Greetings, Fellow Felines!
That is how Possum, Who Went Before, used to open his blog posts. And why are We using it today? Read on, and all will become clear.
Last week, Mummy neglected to mention that the furry next day was the 12th anniversary of Possum's Journey to the Rainbow Bridge. It was furry repurrehensible of Her, but in mitigation, We have to explain that the previous day, She and her Human Family marked the end of the 30 Days of Mourning for her sister and brother-in-law, Auntie Y. and Uncle N. and her head was in something of a whirl. She remembered right after Our post went live, but didn't know how best to fit it into the blog, because, after all, Possum deserves a Post of his own, doesn't he?
So instead, We are honouring Possum by making him Our Repurresentative in this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Deliciously and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
Remember how Possum loved to lie on his back with his legs in the air, asking for tummy rubs?
Well, here is an iconic picture of him, doing just that. Moreover, We gave the picture a lovely seasonal touch with an autumnal frame. That is because Mummy was finally forced to concede that Autumn has arrived, since on Simchat Torah, which was last Thursday, we start praying for rain (no sign of it yet!) and since last night, We put the clocks back. In fact, She also took down the winter bed-linen - the lovely flannel sheets and the duvet - all the better to enjoy that Extra Hour of Sleep (mol).
So here is Possum the Magnificat, in all his Glory!
And in honour of Howloween later this week, We have artified Possum's pawtrait with LunaPic's Dark filter, at 42%, and added a creepy Howloween-themed outer frame:
What next?
Oh, yes! Of course! The blog hop badges! Here they are:

And now, it is time to visit as many of you as We can before Mummy lies down for a rest before Caterwauling Purractice this evening...
See you next week - Same Cat Time, Same Cat Channel.
Till then - be well. Be safe. We love you all.