Thursday, December 29, 2016

Miaouoz Tzur

Hallo again, Effurybody!

Trixie here. I hope those of you who celebrate Chrissymouse had a good time, with plenty of yummy food and treats. As you know, We celebrate Hanukkah, not Chrissymouse - and I can tell you, it's a good thing too, because Caspurr and Shimshi would have been on Santa Claws' Naughty List for sure! I am sure he wouldn't have brought them Anything!

For starters, Caspurr peed on the cushion of one of the chairs in the living room. It's not the end of the world, because it can be washed - sort of - but Mummy and I suspect that it's him who has also been peeing on the armrest of the old sofa in the Guest Kitty Room, in the same place where I used to when I had that (whisper) little problem with my Ladycat Parts earlier this year.

However, what Shimshi did was much, MUCH worse. Mummy has a new handbag - well, actually She got it for her birthday last year but she's hardly used it, until last week, when she decided to start doing so. And do you know what Shimshi did? He shredded it. Well, at any rate, he gnawed at it with his sharp little teeth and scratched away at it with his sharp little claws, until he had ripped four or five holes in it! Mummy was so mad at him, She threatened to throw him away and leave him to fend for himself in the cold and the rain.
But, of course, She didn't - I don't think Shimshi, or any of Us thought for one moment that She would. But She wouldn't let him snuggle with her or even come near her for a Whole Day after that. I suppose one can't really blame her. It was such a lovely big bag - big enough for Shimshi or myself to sit inside it, I should say.

Fortunately, however, We don't need to worry about whether or not Santa is going to bring us prezzies, because, as I said, We celebrate Hanukkah in this house.

Mummy lights the candles on the Miaownorah and We all join in and sing Miaouoz Tzur. Tonight, We lit the sixth candle. Two more nights to go.

Happy Hanukkah!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Five Years Without Pixie

Hallo, Effurryone!

Caspurr here - speaking for all of Us. Tomorrow is one of our Sad Days, because it is the fifth anni-furrsary of the Departure of Princess PixieCato to the Rainbow Bridge. I have been chosen to write today's post, because Pixie was a Tigger-Tabby, like myself.

As always, on these Sad Days, We snuggle up with Mummy, and We look at pictures of beautiful Angel Pixie, and Mummy tells Us stories about her.

Mummy always finds it hard to choose which of the pictures She loves best - there are so many. But most of them are from Pixie's later years, after Mummy got her digital flashy box. Still, there are a few that Mummy took, with her "antique" camera, when Pixie was furry little. She scanned them and uploaded them to the Computer Machine.

This one, for instance:

That makes Us laugh - We think Pixie's ears look like the ears of a Bat. She could have been Batgirl (mol).
Mind you, My own ears are purr-ty large and I expect when I was a little, bitsy kitten, I must have looked a bit like a bat-cat myself.

Mummy said it's good to laugh. That way, We smile when We remember Pixie.

And here is Pixie when she was still quite a young kitty, watching TV, which she also enjoyed furry much.

Now here is Pixie after she and Possum and Mummy moved to their last flat, watching Mummy working at her desk and reminding her that She should get some exercise. Pixie was furry fond of exercise. She knew how impawtant it was. She could watch Humans doing it for hours at a stretch (mol).

In later years, Pixie became a furry majestic feline. Here is one of her Official Royal Portraits:

Of course, she wasn't always so serious. Here she is at Purim (though We aren't sure if she was any fonder than We are of being dressed up in silly hats):

This is one of Our Favourites. It shows Pixie engaged in something which is one of Our Favourite Activities also - snoozing! This was one of Pixie's favourite snoozing purr-sitions.

Here's another one of Pixie snoozing:

And here, she has just been woken up by Mummy and her  Flashy Box (yes, kitties! Pixie, too, was plagued by the Paparazzi. It's part of the Downside of Notoriety Fame).

Mummy has pictures of Pixie in her final days, but She doesn't want to remember her like that. Mummy prefers to remember Pixie in her prime, when she was fit and healthy and romping with her brofur, Possum. That's why this is her favourite picture of the two of them, which Mummy used also as the banner for her own blog:

We hope these pictures will bring back sweet memories of her to those of you who knew her, as well as show those of you who never had the purr-vilege of meeting her, what a Tough Act We have to follow.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Good News Sunday

Hallo there, Effurrybuddies!
Do We have some news for you?!
Not just any old News. IMPAWTANT News!

No, I mean it!

No, no, listen to Me, Effurrybuddies!


Are you ready? Are you sitting com-fur-tably?

Okay! Here it is!

Grandpa and Step-Grandma have adopted - a Woofie!
Here he is!

His name is Messi.
That's right. Like Lionel Messi, the footballer.

We don't know yet how he is with a ball, but he sure seems happy with this bone, doesn't he?


Grandpa and Step-Grandma gotcha-ed him from a shelter in Hadera. He is about one and a half years old and, appawrently, he was found wandering in the heavy rains, with no collar or means of identification, all lost and starving.

Grandpa says he is still furry thin and a bit scared, but they hope once he knows he has a warm, safe, loving furever home, he will start to blossom.

He only arrived yesterday, and Mummy hasn't seen him yet herself. Grandpa sent Us these photos by WhatsApp.

We have been giving a lot of thought about how We are related to the Woofie and it is Our Considered Opinion that, if he has been adopted by Grandpa and Step-Grandma, that makes him Our Uncle (sort of).

So say Hallo and Welcome to Messi, Effurrybuddies - the newest Member of Our Family.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Caspurr's Column

Hallo, Effurryone!

It is My Turn to impurr-ess you all with my literary skills. 
There isn't really all that much to tell, except that on Monday, Mummy had someone come round to fix a leak in her downstairs bathroom and We were shut up in the bedroom All Day! 
We HATE that. 

At furrst, We just slept. Shimshi and I curled up together in the only sun-puddle We could find (and it was a teensie, tiny one, as you can see)

and Trixie took up her favourite place on the stool in front of the dressing table, 

but even the most chillaxed kitty can only sleep for so long.

If Mummy hadn't come to let Us out effurry now and then to eat and go to the bathroom, We would have carried out the Most Spectacular Mischief.
We aren't going to reveal what it was we had planned - not yet, anyway.
Instead, We are going to save it for some other occasion.

Another Mean Thing Mummy did to Us was to go out yesterday on what She calls a "study trip" and leave Us all alone - all day!
Seriously, Kitties - much more of this kind of Neglect, and We are going to have to start looking for New Staff!

We would do that with a Great Deal of Regret, of course - because We love Mummy - but there is only so much a Kitty can stand, wouldn't you agree?

Purrs, nose-rubs and kitty kissies to you all from Me,

Caspurr, King of the Tigger-Tabbies (and my Fur-sibs).