Trixie here. I hope those of you who celebrate Chrissymouse had a good time, with plenty of yummy food and treats. As you know, We celebrate Hanukkah, not Chrissymouse - and I can tell you, it's a good thing too, because Caspurr and Shimshi would have been on Santa Claws' Naughty List for sure! I am sure he wouldn't have brought them Anything!
For starters, Caspurr peed on the cushion of one of the chairs in the living room. It's not the end of the world, because it can be washed - sort of - but Mummy and I suspect that it's him who has also been peeing on the armrest of the old sofa in the
But, of course, She didn't - I don't think Shimshi, or any of Us thought for one moment that She would. But She wouldn't let him snuggle with her or even come near her for a Whole Day after that. I suppose one can't really blame her. It was such a lovely big bag - big enough for Shimshi or myself to sit inside it, I should say.
Fortunately, however, We don't need to worry about whether or not Santa is going to bring us prezzies, because, as I said, We celebrate Hanukkah in this house.
Mummy lights the candles on the Miaownorah and We all join in and sing Miaouoz Tzur. Tonight, We lit the sixth candle. Two more nights to go.
Happy Hanukkah!