Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Gang's All Here

Hallo again, Effurrybody!

We are back!!!

It has been a zillion years since We last posted - and, as usual, it is all Mummy's fault. She was so busy with her Caterwauling Club's activities and planning her Daddy's Birthday Party, that We were Woefully Neglected.
And then, to cap it all, She went swanning off to Russia, of all places, with her Caterwauling Club friends, to take part in some Festival, leaving Us in the care of her Stepsister, Auntie Yuli (Yael). Auntie Yuli came to feed Us effurry day, but We are used to being waited upon attended to Round The Clock! It was furry hard, kitties! She was away for FIVE DAYS!!! That's like - well, FUREVER!

And then, when She came back, She thought writing her Own Bloggie about it had to take purr-ecedence over OURS!!!
I mean to say - it's not as if She actually saw anything REALLY impawtant in St. Petersburg, such as the Hermitage Cats, for example!

As We mentioned earlier, part of the reason for Mummy's Shameful Neglect of Us before her Russian trip, was that She and her Human Sibs and StepGrandma were planning Grandpa's Birthday Party. For that, We can fur-give her. On July 13th, Grandpa was 90 years old! That's like - hundreds and hundreds of Cat Years! That was certainly something well worth celebrating.

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!


Mickey's Musings said...

Happy 90th Birthday to your Grandpa!!!
We are happy to hear that you survived being abandoned.
Purrs your mum starts looking after you and your blog.
Neglect is not something kitties should have to endure.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Happy Happy Birthday to your Grandpa!!!!
We never knew your Mama had another blog, just signed up to follow it! catchatwithcarenandcody

Furries said...

I don't know how you kitties manage to survive with such shameful neglect. Hopefully your Mom will have more time for you now that her activities are taken care of. And happy birthday to your Grandpa.

Kate said...

You poor babies. My cats don't like vacations either. The sitter is wonderful and will hang around if anyone comes out to play. Mostly they don't and just whine when the peeps come home. Extra treats and hugs!

Deziz World said...

OMC 5 Whole days???? Dat's inhumane!!!! MOL We're so glad ya'll didn't waste away to nuffin' durin' her absence. At least you did have a nice awnty to visit and make sure you had noms. And happy birthday to your grandpaw. Dat's a ripe ole age fur sure. We hope you've fully furgiven your mommy now and all is well again. Big hugs fur all.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

The Island Cats said...

Ugh. You all have been so neglected! We hope your mom learns to make you her priority. ;). Happy Birthday to your Grandpa, too. 90 years young!

meowmeowmans said...

It's nice seeing you, dear pals. Sorry your mum neglected you like that!

Happy birthday to your grandpa!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz.....grate ta see ya bak thiz way N sorry mum haz been a neglectful purrson ☺☺☺ hope her hada grate time tho N we wood like ta say happee birthday two gram paw N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz N health ~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

pilch92 said...

Happy Birthday to your Grandpa. Now that your Mom is home, I hope we will be seeing more of you. XO

Jenna and Marie said...

Happy birthday to your grandpa! What a nice ripe old age :)

We understand how you feel about being left behind. It is so unfair that our human(s) leave us and go their merry way.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Our Beins should be forbidden to stay from us kitties more than a day!