Greetings, Effurrybuddies!
Boy, oh boy! What a fur-raising night We had!
Evil humans in Purr-sia (Iran) tried to kill Us last night. They shot hundreds of missiles and sent drones to attack Us. We knew they were coming but on the radio, they said the drones would arrive between 2 - 4 am. Mummy went to bed, thinking that if and when they arrived in Jerusalem, She would be woken by the sirens. But She couldn't fall asleep and at about 1:40 am, She thought She heard loud boomies overhead. She sat up, not sure if that was what She had really heard and THEN, the sirens started (NB: the app in her phone that was supposed to warn her of an impending attack did NOT go off!!!). There was no time even to think about running down to the shelter. Mummy grabbed her phone and a bottle of water and a pillow and rushed into the inner corridor which is the safest place in the apawtment (no outer walls or windows) where She lay down on the floor. It's a good thing Uncle D. had suggested the pillow earlier in the evening. The floor is hard and cold. Civil Defence instructions were to wait 10 whole minutes in the "Safe Space", but Mummy waited half an hour, all the while texting family and neighbours, because there were quite a lot more boomies. As far as We know, only the neighbours on the ground floor went to the shelter.
After that, She turned on the TV and listened to that a bit, before returning to bed. That was when it became clear that the boomies were the result of ballistic missiles being intercepted over Jerusalem! As a result, Mummy got only about four hours sleep, so We are going to keep this post brief and let her try to catch a couple of hours more Shut-Eye before going to Caterwauling Club this evening.
In the midst of Our Own Troubles here, We would like to take a moment to pay tribute to a Dear Furriend who departed last week for the Rainbow Bridge - a furry handsome, sweet woofie, dearest Lightning, of the Chronicle of Woos blog, who received his Angel wings last Wednesday, leaving his Humans and his fursibs, Misty and Timber, as well as his many friends here in the blogosphere, heartbroken.
Run free, sweet Lightning, now made young and healthy again, to bask in the Eternal Sunshine beyond the Rainbow Bridge.
It is My Turn, as you have no doubt realised, to lead My Fellow J-Cats on this weekend's blog hops - the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Delightfully and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
We picked out three photos of Me and artified each one with a different filter from LunaPic. We have also made mewtiful, pawtriotic frames for them all:
In this furrst one, I am enjoying a really nice, big sunpuddle:
The artification uses the Dark filter at 62%, topped up with an overlay of Brave at 33% (because I am - I'm the Mighty Shimshon, after all).
Next is a picture of Me trying to have My After Lunch Snooze (and not being allowed to, till I cooperated and agreed to pose for a Selfie):
The artsy-fartsy version of this one uses just one filter - Picasso, at 68%. It makes Me look much more like a tabby, doesn't it? And just look at my snaky-looking tail!
And finally, here is a close-up of Me, taken in honour of My Upcoming Birthday, this Wednesday, April 17th:
We artified this one with the Quirky filter. We liked it so much, and think it expurresses My Purr-sonality so well, that We left it at 100%. It completely changes My Colouring and makes Me look much more like My Brofur, Caspurr.
And here are the blog hop badges:

As We said, this Wednesday, April 17th, is My Birthday. I will be 10 years old! That is a furry impawtant number, isn't it? And naturally, We will be celebrating up in the Enchanted Forest, from 6 pm Israel time on that day. As always, you are all invited (and anyone who can get there a bit earlier to help set up the Bar - and the Barbecue - will be most welcome).
Now it is time to wrap this up and start blogging. We might not get to visit as many of you as We would like today, because We are all furry tired and need to catch up on the sleep We lost last night, so if We don't visit you today, We will continue hopping tomorrow.
One last thing - purrhaps the most impawtant of all - We would like to thank all of you who reached out to Us last night and earlier this morning, on WhatsApp, Fursbook and E-Mail, as well as via this blog, to make sure We were safe. It is most comforting to know We are not alone and that We have such good friends, both furry and human, all over the world.
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.