Hallo there, Faithful Furriends, Loyal Followers and Admirers!
Here I am again, Queen Trixie, Furrst of My Name etc. etc. etc. It has once more fallen to My Lot to lead My Fellow J-Cats on this weekend's blog hops - namely, the Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the Divinely Wise and Beautiful Athena and her HuMum, Marie, and the Sunday Selfies blog hop, hosted by the Deliciously and Predictably Unpredictable Kitties Blue and their HuMom, Janet.
I have three selfies for you to choose from this week - each of them artified with different filters from LunaPic. Mummy and I found it really, really hard to choose a favourite, either from the Originals or from the artsy-fartsy version. You simply must tell Us which one You like best, and Why!
Here goes:
The artification here was Nouveau (one of Our Purrennial Favourites) at 77%:
And now for Selfie no.#2:
For this one, We used Jungle, with an overlay of Shattered at 55%. We think the green emphasises my jewel-like eyes purrticularly well, don't you agree?
And now for no.#3:
It gives Me a kind of sultry, smouldering look, doesn't it?
I know I look rather exhausticated in all three of them - but it's no wonder. We ate so much at the Independence Day Barbecue, and partied late into the night, I swear I haven't yet recovered My Equilibrium!
Fortunately, We have a week or so to rest before Lag ba'Omer, which falls next week. We told you, didn't We - Party Season has begun (mol)!
Now, for those of you whose Humans enjoy reading about Mummy's Biblical archaeology field-trips all over the country, We have a Treat. We (and She) know that She has fallen rather behind with her own bloggie, but if you follow this link, you can read about a trip She took just before Pessach (Passover) up north, to the Gilboa region. Of course, She met some cats up there too, when they stopped for lunch - doesn't She always (mol)?
She also has to report that some of her regular Community Cats seem to have disappeared. She hasn't seen Gibori for ages. Melba, too, put in an appearance only once, the other day, after being missing for weeks. On the other hand, there are several new kitties - and CalliCallou still turns up, regular as clockwork, every day (well, several times a day in fact), demanding to be fed. Mummy thinks it's time for another attempt to kitnap bring her indoors.
It's time to put up the Blog Hop Badges:

Time to go now. Mummy has several things to do before She can have her pre-Caterwauling Practice nap.
Till next time then.
Be well. Be safe. We love you all.