now completely ruined, Mummy had to have it replaced. Total cost for Rescue and Replacement of Lock - a Thousand Shekels (mostly the cost of the new lock).

Now Mummy is afraid to lock, or even close any door in the house! And She thinks She is furry lucky to have such Good Neighbours, and even luckier that She didn't have a heart attack into the bargain. Because how would the Purramedics have reached her in time? And She also thinks it's lucky that one of Mummy's other neighbours, who saw the furrst neighbour climbing over the gate to the porch and thought for a minute that he was a burglar, realised who he was in time and didn't call the Pawlice!

So, kitties, that is why We didn't post Our Caturday Art yesterday evening as planned. Instead, We are posting it today and in tribute to St. Patrick (whom We don't celebrate usually, not being Irish, or CATholic), We have used LunaPic's Jungle effect, which has a lot of green, and given it a St. Patrick's Day border, also from LunaPic.

This picture is Our Entry in TWO Blog Hops - the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by the furry wise Athena and her Human, Marie - and here is their badge:  

and also the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their Human, Janet - and here is their badge:

Now, We are going to try to add both blog hops to Our Page. We didn't succeed last time We tried to do this, so We'll hope some of that Luck of the Irish is still with Us and We will fare better this time. Meanwhile, We wish you all Shavua Tov (a Good Week) and Happy St. Patrick's Day - and also Happy Purim (or rather, Purr-im), which falls later this week, on Thursday.

Now, here is the Caturday Art Blog Hop:

and here is the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop:


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oh my word, that sounds the most horrific experience ever. Maybe We used to have the keys on string so that once unlocked the key was removed but still attached to the door frame/handle, and extra keys hidden inside the room just in case.
Anyways, we are glad you made it out safe and well and the cats got fed ;)

Catscue Cat Mom said...

Oh my! Sounds like an adventure for all! Happy St. Patrick's Day - may the luck of the Irish be with you all!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, that's a crazy and scary adventure that Mummy had. We are glad she got saved in the end! We agree with Erin -- maybe have the key on a string?

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Oh, your poor Mum!

So glad she got rescued but it sounds really terrifying. Not surprised she's afraid now.

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Terri said...

I previously had a deadbolt lock on my front door for over 30 years. My only other door was a patio door with no key entry from the outside. When I moved a couple years ago, my rental doesn't have deadbolt locks. I've been waiting to find myself locked out!

P.S. Two keys...another one on the inside of the room ;-)

CATachresis said...

WOW!! What a story! An adventure! Did you kitties play havoc when mommy was locked up?? I know I would have done MOL. Glad she is ok and that you didn't all die of starvation!! xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

What an adventure, and not a good one either. Yes, definitely keep a spare key in any room that can lock itself.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Drama nd total nightmare. I hope Mum is OK now and has a wonderful Sunday, and a happy St Gertrude's Day.

Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

The Island Cats said...

OMC! That must have been scary for your mom...and for you guys as well. After all, if she didn't get out, who would have fed you??

Deziz World said...

Oh Me cats and kittens what an adventure your mommy had. We didn't think they made houses with bedroom door locks anymore. MOmmy 'members bein; a kid and havin' locks on her doors, but hasn't seen 'em in furever. As fur the ambulance or the pawlice, they would've broke the door down. And the replacement cost would'a been lots more than just the knob replacement. Altho', that's a lot of money. MeOW!!! Altho' mommy does have some Irish in her, we don't really celebrate either since we're not catholic. But we did add a bit of green to our fotos. Your art is purrfect. And, we're glad your mommy is okay. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Wow, now that's an adventure you'll never forget!

pilch92 said...

That sounds like an awful ordeal. I would have peed my pants if I had to wait that long. I love your St. Patrick's Day art. Happy Purim, we will have one of the kitties dressed as Queen Esther this week. It is supposed to be Trouble, but the costume doesn't seem to fit :) XO

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

EEEKKKK!!! Miss Shimona are you OKay?? What a turribull thing to have happen....Caspurr mee has no doubt you tired to help yore LadyMew an had nothin to do with that key movin….fore reel....
Mee hopess efurrything iss back to normal an no more crazy thingss happen!!!
An maybee you DO have a bit O Irish inn you, mew mew mew....
An yore photoe iss furry lovelee.
***purrsss*** BellaDharma

Furries said...

Oh my gosh, what an adventure. I'm glad it all turned out ok, except for the large bill for the locksmith. My mom probably would have tried to take the door off the hinges, but you need some tools for that. I guess we should be glad we live in a one-story house and mom could just crawl out the window!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Epic art guys and what an adventure OMC!!! We are furry happy that it all turned out alright in the end PHEW! Hope mew've all been having a wunderpurr week XOX

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

What a scary experience!

TBT here: Aren't the hinges of the door on the inside of the room? Just as a PSA, in case it ever happens again, you can just tap the pin in the hinge upwards and remove it, so the door detaches from the frame...

Most people don't realize that.