How has your weekend been? Did you make lots of mischiefs?
As you know, making mischiefs is part of My Job Description. As Master of the Queen's Mischiefs, I always like to share ideas about new kinds of Mischief and to receive suggestions from You, My Furriends. So, let Me hear from you how you have been doing.
I have actually been thinking, there ought to be a New CATegory in the next Cat O-Lympics, for Mischief Making. What do you all think?
Now, today, it is My Turn to repurresent the J-Cats in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue and their Human, Lady Janet, from The Cat On My Head blog.
Mummy surprised Me yesterday evening and made Me do this selfie, even though I wanted to sleep at the time. As you can see, I was peacefully napping away under
I had no choice but to grin and bear it. Fortunately, it was quickly done and then Mummy went back to watching TV and I snuggled up with Her under the blankie and went back to sleep. But I got my own back on her this morning, when She wanted to sleep late (mol).
Now, where was I? Oh! Yes! The Blog Hop.

And here is the linkie to the Blog Hop. But before I go, I just wanted to wish you all a great week.
Shavua Tov.