Greetings, Fellow Felines (and C-a-n-i-n-e-s and Humans too)!
One Human's misfortune makes this Feline's Lucky Day ;-). Well, I shouldn't really say that, because it's my Human who is home on antibiotics, but it means that She can therefore spend the whole day with Me. Her elbow got all swollen up and the doctor said she got water on the elbow and instead of it getting better, it got infected. So now She's going to be off work for the rest of the week and I get to enjoy her services (I mean her company) for four whole days at a stretch. No being left alone while She goes out to work. Regular snacks throughout the day. Lots and lots of loving. Of course, the downside of all this is that instead of being allowed to sleep in peace and quiet, I am constantly being disturbed by the paparazzi ;-)!
I must admit, the results look pretty good, don't you think?
Greetings, Fellow Felines (and C-a-n-i-n-e-s and Humans)!
Tomorrow will mark the thirtieth day since Pixie flew off to the Bridge. I have been thinking about Mummy's idea of getting a new little kitty to keep Me company. She thinks a very young kitty would be best. I suppose there's something in that. She says I could teach a little kitten proper feline ways. That's true. A little kitty would know who's Boss around here and show Me due respect (I would hope). But, on the other hand, a little kitten would want to be running about and playing all the time and maybe I wouldn't be able to keep up. I'm a very senior feline now, after all, and what I enjoy most is curling up next to Mummy and sleeping. A little kitten would be ever so playful and cute - and maybe Mummy would start to love the new furbaby more than me, because he or she would be more fun.
But then again, being such a very senior kitty, maybe I should be thinking about the time when I'm no longer here. If there were to be a new little kitten, chosen by Pixie and properly trained by Me, then when the time comes and Pixie whispers in my ear that it's time for me to join her at the Bridge, I could go knowing that Mummy would be properly cared for.
But - if she has a new furbaby, maybe, after I, too, leave for the Bridge, Mummy won't think about me at all?!
No, no, impossible... Oh, kitties, I am so very confused. I don't know what to do. Does Mummy want a new kitty for Me - or for Her?
Greetings, Fellow Felines - and C-a-n-i-n-e-s and Humans too!
I want to thank you all for your words of support to Mummy and Me. We are trying to comfort each other, but it's very hard. I can't remember a time when there was no Pixie. She was with us for so long - since we were both tiny kittens. I've seen Mummy look for her instinctively when she gets home from work. And it's so very lonely for Me, now that I have nobody to play with or to talk to when Mummy is out. Mummy talks sometimes of bringing home a new little kitty. She asks me if I would like that, if I would like to have some company. I don't know how to answer her. When Pixie was sick and getting all the attention, I sometimes had wicked thoughts about how I would have Mummy all to myself, if Pixie weren't here. But I didn't mean it, kitties! I didn't! And now I'm so lonely without her!