Hallo, Effurrybody!
Such excitement here! Our dear, dear furr-iend, Her Majesty Queen Katie Isabella, Queen of Tennessee and the Surrounding Territories, has nominated Us, for an awardie - the Shine On Award.
See how purr-ty it is!

Thank you effur so much, dear Katie! This is such a great honour!
Now, there are some rules that come with this award! We have to display the award logo on Our Blog (done that!), thank the purr-son who nominated Us (done that!) and link back to their blog (done that too!)
Next, we have to tell you seven things about Ourselves - (you probably know most of these things already, but here goes...):
1) We live with our Mummy in the Most Beautiful City in the Whole World - Jerusalem.
2) We love to play and our absolute favourite Toy (for the time being) is Our New Tunnel. But we also like playing with Dolls (Caspurr too!), especially when they've got long hair we can chew on.
3) Caspurr likes munching on cactus plants!
4) We like it when Mummy tells Us stories and reads Us poems. Our Favourite is "The Owl and the Pussycat". We could happily listen to that, over and over again, for Hours (mol).
5) Whenever Our Human sings the Cat Duet (both voices!) by Mr. Rossini, Trixie comes running to Her. We think it's terribly funny the way the Human gets the lyrics wrong. You wouldn't believe anyone could mispronounce "Miaou", would you?
6) Our Mummy is a l-a-w-y-e-r. Before she retired, she used to be a criminal purr-secutor. We don't know what that is, exactly, but it sounds furry impawtant, doesn't it?
7) Our Human is writing a Book.
Now, the last rule is, we have to nominate other bloggers for this awardie and link to them. We're not sure how many we're supposed to nominate (Queen Katie Isabella, who nominated Us, only nominated one other blog, but we've seen other award winners who nominated more than that, so We don't know exactly how many other bloggers we can share this award with).
Well, here goes:
1) Meowmeowmans for their contribution to caring for homeless kitties in shelters, in need of a loving home;
2) Ginger Jasper (for being so handsome and furry);
3 ) Austin Towers aka CATachresis, for his many contributions to increasing our vocatabulary;
4) Kate Crimmins and her Feline Family at Views and Mews by Coffee Kat.
Finally, we would like to nominate all those kitties and woofies who have flown away to the Rainbow Bridge but who continue to blog from that Happy Place, some frequently, others only occasionally (including, but not limited to, Admiral Hestorb and Angel Keisha the Spaniel), because they do, indeed, Shine On, up there at the Bridge, as they wait for us to be reunited with them some day.
1) Meowmeowmans for their contribution to caring for homeless kitties in shelters, in need of a loving home;
2) Ginger Jasper (for being so handsome and furry);
3 ) Austin Towers aka CATachresis, for his many contributions to increasing our vocatabulary;
4) Kate Crimmins and her Feline Family at Views and Mews by Coffee Kat.
Finally, we would like to nominate all those kitties and woofies who have flown away to the Rainbow Bridge but who continue to blog from that Happy Place, some frequently, others only occasionally (including, but not limited to, Admiral Hestorb and Angel Keisha the Spaniel), because they do, indeed, Shine On, up there at the Bridge, as they wait for us to be reunited with them some day.
Congratulations on your award. Loved learning more about you too.
Concatulations on your award! We love the awards that allow us to find out new things about you.
Congrats on your shiny award! We liked learning more about you. :)
Oh a big CONCATS to you guys :)) And thank you for including me among your blogs to pass on to :)) I feel honoured that I can help lawyer kitties with their vocatabulary!!! xoxo
Thank you so much for the beautiful award and mum will post it as soon as she is able. I loved reading those things about you. Take care Hugs GJ xx
That's a beautiful award, sweet friends! ConCATulations and Mazal Tov to you on this well-deserved honor!
And thank you so very much for your thoughtfulness in sharing it with us. We loved learning more about you and Mummy. :)
Big hugs!
Thanks you for nominating my humble blog. Jake, Mollie, Hazel and Morgan are all basking in the limelight because of course, this award is for their contributions!
Oh thank you so much. Admiral Hestorb herself! She is deeply honored! And I love Angel Keisha! I will hop over there and see what she has done.
Fanks you so much for the awardie. I am letting katie answer for me just now.
Thank u so much for the very kind awardie. I will put a new post soon. :)
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